/* KUTE.js - The Light Tweening Engine * package jQuery Plugin * by dnp_theme * Licensed under MIT-License */ (function(root,factory){ // We need to require the root KUTE and jQuery. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(["./kute.js", "jquery"], function(KUTE, $){ factory($, KUTE); return KUTE; }); } else if(typeof module == "object" && typeof require == "function") { // We assume, that require() is sync. var KUTE = require("./kute.js"); var $ = require("jquery"); // Export the modified one. Not really required, but convenient. module.exports = factory($, KUTE); } else if (typeof root.KUTE !== "undefined" && (typeof root.$ !== 'undefined' || typeof root.jQuery !== 'undefined' ) ) { // jQuery always has two ways of existing... Find one, and pass. var $ = root.jQuery || root.$, KUTE = root.KUTE; factory($, KUTE); } else { throw new Error("jQuery Plugin for KUTE.js depend on KUTE.js and jQuery"); } })(this, function($, KUTE) { 'use strict'; $.fn.fromTo = function(from,to,ops) { var el = this.length > 1 ? this : this[0], method = this.length > 1 ? 'allFromTo' : 'fromTo'; return KUTE[method](el,from,to,ops); }; $.fn.to = function(to,ops) { var el = this.length > 1 ? this : this[0], method = this.length > 1 ? 'allTo' : 'to'; return KUTE[method](el,to,ops); }; return this; });