thednp 0b7fd91bab Changes, lots of them:
* Updated SVGPathCommander to make use of the new features, the SVG morph components can now process paths in Node.js
* svgCubicMorph component now can morph lines properly, as shown in the updated demo
* svgMorph component also updated
* documentation updates for more clarity with the morph components
2020-09-23 18:59:39 +00:00

146 lines
4.1 KiB

import Components from '../objects/components.js'
import getStyleForProperty from '../process/getStyleForProperty.js'
import numbers from '../interpolation/numbers.js'
import {onStartDraw} from './svgDrawBase.js'
// const svgDraw = { property : 'draw', defaultValue, Interpolate: {numbers} }, functions = { prepareStart, prepareProperty, onStart }
// Component Util
function percent (v,l) {
return parseFloat(v) / 100 * l
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/30376660
function getRectLength(el) { // returns the length of a Rect
let w = el.getAttribute('width'),
h = el.getAttribute('height');
return (w*2)+(h*2);
function getPolyLength(el) {
// getPolygonLength / getPolylineLength - return the length of the Polygon / Polyline
const points = el.getAttribute('points').split(' ');
let len = 0;
if (points.length > 1) {
const coord = p => {
const c = p.split(',');
if (c.length != 2) { return; } // return undefined
if (isNaN(c[0]) || isNaN(c[1])) { return; }
return [parseFloat(c[0]), parseFloat(c[1])];
const dist = (c1, c2) => {
if (c1 != undefined && c2 != undefined) {
return Math.sqrt((c2[0] - c1[0]) ** 2 + (c2[1] - c1[1]) ** 2);
return 0;
if (points.length > 2) {
for (let i=0; i<points.length-1; i++) {
len += dist(coord(points[i]), coord(points[i+1]));
len += el.tagName === 'polygon' ? dist(coord(points[0]), coord(points[points.length - 1])) : 0;
return len;
function getLineLength(el) { // return the length of the line
const x1 = el.getAttribute('x1');
const x2 = el.getAttribute('x2');
const y1 = el.getAttribute('y1');
const y2 = el.getAttribute('y2');
return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2+(y2 - y1) ** 2);
function getCircleLength(el) { // return the length of the circle
const r = el.getAttribute('r');
return 2 * Math.PI * r;
function getEllipseLength(el) { // returns the length of an ellipse
const rx = el.getAttribute('rx'), ry = el.getAttribute('ry'), len = 2*rx, wid = 2*ry;
return ((Math.sqrt(.5 * ((len * len) + (wid * wid)))) * (Math.PI * 2)) / 2;
function getTotalLength(el) { // returns the result of any of the below functions
if ('rect'===el.tagName) {
return getRectLength(el);
} else if ('circle'===el.tagName) {
return getCircleLength(el);
} else if ('ellipse'===el.tagName) {
return getEllipseLength(el);
} else if (['polygon,polyline'].indexOf(el.tagName)>-1) {
return getPolyLength(el);
} else if ('line'===el.tagName) {
return getLineLength(el);
function getDraw(e,v) {
let length = /path|glyph/.test(e.tagName) ? e.getTotalLength() : getTotalLength(e),
start, end, d, o;
if ( v instanceof Object ) {
return v;
} else if (typeof v === 'string') {
v = v.split(/\,|\s/);
start = /%/.test(v[0]) ? percent(v[0].trim(),length) : parseFloat(v[0]);
end = /%/.test(v[1]) ? percent(v[1].trim(),length) : parseFloat(v[1]);
} else if (typeof v === 'undefined') {
o = parseFloat(getStyleForProperty(e,'stroke-dashoffset'));
d = getStyleForProperty(e,'stroke-dasharray').split(/\,/);
start = 0-o;
end = parseFloat(d[0]) + start || length;
return { s: start, e: end, l: length };
function resetDraw(elem) {
elem.style.strokeDashoffset = ``;
elem.style.strokeDasharray = ``;
// Component Functions
function getDrawValue(){
return getDraw(this.element);
function prepareDraw(a,o){
return getDraw(this.element,o);
// All Component Functions
const svgDrawFunctions = {
prepareStart: getDrawValue,
prepareProperty: prepareDraw,
onStart: onStartDraw
// Component Full
const svgDraw = {
component: 'svgDraw',
property: 'draw',
defaultValue: '0% 0%',
Interpolate: {numbers},
functions: svgDrawFunctions,
// Export to global for faster execution
Util: {
export default svgDraw
Components.SVGDraw = svgDraw