2020-07-02 10:49:06 +00:00

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<h2 class="head-title">HTML Attributes</h2>
<p class="condensed lead">The component that animates color attributes or any single value presentation attribute of a target element on most browsers.</p>
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<h3 class="border text-right">Overview</h3>
<p class="condensed text-right">Animate a wide variety of presetantion attributes of a target element.</p>
<div class="col9 border">
<p class="lead condensed">The KUTE.js <b>HTML Attributes</b> component enables animation for any numeric presentation attribute, with or without a measurement unit / suffix as well as specific color attributes.</p>
<p>The component can be a great asset for creating complex animations in combination with the SVG components as we'll see in the following examples.</p>
<p>The component doesn't support attributes with multiple values like <b>stroke-dasharray</b>, <b>viewBox</b> or <b>transform</b> for specific reasons. To animate the <b>stroke</b> related attributes, the
<a href="svgDraw.html">SVG Draw</a> component is the tool for you, while for transform you have the <a href="svgTransform.html">SVG Transform</a> component and the
<a href="transformMatrix.html">Transform Matrix</a> component.</p>
<p>Despite the "limitations" of this component, you have access to just about any <b>SVGElement</b> or <b>Element</b>
<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute" target="_blank">presentation attribute</a> available.</p>
<div class="content-wrap">
<h3>General Usage</h3>
<pre><code class="language-javascript">// basic notation for unitless attributes
var myAttrTween = KUTE.to('selector', {attr: {attributeName: 75}});
// OR for attributes that are ALWAYS suffixed / have a measurement unit
var mySuffAttrTween = KUTE.to('selector', {attr:{attributeName: '15%'}});
<h3>Attributes Namespace</h3>
<p>The <b>HTML Attributes</b> component can handle all possible single value presentation attributes with both dashed string and camel-case notation. Let's have a look at a sample notation so you can
get the idea:</p>
<pre><code class="language-javascript">// dashed attribute notation
var myDashedAttrStringTween = KUTE.to('selector', {attr: {'stroke-width': 75}});
// non-dashed attribute notation
var myNonDashedAttrStringTween = KUTE.to('selector', {attr:{strokeWidth: '15px'}});
<p>The <code>strokeWidth</code> attribute is very interesting because it can work with <code>px</code>, <code>%</code> or with no unit/suffix. In this case, and in any context, the component will always work with the
attribute's current value suffix to eliminate any possible janky animation.</p>
<h4>Color Attributes</h4>
<p>The <b>HTML Attributes</b> component can also animate color attributes: <code>fill</code>, <code>stroke</code> and <code>stopColor</code>. If the elements are affected by their CSS counterparts, the effect
is not visible, you need to make sure that doesn't happen.</p>
<pre><code class="language-javascript">// some fill rgb, rgba, hex
var fillTween = KUTE.to('#element-to-fill', {attr: { fill: 'red' }});
// some stopColor or 'stop-color'
var stopColorTween = KUTE.to('#element-to-do-stop-color', {attr: {stopColor: 'rgb(0,66,99)'}});
<div class="featurettes">
<svg class="example-box-model example-box" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 615 615">
<path id="fill" fill="#673AB7" d="M38.01,5.653h526.531c17.905,0,32.422,14.516,32.422,32.422v526.531
<div class="example-buttons">
<a id="fillBtn" class="btn btn-blue" href="javascript:void(0)">Start</a>
<p>If in this example the <code>fill</code> attribute value would reference a gradient, then <i>rgba(0,0,0,0)</i> is used. Keep in mind that the component will not work with combined
fill values like <code>url(#pattern) rgba()</code>, you are better of only using the <code>url(#pattern)</code> and use other attributes to control directly the animation of that
linked pattern, just like in the last example below.</p>
<h4>Unitless Attributes</h4>
<p>In the next example, let's play with the attributes of a <code>&lt;circle&gt;</code> element: radius and center coordinates.</p>
<pre><code class="language-javascript">// radius attribute
var radiusTween = KUTE.to('#circle', {attr: {r: 75}});
// coordinates of the circle center
var coordinatesTween = KUTE.to('#circle', {attr:{cx:0,cy:0}});
<p>A quick demo with the above:</p>
<div class="featurettes">
<svg class="example-box-model example-box" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 150 150">
<circle class="bg-orange" id="circle" cx="75" cy="75" r="40" />
<div class="example-buttons">
<a id="circleBtn" class="btn btn-orange" href="javascript:void(0)">Start</a>
<h4>Suffixed Attributes</h4 >
<p>Similar to the example on circle attributes, we can also animate the gradient positions but this time with a specific to gradients suffix, and the component will make sure
to always include the suffix for you, as in this example the <code>%</code> unit is found in the current value and used as unit for the DOM update:</p>
<pre><code class="language-javascript">// gradient positions to middle
var closingGradient = KUTE.to('#gradient', {attr: {x1:'49%', x2:'49%', y1:'49%', y2:'49%'}});
// gradient positions rotated
var rotatingGradient = KUTE.to('#gradient', {attr: {x1:'49%', x2:'51%', y1:'51%', y2:'51%'}});
<div class="featurettes">
<svg class="example-box-model example-box" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 615 615">
<linearGradient id="gradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color: #e91b1f; stop-opacity:1"></stop>
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color: #2196F3; stop-opacity:1"></stop>
<path fill="url(#gradient)" d="M38.01,5.653h526.531c17.905,0,32.422,14.516,32.422,32.422v526.531
<div class="example-buttons">
<a id="gradBtn" class="btn btn-pink" href="javascript:void(0)">Start</a>
<li>The power of this little gem comes from the fact that it can work with internally undefined/unknown attributes, as well as with attributes that are not yet present in the W3 draft. As long as you provide valid values specific
to the attribute, the component will assign an update function and will always double check for the current value to determine if it needs a suffix or if the attribute name needs adjustments
(EG: <code>fillOpacity</code> becomes <code>fill-opacity</code>).</li>
<li>This component is a great addition to complement any SVG related component as well as a great complement to <a href="filterEffects.html">Filter Effects</a> component.</li>
<li>Remember to check your elements markup for changes, your animation might not be visible because equivalent CSS is used.</li>
<li>This component is bundled with the standard <i>kute.js</i> distribution file and the <i>demo/src/kute-extra.js</i> file.</li>
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