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<h2 id="tweenoptions">Tween Options</h2>
<h3>Common Options</h3>
<p>These options affect all types of tweens, no matter the properties used or context.</p>
<li><kbd>duration: 500</kbd> option allows you to set the animation duration in miliseconds. The default value is <strong>700</strong>.</li>
<li><kbd>repeat: 20</kbd> option allows you to run the animation of given tween multiple times. The default value is <strong>0</strong>.</li>
<li><kbd>delay: 500</kbd> option allows you to delay the tween animation for a certain number of miliseconds. The default value is <strong>0</strong>.</li>
<li><kbd>offset: 200</kbd> option is only for <code>.allTo()</code> and <code>.allFromTo()</code> methods. This allows you to set a base delay in miliseconds that increases with each element in the collection. This has no effect on other methods and the default value is <strong>0</strong>.</li>
<li><kbd>repeatDelay: 500</kbd> option allows you to set a number of miliseconds delay between repeatable animations. If <code>repeat</code> option is set to <strong>0</strong>, will produce no effect. The default value is <strong>0</strong>.</li>
<li><kbd>yoyo: true/false</kbd> option makes use of the internal reverse functionality to also animate from <b>end</b> to <b>start</b> for a given tween. This option requires that you use the <code>repeat</code> option with at least value <b>1</b>. The default value is <strong>false</strong>.</li>
<li><kbd>easing: 'easingCubicInOut'</kbd> option allows you to use a custom easing function for your animation. For more info on the easing functions, you need to see the example pages. The default value is <strong>linear</strong>.</li>
<h3>Transform Options</h3>
<p>These options only affect animation involving any 3D property from CSS3 <code>transform</code> and have no effect on other CSS properties. While you can set <code>perspective</code> or <code>perspective origin</code> via CSS, these options are here to help, especially with full browser support and preffix free handling.</p>
<li><kbd>perspective: 500</kbd> option allows you to set a 3D transformation <code>perspective</code> for a given HTML element. No default value.</li>
<li><kbd>perspectiveOrigin: "50% 50%"</kbd> option allows you to set a <code>perspectiveOrigin</code> for a given HTML. This option has no default value and only accepts valid CSS values according to it's specs.</li>
<li><kbd>parentPerspective: 500</kbd> option allows you to set a 3D <code>perspective</code> for the <strong>parent</strong> of the HTML element subject to the transform animation.</li>
<li><kbd>parentPerspectiveOrigin: "50% 50%"</kbd> option allows you to set a <code>perspectiveOrigin</code> for the parent of the HTML element subject to the transform animation. Also like the above similar options, this options only accepts valid CSS values.</li>
<li><kbd>transformOrigin: "50% 50%"</kbd> option allows you to set a <code>transformOrigin</code> for the HTML element subject to the transform animation. Also this options only accepts valid CSS values.</li>
<h3>SVG Plugin Options</h3>
<p>The following options only affect animation of the <code>path</code> tween property, to customize the SVG morph animation. See <a href="svg.html">SVG Plugin</a> page.</p>
<li><kbd>showMorphInfo: true</kbd> when <code>true</code> the script will log information about the morph in order to help you maximize/customize the morph.</li>
<li><kbd>morphPrecision: Number</kbd> option allows you to set the sampling size of the morph. The lesser value the better visual but the more power required.</li>
<li><kbd>morphIndex: Number</kbd> option allows you to rotate the second/end path in a way that the points travel the least possible distance during morph, and as an effect the morph animation feel more "natural".</li>
<li><kbd>reverseFirstPath: true</kbd> when is <code>true</code> this option allows you to reverse the draw direction of the FIRST shape.</li>
<li><kbd>reverseSecondPath: true</kbd> when is <code>true</code> this option allows you to reverse the draw direction of the SECOND shape.</li>
<h3>Text Plugin Options</h3>
<p>The only option for the plugin is the <kbd>textChars</kbd> option for the <kbd class="bg-olive">text</kbd> property and allows you to set the characters set for the scrambling character during the animation. See <a href="text.html">Text Plugin</a> page for more instructions and demo.</p>
<h3>Callback Options</h3>
<p>These options also affect all types of tweens, and are bound by the tween control options and the internal update functions.</p>
<li><kbd>start: function</kbd> option allows you to set a function to run once tween animation starts.</li>
<li><kbd>update: function</kbd> option allows you to set a function to run on every frame.</li>
<li><kbd>pause: function</kbd> option allows you to set a function to run when animation is paused.</li>
<li><kbd>resume: function</kbd> option allows you to set a function to run when animation is resumed.</li>
<li><kbd>stop: function</kbd> option allows you to set a function to run when animation is stopped.</li>
<li><kbd>complete: function</kbd> option allows you to set a function to run when animation is finished.</li>
<p>A quick example would look like this:</p>
<pre><code class="language-javascript">//define a function
var callback = function(){
//do some foo
//create object and start animating already
KUTE.fromTo(div,{left:150},{left:0},{complete: callback}).start();
<p><kbd>keepHex: true</kbd> option allows you to always use <code>HEX</code> color format, even if you have used <code>RGB</code> or <code>RGBA</code>. This option is useful when tweening color properties on legacy browsers, however modern browsers may ignore this option for performance reasons.</p>
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