thednp b0a6495748 Changes:
* replaced some path processing with SVGPathCommander
* minor improvements
2020-08-16 20:20:36 +00:00

144 lines
4.9 KiB

import Components from '../objects/components.js'
import selector from '../util/selector.js'
import numbers from '../interpolation/numbers.js'
import {onStartCubicMorph} from './svgCubicMorphBase.js'
import parsePathString from 'svg-path-commander/src/process/parsePathString.js'
import pathToAbsolute from 'svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToAbsolute.js'
import pathToCurve from 'svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToCurve.js'
import pathToString from 'svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToString.js'
import reverseCurve from 'svg-path-commander/src/process/reverseCurve.js'
// const SVGMorph = { property : 'path', defaultValue: [], interpolators: {numbers} }, functions = { prepareStart, prepareProperty, onStart, crossCheck }
// Component Util
function createPath (path) { // create a <path> when glyph
const np = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','path'),
d = path instanceof SVGElement ? path.getAttribute('d') : path
return np
function getRotationSegments(s,idx) {
let segsCount = s.length, pointCount = segsCount - 1
return s.map((p,i)=>{
let oldSegIdx = idx + i, seg;
if (i===0 || s[oldSegIdx] && s[oldSegIdx][0] === 'M') {
seg = s[oldSegIdx]
return ['M',seg[seg.length-2],seg[seg.length-1]]
} else {
if (oldSegIdx >= segsCount) oldSegIdx -= pointCount;
return s[oldSegIdx]
function getRotations(a) {
return a.map((s,i) => getRotationSegments(a,i))
function getRotatedCurve(a,b) {
let segCount = a.length - 1,
linePaths = [],
lineLengths = [],
rotations = getRotations(a);
let sumLensSqrd = 0,
linePath = createPath('M0,0L0,0'),
linePt1, ll1,
linePt2, ll2,
for (let j = 0; j < segCount; j++) {
linePt1 = a[(i + j) % segCount]; ll1 = linePt1.length
linePt2 = b[ j % segCount]; ll2 = linePt2.length
linePathStr = `M${linePt1[ll1-2]},${linePt1[ll1-1]}L${linePt2[ll2-2]},${linePt2[ll2-1]}`
sumLensSqrd += Math.pow(linePath.getTotalLength(),2);
linePaths[j] = linePath;
lineLengths[i] = sumLensSqrd
sumLensSqrd = 0
let computedIndex = lineLengths.indexOf(Math.min.apply(null,lineLengths))
return rotations[computedIndex]
// Component Functions
function getCubicMorph(tweenProp){
return this.element.getAttribute('d');
function prepareCubicMorph(tweenProp,value){
// get path d attribute or create a path from string value
let pathObject = {},
el = value instanceof SVGElement ? value : /^\.|^\#/.test(value) ? selector(value) : null,
pathReg = new RegExp('\\n','ig'); // remove newlines, they break some JSON strings
try {
// make sure to return pre-processed values
if ( typeof(value) === 'object' && value.curve ) {
return value;
} else if ( el && /path|glyph/.test(el.tagName) ) {
pathObject.original = el.getAttribute('d').replace(pathReg,'');
// } else if (!el && /m|z|c|l|v|q|[0-9]|\,/gi.test(value)) { // maybe it's a string path already
} else if (!el && typeof(value) === 'string') { // maybe it's a string path already
pathObject.original = value.replace(pathReg,'');
return pathObject;
throw TypeError(`KUTE.js - ${INVALID_INPUT} ${e}`)
function crossCheckCubicMorph(tweenProp){
if (this.valuesEnd[tweenProp]) {
let pathCurve1 = this.valuesStart[tweenProp].curve,
pathCurve2 = this.valuesEnd[tweenProp].curve
if ( !pathCurve1 || !pathCurve2 || ( pathCurve1 && pathCurve2 && pathCurve1[0][0] === 'M' && pathCurve1.length !== pathCurve2.length) ) {
let path1 = this.valuesStart[tweenProp].original,
path2 = this.valuesEnd[tweenProp].original,
curves = pathToCurve(path1,path2)
let curve0 = this._reverseFirstPath ? reverseCurve(curves[0]) : curves[0],
curve1 = this._reverseSecondPath ? reverseCurve(curves[1]) : curves[1]
curve0 = getRotatedCurve.call(this,curve0,curve1)
this.valuesStart[tweenProp].curve = curve0;
this.valuesEnd[tweenProp].curve = curve1;
// All Component Functions
const svgCubicMorphFunctions = {
prepareStart: getCubicMorph,
prepareProperty: prepareCubicMorph,
onStart: onStartCubicMorph,
crossCheck: crossCheckCubicMorph
// Component Full
const svgCubicMorph = {
component: 'svgCubicMorph',
property: 'path',
defaultValue: [],
Interpolate: {numbers,pathToString},
functions: svgCubicMorphFunctions,
// export utils to global for faster execution
Util: {
pathToCurve, pathToAbsolute, pathToString, parsePathString,
getRotatedCurve, getRotations,
getRotationSegments, reverseCurve, createPath
export default svgCubicMorph
Components.SVGCubicMorph = svgCubicMorph