2016-03-16 16:28:07 +02:00

116 lines
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/* KUTE.js - The Light Tweening Engine
* package - Box Shadow Plugin
* desc - adds support for boxShadow property with an array of values [h-shadow, v-shadow, blur, spread, color, inset]
* examples
* var bShadowTween1 = KUTE.to('selector', {boxShadow: '1px 1px 1px #069'}); // accepting string value
* var bShadowTween2 = KUTE.to('selector', {boxShadow: [1, 1, 1, '#069', 'inset'] }); // accepting array value
* by dnp_theme
* Licensed under MIT-License
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(["./kute.js"], function(KUTE){ factory(KUTE); return KUTE; });
} else if(typeof module == "object" && typeof require == "function") {
var KUTE = require("./kute.js");
module.exports = factory(KUTE);
} else if ( typeof window.KUTE !== 'undefined' ) {
} else {
throw new Error("Box Shadow Plugin require KUTE.js.");
}( function (KUTE) {
'use strict';
// filter unsupported browsers
if (!('boxShadow' in document.body.style)) {return;}
// add a reference to KUTE object
var K = window.KUTE;
// the preffixed boxShadow property, mostly for legacy browsers
// maybe the browser is supporting the property with its vendor preffix
// box-shadow: none|h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color |inset|initial|inherit;
var _boxShadow = K.property('boxShadow'); // note we're using the KUTE.property() autopreffix utility
var colRegEx = /(\s?(?:#(?:[\da-f]{3}){1,2}|rgba?\(\d{1,3},\s*\d{1,3},\s*\d{1,3}\))\s?)/gi; // a full RegEx for color strings
// for the .to() method, you need to prepareStart the boxShadow property
// which means you need to read the current computed value
K.prS['boxShadow'] = function(element,property,value){
var cssBoxShadow = K.gCS(element,'boxShadow');
return /^none$|^initial$|^inherit$|^inset$/.test(cssBoxShadow) ? '0px 0px 0px 0px rgb(0,0,0)' : cssBoxShadow;
// the processProperty for boxShadow
// registers the K.dom['boxShadow'] function
// returns an array of 6 values with the following format
// [horizontal, vertical, blur, spread, color: {r:0,g:0,b:0}, inset]
K.pp['boxShadow'] = function(property,value,element){
if ( !('boxShadow' in K.dom) ) {
// the DOM update function for boxShadow registers here
// we only enqueue it if the boxShadow property is used to tween
K.dom['boxShadow'] = function(w,p,v) {
// let's start with the numbers | set unit | also determine inset
var numbers = [], unit = 'px', // the unit is always px
inset = w._vS[p][5] !== 'none' || w._vE[p][5] !== 'none' ? ' inset' : false;
for (var i=0; i<4; i++){
numbers.push( (w._vS[p][i] + (w._vE[p][i] - w._vS[p][i]) * v ) + unit);
// now we handle the color
var color, _color = {};
for (var c in w._vE[p][4]) {
_color[c] = parseInt(w._vS[p][4][c] + (w._vE[p][4][c] - w._vS[p][4][c]) * v )||0;
color = 'rgb(' + _color.r + ',' + _color.g + ',' + _color.b + ') ';
// the final piece of the puzzle, the DOM update
w._el.style[_boxShadow] = inset ? color + numbers.join(' ') + inset : color + numbers.join(' ');
// processProperty for boxShadow, builds basic structure with ready to tween values
if (typeof value === 'string'){
var color, inset = 'none';
// make sure to always have the inset last if possible
inset = /inset/.test(value) ? 'inset' : inset;
value = /inset/.test(value) ? value.replace(/(\s+inset|inset+\s)/g,'') : value;
// also getComputedStyle often returns color first "rgb(0, 0, 0) 15px 15px 6px 0px inset"
color = value.match(colRegEx);
value = value.replace(color[0],'').split(' ').concat([color[0].replace(/\s/g,'')],[inset]);
value = K.processBoxShadowArray(value);
} else if (value instanceof Array){
value = K.processBoxShadowArray(value);
return value;
// utility function to process values accordingly
// numbers must be integers and color must be rgb object
K.processBoxShadowArray = function(shadow){
var newShadow, i;
if (shadow.length === 3) { // [h-shadow, v-shadow, color]
newShadow = [shadow[0], shadow[1], 0, 0, shadow[2], 'none'];
} else if (shadow.length === 4) { // [h-shadow, v-shadow, color, inset] | [h-shadow, v-shadow, blur, color]
newShadow = /inset|none/.test(shadow[3]) ? [shadow[0], shadow[1], 0, 0, shadow[2], shadow[3]] : [shadow[0], shadow[1], shadow[2], 0, shadow[3], 'none'];
} else if (shadow.length === 5) { // [h-shadow, v-shadow, blur, color, inset] | [h-shadow, v-shadow, blur, spread, color]
newShadow = /inset|none/.test(shadow[4]) ? [shadow[0], shadow[1], shadow[2], 0, shadow[3], shadow[4]] : [shadow[0], shadow[1], shadow[2], shadow[3], shadow[4], 'none'];
} else if (shadow.length === 6) { // ideal [h-shadow, v-shadow, blur, spread, color, inset]
newShadow = shadow;
// make sure the values are ready to tween
for (i=0;i<4;i++){
newShadow[i] = parseFloat(newShadow[i]);
// also the color must be a rgb object
newShadow[4] = K.truC(newShadow[4]);
return newShadow;
return this;