thednp 2cb0800aed Changes:
* code cleanup, more readable code in plugins
* documentation fixes, the easing selectors fixed
2017-02-02 01:23:19 +02:00

150 lines
6.6 KiB

/* KUTE.js - The Light Tweening Engine
* package CSS Plugin
* by dnp_theme
* Licensed under MIT-License
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['./kute.js'], factory);
} else if(typeof module == 'object' && typeof require == 'function') {
module.exports = factory(require('./kute.js'));
} else if ( typeof root.KUTE !== 'undefined' ) {
} else {
throw new Error("CSS Plugin require KUTE.js.")
})(this, function(KUTE){
'use strict';
var g = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window, K = KUTE, DOM = K.dom, // connect to KUTE object and global
parseProperty = K.parseProperty, prepareStart = K.prepareStart, property = K.property,
getCurrentStyle = K.getCurrentStyle, trueDimension = K.truD, trueColor = K.truC,
number = g.Interpolate.number, unit = g.Interpolate.unit, color = g.Interpolate.color;
// supported properties
var colorProps = ['borderColor', 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'outlineColor'], // colors 'hex', 'rgb', 'rgba' -- #fff / rgb(0,0,0) / rgba(0,0,0,0)
boxModelProps = ['right', 'bottom', 'minWidth', 'minHeight', 'maxWidth', 'maxHeight',
'padding', 'margin', 'paddingTop','paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'marginTop','marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight',
'borderWidth', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'borderLeftWidth', 'outlineWidth'], // dimensions / box model
radiusProps = ['borderRadius', 'borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius'], // border radius px/%
textProps = ['fontSize','lineHeight','letterSpacing','wordSpacing'], // text properties
clipProp = ['clip'], bgPositionProp = ['backgroundPosition'], // clip | background position
textAndBoxProps = boxModelProps.concat(textProps), // a merge of all properties with px|%|em|rem|etc unit
allUnitProps = radiusProps.concat(boxModelProps,textProps), // a merge of all properties with px|%|em|rem|etc unit
cssPluginProps = colorProps.concat(clipProp, radiusProps, boxModelProps, textProps, bgPositionProp), al = cssPluginProps.length,
propsDefaultValues = propsDefaultValues || {}; //all properties default values
//populate default values object
for ( var i=0; i< al; i++ ){
if (colorProps.indexOf(cssPluginProps[i]) !== -1){
propsDefaultValues[cssPluginProps[i]] = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; // propsDefaultValues[p] = {r:0,g:0,b:0,a:1};
} else if ( allUnitProps.indexOf(cssPluginProps[i]) !== -1 ) {
propsDefaultValues[cssPluginProps[i]] = 0;
} else if ( bgPositionProp.indexOf(cssPluginProps[i]) !== -1 ){
propsDefaultValues[cssPluginProps[i]] = [50,50];
} else if ( cssPluginProps[i] === 'clip' ){
propsDefaultValues[cssPluginProps[i]] = [0,0,0,0];
// create prepare/process/render functions for additional colors properties
for (var i = 0, l = colorProps.length; i<l; i++) {
parseProperty[colorProps[i]] = function(p,v) {
if (!(p in DOM)) {
DOM[p] = function(l,p,a,b,v,o) {
l.style[p] = color(a,b,v,o.keepHex);
return trueColor(v);
prepareStart[colorProps[i]] = function(p){
return getCurrentStyle(this.element,p) || propsDefaultValues[p];
// create prepare/process/render functions for additional box model properties
for (var i = 0, l = textAndBoxProps.length; i<l; i++) {
parseProperty[textAndBoxProps[i]] = function(p,v){
if (!(p in DOM)){
if (boxModelProps.indexOf(p) > -1) {
DOM[p] = function(l,p,a,b,v){
l.style[p] = ( v > 0.98 || v<0.02 ? (number(a.v,b.v,v) * 100 >> 0)/100 : number(a.v,b.v,v)>>0 ) + b.u;
} else {
DOM[p] = function(l,p,a,b,v){
l.style[p] = ((number(a.v,b.v,v) * 100 >> 0)/100) + b.u;
return trueDimension(v);
prepareStart[textAndBoxProps[i]] = function(p,v){
return getCurrentStyle(this.element,p) || propsDefaultValues[p];
//create prepare/process/render functions for radius properties
for (var i = 0, l = radiusProps.length; i<l; i++) {
parseProperty[radiusProps[i]] = function(p,v){
if ( (!(p in DOM)) ) {
DOM[p] = function(l,p,a,b,v){
l.style[p] = ((number(a.v,b.v,v) * 100 >> 0)/100) + b.u;
return trueDimension(v);
prepareStart[radiusProps[i]] = function(p,v){
var radiusProp = p === radiusProps[0] ? radiusProps[1] : p; radiusProp = property(radiusProp); // old Safari has a problem with borderRadius
return getCurrentStyle(this.element,radiusProp) || propsDefaultValues[p];
// clip
parseProperty.clip = function(p,v){
if ( !(p in DOM) ) {
DOM[p] = function(l,p,a,b,v) {
var h = 0, cl = [];
for (h;h<4;h++){
var c1 = a[h].v, c2 = b[h].v, cu = b[h].u || 'px';
cl[h] = ((number(c1,c2,v)*100 >> 0)/100) + cu;
l.style[p] = 'rect('+cl+')';
if ( v instanceof Array ){
return [ trueDimension(v[0]), trueDimension(v[1]), trueDimension(v[2]), trueDimension(v[3]) ];
} else {
var ci = v.replace(/rect|\(|\)/g,'');
ci = /\,/g.test(ci) ? ci.split(/\,/g) : ci.split(/\s/g);
return [ trueDimension(ci[0]), trueDimension(ci[1]), trueDimension(ci[2]), trueDimension(ci[3]) ];
prepareStart.clip = function(p,v){
var currentClip = getCurrentStyle(this.element,p), w = getCurrentStyle(this.element,'width'), h = getCurrentStyle(this.element,'height');
return !/rect/.test(currentClip) ? [0, w, h, 0] : currentClip;
// background position
parseProperty.backgroundPosition = function(p,v) {
if ( !(p in DOM) ) {
DOM[p] = function(l,p,a,b,v) {
l.style[p] = ((number(a[0],b[0],v)*100>>0)/100) + '%' + ' ' + ((number(a[1],b[1],v)*100>>0)/100) + '%';
if ( v instanceof Array ){
var x = trueDimension(v[0]).v, y = trueDimension(v[1]).v;
return [ x !== NaN ? x : 50, y !== NaN ? y : 50 ];
} else {
var posxy = v.replace(/top|left/g,0).replace(/right|bottom/g,100).replace(/center|middle/g,50);
posxy = posxy.split(/(\,|\s)/g); posxy = posxy.length === 2 ? posxy : [posxy[0],50];
return [ trueDimension(posxy[0]).v, trueDimension(posxy[1]).v ];
prepareStart.backgroundPosition = function(p,v){
return getCurrentStyle(this.element,p) || propsDefaultValues[p];
return this;