thednp 2cb0800aed Changes:
* code cleanup, more readable code in plugins
* documentation fixes, the easing selectors fixed
2017-02-02 01:23:19 +02:00

72 lines
3.1 KiB

/* KUTE.js - The Light Tweening Engine
* package - KUTE.js Text Plugin
* desc - adds the tween numbers incremental and cool string writing/scrambling
* by dnp_theme & @dalisoft
* Licensed under MIT-License
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['./kute.js'], factory);
} else if(typeof module == 'object' && typeof require == 'function') {
module.exports = factory(require('./kute.js'));
} else if ( typeof root.KUTE !== 'undefined' ) {
} else {
throw new Error("Text-Plugin require KUTE.js.");
}(this, function (KUTE) {
'use strict';
var g = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window, // connect to KUTE object and global
K = KUTE, DOM = K.dom, prepareStart = K.prepareStart,
parseProperty = K.parseProperty, number = g.Interpolate.number,
defaultOptions = K.defaultOptions;
// let's go with the plugin
var lowerCaseAlpha = String("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz").split(""), // lowercase
upperCaseAlpha = String("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toUpperCase()).split(""), // uppercase
nonAlpha = String("~!@#$%^&*()_+{}[];'<>,./?\=-").split(""), // symbols
numeric = String("0123456789").split(""), // numeric
alphaNumeric = lowerCaseAlpha.concat(upperCaseAlpha,numeric), // alpha numeric
allTypes = alphaNumeric.concat(nonAlpha), // all caracters
random = Math.random, min = Math.min;
// set default textChars tween option since 1.6.1
defaultOptions.textChars = 'alpha';
prepareStart.text = prepareStart.number = function(p,v){
return this.element.innerHTML;
parseProperty.text = function(p,v) {
if ( !( 'text' in DOM ) ) {
DOM.text = function(l,p,a,b,v,o) {
var tp = tp || o.textChars === 'alpha' ? lowerCaseAlpha // textChars is alpha
: o.textChars === 'upper' ? upperCaseAlpha // textChars is numeric
: o.textChars === 'numeric' ? numeric // textChars is numeric
: o.textChars === 'alphanumeric' ? alphaNumeric // textChars is alphanumeric
: o.textChars === 'symbols' ? nonAlpha // textChars is symbols
: o.textChars ? o.textChars.split('') // textChars is a custom text
: lowerCaseAlpha, ll = tp.length,
t = tp[(random() * ll)>>0], initialText = '', endText = '', firstLetterA = a.substring(0), firstLetterB = b.substring(0);
// use string.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "") to strip HTML tags while animating ? this is definatelly a smart TO DO
initialText = a !== '' ? firstLetterA.substring(firstLetterA.length, min(v * firstLetterA.length, firstLetterA.length)>>0 ) : ''; // initial text, A value
endText = firstLetterB.substring(0, min(v * firstLetterB.length, firstLetterB.length)>>0 ); // end text, B value
l.innerHTML = v < 1 ? endText + t + initialText : b;
return v;
parseProperty['number'] = function(p,v,l) {
if ( !( 'number' in DOM ) ) {
DOM.number = function(l,p,a,b,v) {
l.innerHTML = number(a, b, v)>>0;
return parseInt(v) || 0;
return this;