2021-11-12 18:05:53 +02:00

903 lines
30 KiB

declare module "src/objects/kute" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/tweens" {
var _default: never[];
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/globalObject" {
export default globalObject;
let globalObject: any;
declare module "src/objects/interpolate" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/onStart" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/util/now" {
export default now;
let now: any;
declare module "src/core/render" {
export function stop(): void;
export default Render;
export let Tick: number;
export function Ticker(time: any): void;
namespace Render {
export { Tick };
export { Ticker };
export { Tweens };
export { Time };
import Tweens from "src/objects/tweens";
namespace Time {
export { now };
import now from "src/util/now";
declare module "src/objects/supportedProperties" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/defaultValues" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/defaultOptions" {
export default defaultOptions;
namespace defaultOptions {
const duration: number;
const delay: number;
const easing: string;
declare module "src/objects/prepareProperty" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/prepareStart" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/crossCheck" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/onComplete" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/linkProperty" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/objects/objects" {
namespace _default {
export { supportedProperties };
export { defaultValues };
export { defaultOptions };
export { prepareProperty };
export { prepareStart };
export { crossCheck };
export { onStart };
export { onComplete };
export { linkProperty };
export default _default;
import supportedProperties from "src/objects/supportedProperties";
import defaultValues from "src/objects/defaultValues";
import defaultOptions from "src/objects/defaultOptions";
import prepareProperty from "src/objects/prepareProperty";
import prepareStart from "src/objects/prepareStart";
import crossCheck from "src/objects/crossCheck";
import onStart from "src/objects/onStart";
import onComplete from "src/objects/onComplete";
import linkProperty from "src/objects/linkProperty";
declare module "src/objects/util" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/core/add" {
function _default(tw: any): number;
export default _default;
declare module "src/core/remove" {
function _default(tw: any): void;
export default _default;
declare module "src/core/getAll" {
function _default(): never[];
export default _default;
declare module "src/core/removeAll" {
function _default(): void;
export default _default;
declare module "src/core/linkInterpolation" {
export default function linkInterpolation(): void;
declare module "src/core/internals" {
namespace _default {
export { add };
export { remove };
export { getAll };
export { removeAll };
export { stop };
export { linkInterpolation };
export default _default;
import add from "src/core/add";
import remove from "src/core/remove";
import getAll from "src/core/getAll";
import removeAll from "src/core/removeAll";
import { stop } from "src/core/render";
import linkInterpolation from "src/core/linkInterpolation";
declare module "src/process/getInlineStyle" {
export default function getInlineStyle(el: any): {};
declare module "src/process/getStyleForProperty" {
export default function getStyleForProperty(elem: any, propertyName: any): any;
declare module "src/process/prepareObject" {
export default function prepareObject(obj: any, fn: any): void;
declare module "src/process/getStartValues" {
export default function getStartValues(): void;
export default class getStartValues {
valuesStart: {};
declare module "src/process/process" {
namespace _default {
export { getInlineStyle };
export { getStyleForProperty };
export { getStartValues };
export { prepareObject };
export default _default;
import getInlineStyle from "src/process/getInlineStyle";
import getStyleForProperty from "src/process/getStyleForProperty";
import getStartValues from "src/process/getStartValues";
import prepareObject from "src/process/prepareObject";
declare module "src/objects/connect" {
var _default: {};
export default _default;
declare module "src/easing/easing-bezier" {
export default Easing;
namespace Easing {
const linear: any;
const easingSinusoidalIn: any;
const easingSinusoidalOut: any;
const easingSinusoidalInOut: any;
const easingQuadraticIn: any;
const easingQuadraticOut: any;
const easingQuadraticInOut: any;
const easingCubicIn: any;
const easingCubicOut: any;
const easingCubicInOut: any;
const easingQuarticIn: any;
const easingQuarticOut: any;
const easingQuarticInOut: any;
const easingQuinticIn: any;
const easingQuinticOut: any;
const easingQuinticInOut: any;
const easingExponentialIn: any;
const easingExponentialOut: any;
const easingExponentialInOut: any;
const easingCircularIn: any;
const easingCircularOut: any;
const easingCircularInOut: any;
const easingBackIn: any;
const easingBackOut: any;
const easingBackInOut: any;
declare module "src/util/selector" {
export default function selector(el: any, multi: any): any;
declare module "src/core/queueStart" {
export default function queueStart(): void;
declare module "src/tween/tweenBase" {
export default class TweenBase {
constructor(targetElement: any, startObject: any, endObject: any, opsObject: any);
element: any;
playing: boolean;
_startTime: any;
_startFired: boolean;
valuesEnd: any;
valuesStart: any;
_resetStart: any;
_easing: any;
_duration: any;
_delay: any;
start(time: any): TweenBase;
stop(): TweenBase;
close(): void;
chain(args: any): TweenBase;
_chain: any;
stopChainedTweens(): void;
update(time: any): boolean;
declare module "src/tween/tween" {
export default class Tween extends TweenBase {
constructor(...args: any[]);
paused: boolean;
_pauseTime: any;
_repeat: any;
_repeatDelay: any;
_repeatOption: any;
valuesRepeat: {};
_yoyo: any;
_reversed: boolean;
resume(): Tween;
pause(): Tween;
reverse(): void;
import TweenBase from "src/tween/tweenBase";
declare module "src/tween/tweenCollection" {
export default class TweenCollection {
constructor(els: any, vS: any, vE: any, Options: any);
tweens: any[];
length: number;
start(time: any): TweenCollection;
stop(): TweenCollection;
pause(time: any): TweenCollection;
resume(time: any): TweenCollection;
chain(args: any): TweenCollection;
playing(): boolean;
removeTweens(): void;
getMaxDuration(): number;
declare module "src/interface/to" {
export default function to(element: any, endObject: any, optionsObj: any): any;
declare module "src/interface/fromTo" {
export default function fromTo(element: any, startObject: any, endObject: any, optionsObj: any): any;
declare module "src/interface/allTo" {
export default function allTo(elements: any, endObject: any, optionsObj: any): TweenCollection;
import TweenCollection from "src/tween/tweenCollection";
declare module "src/interface/allFromTo" {
export default function allFromTo(elements: any, startObject: any, endObject: any, optionsObj: any): TweenCollection;
import TweenCollection from "src/tween/tweenCollection";
declare module "src/animation/animation" {
export default class Animation {
constructor(Component: any);
setComponent(Component: any): Animation;
declare module "src/util/trueDimension" {
export default function trueDimension(dimValue: any, isAngle: any): {
v: number;
u: string;
declare module "src/interpolation/numbers" {
export default function numbers(a: any, b: any, v: any): number;
declare module "src/components/boxModelBase" {
export function boxModelOnStart(tweenProp: any): void;
export default baseBoxModel;
namespace baseBoxModel {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { baseBoxProps as properties };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export namespace functions {
export { baseBoxOnStart as onStart };
const baseBoxProps: string[];
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
const baseBoxOnStart: {};
declare module "src/components/boxModelEssential" {
export default essentialBoxModel;
namespace essentialBoxModel {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { essentialBoxProps as properties };
export { essentialBoxPropsValues as defaultValues };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { essentialBoxModelFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueDimension };
const essentialBoxProps: string[];
namespace essentialBoxPropsValues {
const top: number;
const left: number;
const width: number;
const height: number;
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace essentialBoxModelFunctions {
export { getBoxModel as prepareStart };
export { prepareBoxModel as prepareProperty };
export { essentialBoxOnStart as onStart };
import trueDimension from "src/util/trueDimension";
function getBoxModel(tweenProp: any): any;
function prepareBoxModel(tweenProp: any, value: any): number;
const essentialBoxOnStart: {};
declare module "src/util/hexToRGB" {
function _default(hex: any): {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
} | null;
export default _default;
declare module "src/util/trueColor" {
export default function trueColor(colorString: any): {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a?: undefined;
} | {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
} | undefined;
declare module "src/interpolation/colors" {
export default function colors(a: any, b: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/components/colorPropertiesBase" {
export function onStartColors(tweenProp: any): void;
export namespace baseColors {
const component: string;
const category: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
namespace functions {
export { colorsOnStart as onStart };
export default baseColors;
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "src/interpolation/colors";
const colorsOnStart: {};
declare module "src/components/colorProperties" {
export default colorProperties;
namespace colorProperties {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export { supportedColors as properties };
export { defaultColors as defaultValues };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { colorFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { trueColor };
const supportedColors: string[];
const defaultColors: {};
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "src/interpolation/colors";
namespace colorFunctions {
export { getColor as prepareStart };
export { prepareColor as prepareProperty };
export { colorsOnStart as onStart };
import trueColor from "src/util/trueColor";
function getColor(prop: any): any;
function prepareColor(prop: any, value: any): {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a?: undefined;
} | {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
} | undefined;
const colorsOnStart: {};
declare module "src/components/htmlAttributesBase" {
export namespace onStartAttr {
function attr(tweenProp: any): void;
function attr(tweenProp: any): void;
function attributes(tweenProp: any): void;
function attributes(tweenProp: any): void;
export default baseAttributes;
export const attributes: {};
namespace baseAttributes {
export { ComponentName as component };
export const property: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export namespace functions {
export { onStartAttr as onStart };
const ComponentName: "baseHTMLAttributes";
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "src/interpolation/colors";
declare module "src/components/htmlAttributes" {
export function getAttr(tweenProp: any, value: any): {};
export function prepareAttr(tweenProp: any, attrObj: any): {};
export default htmlAttributes;
namespace htmlAttributes {
export { ComponentName as component };
export const property: string;
export const subProperties: string[];
export const defaultValue: {
fill: string;
stroke: string;
'stop-color': string;
opacity: number;
'stroke-opacity': number;
'fill-opacity': number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { colors };
export { attrFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { replaceUppercase };
export { trueColor };
export { trueDimension };
const ComponentName: "htmlAttributes";
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
import colors from "src/interpolation/colors";
namespace attrFunctions {
export { getAttr as prepareStart };
export { prepareAttr as prepareProperty };
export { onStartAttr as onStart };
function replaceUppercase(a: any): any;
import trueColor from "src/util/trueColor";
import trueDimension from "src/util/trueDimension";
import { onStartAttr } from "src/components/htmlAttributesBase";
declare module "src/components/opacityPropertyBase" {
export function onStartOpacity(tweenProp: any): void;
export default baseOpacity;
namespace baseOpacity {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartOpacity as onStart };
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "src/components/opacityProperty" {
export default opacityProperty;
namespace opacityProperty {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: number;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { opacityFunctions as functions };
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace opacityFunctions {
export { getOpacity as prepareStart };
export { prepareOpacity as prepareProperty };
export { onStartOpacity as onStart };
function getOpacity(tweenProp: any): any;
function prepareOpacity(tweenProp: any, value: any): number;
import { onStartOpacity } from "src/components/opacityPropertyBase";
declare module "src/components/textWriteBase" {
export namespace onStartWrite {
function text(tweenProp: any): void;
function text(tweenProp: any): void;
function number(tweenProp: any): void;
function number(tweenProp: any): void;
export namespace baseTextWrite {
const component: string;
const category: string;
namespace defaultOptions {
const textChars: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartWrite as onStart };
namespace Util {
export { charSet };
export default baseTextWrite;
export namespace charSet {
export { lowerCaseAlpha as alpha };
export { upperCaseAlpha as upper };
export { nonAlpha as symbols };
export { numeric };
export { alphaNumeric as alphanumeric };
export { allTypes as all };
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
const lowerCaseAlpha: string[];
const upperCaseAlpha: string[];
const nonAlpha: string[];
const numeric: string[];
const alphaNumeric: string[];
const allTypes: string[];
declare module "src/components/textWrite" {
export function createTextTweens(target: any, newText: any, ops: any): false | any[];
export namespace textWriteFunctions {
export { getWrite as prepareStart };
export { prepareText as prepareProperty };
export { onStartWrite as onStart };
export namespace textWrite {
export const component: string;
export const category: string;
export const properties: string[];
export namespace defaultValues {
const text: string;
const number: string;
export namespace defaultOptions {
const textChars: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { textWriteFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { charSet };
export { createTextTweens };
export default textWrite;
function getWrite(): any;
function prepareText(tweenProp: any, value: any): any;
import { onStartWrite } from "src/components/textWriteBase";
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
import { charSet } from "src/components/textWriteBase";
declare module "src/interpolation/perspective" {
export default function perspective(a: any, b: any, u: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/interpolation/translate3d" {
export default function translate3d(a: any, b: any, u: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/interpolation/rotate3d" {
export default function rotate3d(a: any, b: any, u: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/interpolation/translate" {
export default function translate(a: any, b: any, u: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/interpolation/rotate" {
export default function rotate(a: any, b: any, u: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/interpolation/scale" {
export default function scale(a: any, b: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/interpolation/skew" {
export default function skew(a: any, b: any, u: any, v: any): string;
declare module "src/components/transformFunctionsBase" {
export function onStartTransform(tweenProp: any): void;
export default BaseTransform;
namespace BaseTransform {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace functions {
export { onStartTransform as onStart };
namespace Interpolate {
export { perspective };
export { translate3d };
export { rotate3d };
export { translate };
export { rotate };
export { scale };
export { skew };
import perspective from "src/interpolation/perspective";
import translate3d from "src/interpolation/translate3d";
import rotate3d from "src/interpolation/rotate3d";
import translate from "src/interpolation/translate";
import rotate from "src/interpolation/rotate";
import scale from "src/interpolation/scale";
import skew from "src/interpolation/skew";
declare module "src/components/transformFunctions" {
export default transformFunctionsComponent;
namespace transformFunctionsComponent {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export { supportedTransformProperties as subProperties };
export { defaultTransformValues as defaultValues };
export { transformFunctions as functions };
export namespace Interpolate {
export { perspective };
export { translate3d };
export { rotate3d };
export { translate };
export { rotate };
export { scale };
export { skew };
const supportedTransformProperties: string[];
namespace defaultTransformValues {
const perspective_1: number;
export { perspective_1 as perspective };
const translate3d_1: number[];
export { translate3d_1 as translate3d };
export const translateX: number;
export const translateY: number;
export const translateZ: number;
const translate_1: number[];
export { translate_1 as translate };
const rotate3d_1: number[];
export { rotate3d_1 as rotate3d };
export const rotateX: number;
export const rotateY: number;
export const rotateZ: number;
const rotate_1: number;
export { rotate_1 as rotate };
export const skewX: number;
export const skewY: number;
const skew_1: number[];
export { skew_1 as skew };
const scale_1: number;
export { scale_1 as scale };
namespace transformFunctions {
export { getTransform as prepareStart };
export { prepareTransform as prepareProperty };
export { onStartTransform as onStart };
export { crossCheckTransform as crossCheck };
import perspective from "src/interpolation/perspective";
import translate3d from "src/interpolation/translate3d";
import rotate3d from "src/interpolation/rotate3d";
import translate from "src/interpolation/translate";
import rotate from "src/interpolation/rotate";
import scale from "src/interpolation/scale";
import skew from "src/interpolation/skew";
function getTransform(tweenProperty: any): any;
function prepareTransform(prop: any, obj: any): {};
import { onStartTransform } from "src/components/transformFunctionsBase";
function crossCheckTransform(tweenProp: any): void;
declare module "src/components/svgDrawBase" {
export function onStartDraw(tweenProp: any): void;
export default baseSVGDraw;
namespace baseSVGDraw {
const component: string;
const property: string;
namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
namespace functions {
export { onStartDraw as onStart };
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
declare module "src/components/svgDraw" {
export default svgDraw;
namespace svgDraw {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: string;
export namespace Interpolate {
export { numbers };
export { svgDrawFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { getRectLength };
export { getPolyLength };
export { getLineLength };
export { getCircleLength };
export { getEllipseLength };
export { getTotalLength };
export { resetDraw };
export { getDraw };
export { percent };
import numbers from "src/interpolation/numbers";
namespace svgDrawFunctions {
export { getDrawValue as prepareStart };
export { prepareDraw as prepareProperty };
export { onStartDraw as onStart };
function getRectLength(el: any): number;
function getPolyLength(el: any): number;
function getLineLength(el: any): number;
function getCircleLength(el: any): number;
function getEllipseLength(el: any): number;
function getTotalLength(el: any): number;
function resetDraw(elem: any): void;
function getDraw(element: any, value: any): any;
function percent(v: any, l: any): number;
function getDrawValue(): any;
function prepareDraw(a: any, o: any): any;
import { onStartDraw } from "src/components/svgDrawBase";
declare module "src/interpolation/coords" {
export default function coords(a: any, b: any, l: any, v: any): never[][];
declare module "src/components/svgMorphBase" {
export function onStartSVGMorph(tweenProp: any): void;
export default baseSVGMorph;
namespace baseSVGMorph {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export { coords as Interpolate };
export namespace functions {
export { onStartSVGMorph as onStart };
import coords from "src/interpolation/coords";
declare module "src/components/svgMorph" {
export default svgMorph;
namespace svgMorph {
export const component: string;
export const property: string;
export const defaultValue: never[];
export { coords as Interpolate };
export namespace defaultOptions {
const morphPrecision: number;
const morphIndex: number;
export { svgMorphFunctions as functions };
export namespace Util {
export { addPoints };
export { bisect };
export { normalizeRing };
export { validRing };
export { getInterpolationPoints };
export { pathStringToRing };
export { distanceSquareRoot };
export { midPoint };
export { approximateRing };
export { rotateRing };
export { pathToString };
export { pathToCurve };
export { getPathLength };
export { getPointAtLength };
export { getDrawDirection };
export { roundPath };
import coords from "src/interpolation/coords";
namespace svgMorphFunctions {
export { getSVGMorph as prepareStart };
export { prepareSVGMorph as prepareProperty };
export { onStartSVGMorph as onStart };
export { crossCheckSVGMorph as crossCheck };
function addPoints(ring: any, numPoints: any): void;
function bisect(ring: any, maxSegmentLength?: number): void;
function normalizeRing(input: any, maxSegmentLength: any): any;
function validRing(ring: any): boolean;
function getInterpolationPoints(pathArray1: any, pathArray2: any, precision: any): any[];
function pathStringToRing(str: any, maxSegmentLength: any): {
ring: any[][];
pathLength: number;
} | {
pathLength: any;
ring: any[][];
skipBisect: boolean;
function approximateRing(parsed: any, maxSegmentLength: any): {
pathLength: any;
ring: any[][];
skipBisect: boolean;
function rotateRing(ring: any, vs: any): void;
function getSVGMorph(): any;
function prepareSVGMorph(tweenProp: any, value: any): any;
import { onStartSVGMorph } from "src/components/svgMorphBase";
function crossCheckSVGMorph(prop: any): void;
declare module "src/objects/componentsDefault" {
export default Components;
namespace Components {
export { EssentialBoxModel };
export { ColorsProperties };
export { HTMLAttributes };
export { OpacityProperty };
export { TextWrite };
export { TransformFunctions };
export { SVGDraw };
export { SVGMorph };
import EssentialBoxModel from "src/components/boxModelEssential";
import ColorsProperties from "src/components/colorProperties";
import HTMLAttributes from "src/components/htmlAttributes";
import OpacityProperty from "src/components/opacityProperty";
import TextWrite from "src/components/textWrite";
import TransformFunctions from "src/components/transformFunctions";
import SVGDraw from "src/components/svgDraw";
import SVGMorph from "src/components/svgMorph";
declare module "src/index" {
export default KUTE;
namespace KUTE {
export { Animation };
export { Components };
export { Tween };
export { fromTo };
export { to };
export { TweenCollection };
export { allFromTo };
export { allTo };
export { Objects };
export { Util };
export { Easing };
export { CubicBezier };
export { Render };
export { Interpolate };
export { Process };
export { Internals };
export { Selector };
export { Version };
import Animation from "src/animation/animation";
import Components from "src/objects/componentsDefault";
import Tween from "src/tween/tween";
import fromTo from "src/interface/fromTo";
import to from "src/interface/to";
import TweenCollection from "src/tween/tweenCollection";
import allFromTo from "src/interface/allFromTo";
import allTo from "src/interface/allTo";
import Objects from "src/objects/objects";
import Util from "src/objects/util";
import Easing from "src/easing/easing-bezier";
import Render from "src/core/render";
import Interpolate from "src/objects/interpolate";
import Process from "src/process/process";
import Internals from "src/core/internals";
import Selector from "src/util/selector";
import { version as Version } from "package.json";