Todo ==== * Fix images in questionnaire config to not use an abslute path, using a placeholder variable in the text (compatible with translation). * Maybe find another way to include image than the plain HTML in config file and translation. * Show result value indicator. * Take out some logic from controllers. * Use service providers for most stuff in `app/bootstrap.php`. * Peers: * externalize YAML parsing in `QuestionnairePeer`, * factorize peers to be injected as shared services. * Maybe find a way to factorize site title and other variables, for example using a Makefile to convert `.dist` files, like `` with `%title%` replaced with real variable during make process in target ``. * Not tested, but I guess the local server shown in readme may not work, as it don't rewrite URL's with Apache config override (`.htaccess`), and the website currently don't work with `/index.php/*` links. * Make the `.svnignore` work, or any way to ignore any directory and its content.