setName('play') ->setDescription('Play a stream') ->addArgument('stream', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Name of the stream') // ->addOption('bar', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, '') ->setHelp("The "); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $config = $this->getApplication()->getConfigLoader()->getConfig(); $stream = strtolower(trim($input->getArgument('stream'), "/ \r\n")); if (0 === preg_match('/^[\w-]+$/', $stream)) { $output->writeln('The stream name is not valid.'); return false; } $output->writeln(sprintf('Playing %s', $stream)); if (!empty($config['player']['before'])) { $command = $config['player']['before']; $process = new Process($command); $process->run(); } $hash = $this->getHash($this->getApplication()->buildUrl($stream.'/')); $command = $this->getApplication()->getPlayer($stream.'?t='.$hash); $process = new Process($command); if (!$this->getApplication()->isDebugMode()) { $callback = function ($type, $buffer) use ($output) { if ('err' !== $type) { $output->writeln($buffer); } }; } else { $callback = function ($type, $buffer) use ($output) { if ('err' === $type) { $output->writeln(sprintf('%s', $buffer)); } else { $output->writeln($buffer); } }; } $process->run($callback); } protected function getHash($streamUrl) { $page = file_get_contents($streamUrl); preg_match('/var streamURL = ".+\?t=([^"]+)"/s', $page, $match); if (!isset($match[1])) { throw new RuntimeException('Hash is not accessible.'); } return $match[1]; } }