# MU-GO This project helps you to run a HTTP server and publish videos using an API. A client gives you a way to play and download these videos in an interactive way. ## Installation Builds are available for Linux (64 bits). Download the latest binary from [releases](https://gitnet.fr/deblan/mu-go/releases). `mpv` and `wget` are required. ## Usage ### Server side ``` muget serve --listen --port 4000 --directory . --api-url ``` Arguments are optional. In case of a reverse proxy, edit the API Url, eg: `--api-url https://videos.example.com`. ### Client side ``` muget play --api-url muget play --api-url 1 # select the first video muget download --api-url --directory . muget download --api-url --directory . 1-10 # Download the 10 first videos ``` `--directory` is optional. In case of a reverse proxy, edit the API Url, eg: `--api-url https://videos.example.com`. By default, videos are listed from oldest to newer. You can sort by name this using `--order name`. To search videos by name, use `--name xxxxx`. You have several ways to select videos: * by number: * `10` * `1 12 42` * by range: * `1-12`: equals `1 2 3 ... 12` * `10-1`: equals `10 9 8 ... 1` * `*` or `*+`: equals `1 2 ... x` * `-*`: equals `x ... 3 2 1` * `12-`: equals `12 11 10 ... 1` * `12+`: equals `12 13 14 ... x`