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Styling in NativeScript UI: Styling How to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in NativeScript to change the appearance of GUI elements 16


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You change the looks and appearance of views (elements) in a NativeScript application similarly to how you do it in a web application—using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or changing the style object of the elements in JavaScript. Only a subset of the CSS language is supported.

Similarly to the DOM Style Object, each View instance exposes a style property, which holds all the style properties for the view. When the view is displayed, all its style properties are applied to the underlying native widget.

Applying CSS Styles

The CSS styles can be set on 3 different levels:

Regardless of what level you apply the CSS on, it is parsed, its selectors are evaluated, and its properties are applied to the style object of each selected view.

Application-Wide CSS

When the application starts, NativeScript checks if the file app.css exists. If it does, any CSS styles that it contains are loaded and used across all application pages. This file is a convenient place to store styles that will be used on multiple pages.

You can change the name of the file from which the application-wide CSS is loaded. You need to do the change before the application is started, usually in the app.js or app.ts file as shown below:

var application = require("application");
application.mainModule = "main-page";
application.cssFile = "style.css";

import application = require("application");
application.mainModule = "main-page";
application.cssFile = "style.css";


The path to the CSS file is relative to the application root folder.

Page-Specific CSS

When the page's XML declaration file is loaded, NativeScript looks for a CSS file with the same name (if such exists), reads any CSS styles that it finds and automatically loads and applies them to the page.

You can override CSS styles specified in the file by using the page's css property:

page.css = "button { color: red }";
page.css = "button { color: red }";

After you have set the default CSS for the page, you can add to it using two methods: adding CSS from a string and adding CSS from a file.

Adding CSS From a String

This snippet adds a new style to the current set of styles. This is quite useful when you need to add a small CSS chunk to an element (one example is for testing purposes):

page.addCss("button {background-color: blue}");
page.addCss("button {background-color: blue}");

Adding CSS From a File

This snippet again adds new CSS styles to the current set. However, this method reads them from a file. It is useful for organizing styles in files and reusing them across multiple pages.


The path to the CSS file is relative to the application root folder.

Inline CSS

Similarly to HTML, CSS can be defined inline for a UI view in the XML markup:

<Button text="inline style" style="background-color: green;"/>

Supported Selectors

Currently the CSS support is limited only to the selectors and properties listed in the current article.

NativeScript supports a subset of the CSS selector syntax. Let's go through the supported selectors:

Type Selector

Like CSS element selectors, type selectors in NativeScript select all views of a given type. Type selectors are case-insensitive, so you can use both button and Button.

button { background-color: gray }

Class Selector

Class selectors select all views with a given class. The class is set using the cssClass property of the view.

.title { font-size: 32 }
var label = new labelModule.Label();
label.cssClass = "title"
var label = new labelModule.Label();
label.cssClass = "title"

ID Selector

Id selectors select all views with a given id. The id is set using the id property of the view.

#login-button { background-color: blue }
var btn = new buttonModule.Button(); = "login-button"
var btn = new buttonModule.Button(); = "login-button"

Supported Properties

This is the list of the properties that can be set in CSS or through the style property of each View:

CSS Property JavaScript Property Description
color color Sets a solid-color value to the matched views foreground.
background-color backgroundColor Sets a solid-color value to the matched views background.
font-size fontSize Sets the font size of the matched view (only supports device-independent units).
text-align textAlignment Sets text alignment in the matched view. Possible values: "left" , "center", "right".
vertical-align verticalAlignment Sets the vertical alignment of the current view within its parent. Possible values: "top", "center", "bottom", "stretch".
horizontal-align horizontalAlignment Sets the horizontal alignment of the current view within its parent. Possible values: "left", "center", "right", "stretch".
margin margin Sets the margin of the view within its parent.
margin-top marginTop Sets the top margin of the view within its parent.
margin-right marginRight Sets the right margin of the view within its parent.
margin-bottom marginBottom Sets the bottom margin of the view within its parent.
margin-left marginLeft Sets the left margin of the view within its parent.
width width Sets the view width.
height height Sets the view height.
min-width minWidth Sets the minimal view width.
min-height minHeight Sets the minimal view height.
padding padding Sets the distance between the boundaries of layout container and its children.
padding-top paddingTop Sets the top padding of a layout container.
padding-right paddingRight Sets the right padding of a layout container.
padding-bottom paddingBottom Sets the bottom padding of a layout container.
padding-left paddingLeft Sets the left padding of a layout container.
visibility visibility Sets the view visibility. Possible values: "visible" or "collapsed".
opacity opacity Sets the view opacity. The value is in the [0, 1] range.