(function() { var PrinterTabView = OCA.Files.DetailTabView.extend({ id: 'printerTabView', className: 'tab printerTabView', /** * get label of tab */ getLabel: function() { return t('printer', 'Printer'); }, /** * get icon of tab */ getIcon: function() { return 'icon-info'; }, /** * Renders this details view * * @abstract */ render: function() { this._renderSelectList(this.$el); this.delegateEvents({ 'change #choose-orientation': '_onChangeEvent' }); }, _renderSelectList: function($el) { $el.html('
' + '
' ); }, /** * show tab only on files */ canDisplay: function(fileInfo) { if(fileInfo != null) { if(!fileInfo.isDirectory()) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * ajax callback for printing file */ check: function(fileInfo, orientation) { // skip call if fileInfo is null if(null == fileInfo) { _self.updateDisplay({ response: 'error', msg: t('printer', 'No fileinfo provided.') }); return; } var url = OC.generateUrl('/apps/printer/printfile'), data = {source: fileInfo.getFullPath(), orientation: orientation}, _self = this; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url, dataType: 'json', data: data, async: true, success: function(data) { _self.updateDisplay(data, orientation); } }); }, /** * display message from ajax callback */ updateDisplay: function(data, orientation) { var msg = ''; if('success' == data.response) { msg = orientation + ': ' + data.msg; } if('error' == data.response) { msg = data.msg; } msg += '

'; this.delegateEvents({ 'click #reload-print': '_onReloadEvent' }); this.$el.find('.get-print').html(msg); }, /** * changeHandler */ _onChangeEvent: function(ev) { var orientation = $(ev.currentTarget).val(); if(orientation != '') { this.$el.html('

' + t('printer', 'Printing document ...') + '

'); this.check(this.getFileInfo(), orientation); } }, _onReloadEvent: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this._renderSelectList(this.$el); this.delegateEvents({ 'change #choose-orientation': '_onChangeEvent' }); } }); OCA.Printer = OCA.Printer || {}; OCA.Printer.PrinterTabView = PrinterTabView; })();