/** * Standalone signaling server for the Nextcloud Spreed app. * Copyright (C) 2017 struktur AG * * @author Joachim Bauch * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package signaling import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/ed25519" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "encoding/pem" "errors" "fmt" "hash/fnv" "log" "net" "net/http" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "github.com/dlintw/goconf" "github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/gorilla/securecookie" "github.com/gorilla/websocket" ) var ( DuplicateClient = NewError("duplicate_client", "Client already registered.") HelloExpected = NewError("hello_expected", "Expected Hello request.") InvalidHelloVersion = NewError("invalid_hello_version", "The hello version is not supported.") UserAuthFailed = NewError("auth_failed", "The user could not be authenticated.") RoomJoinFailed = NewError("room_join_failed", "Could not join the room.") InvalidClientType = NewError("invalid_client_type", "The client type is not supported.") InvalidBackendUrl = NewError("invalid_backend", "The backend URL is not supported.") InvalidToken = NewError("invalid_token", "The passed token is invalid.") NoSuchSession = NewError("no_such_session", "The session to resume does not exist.") TokenNotValidYet = NewError("token_not_valid_yet", "The token is not valid yet.") TokenExpired = NewError("token_expired", "The token is expired.") // Maximum number of concurrent requests to a backend. defaultMaxConcurrentRequestsPerHost = 8 // Backend requests will be cancelled if they take too long. defaultBackendTimeoutSeconds = 10 // MCU requests will be cancelled if they take too long. defaultMcuTimeoutSeconds = 10 // New connections have to send a "Hello" request after 2 seconds. initialHelloTimeout = 2 * time.Second // Anonymous clients have to join a room after 10 seconds. anonmyousJoinRoomTimeout = 10 * time.Second // Sessions expire 30 seconds after the connection closed. sessionExpireDuration = 30 * time.Second // Run housekeeping jobs once per second housekeepingInterval = time.Second // Number of decoded session ids to keep. decodeCacheSize = 8192 // Minimum length of random data for tokens. minTokenRandomLength = 32 // Number of caches to use for keeping decoded session ids. The cache will // be selected based on the cache key to avoid lock contention. numDecodeCaches = 32 // Buffer sizes when reading/writing websocket connections. websocketReadBufferSize = 4096 websocketWriteBufferSize = 4096 // Delay after which a screen publisher should be cleaned up. cleanupScreenPublisherDelay = time.Second // Delay after which a "cleared" / "rejected" dialout status should be removed. removeCallStatusTTL = 5 * time.Second ) const ( privateSessionName = "private-session" publicSessionName = "public-session" ) func init() { RegisterHubStats() } type Hub struct { events AsyncEvents upgrader websocket.Upgrader cookie *securecookie.SecureCookie info *WelcomeServerMessage infoInternal *WelcomeServerMessage welcome atomic.Value // *ServerMessage closer *Closer readPumpActive atomic.Int32 writePumpActive atomic.Int32 shutdown *Closer shutdownScheduled atomic.Bool roomUpdated chan *BackendServerRoomRequest roomDeleted chan *BackendServerRoomRequest roomInCall chan *BackendServerRoomRequest roomParticipants chan *BackendServerRoomRequest mu sync.RWMutex ru sync.RWMutex sid atomic.Uint64 clients map[uint64]HandlerClient sessions map[uint64]Session rooms map[string]*Room roomSessions RoomSessions roomPing *RoomPing virtualSessions map[string]uint64 decodeCaches []*LruCache mcu Mcu mcuTimeout time.Duration internalClientsSecret []byte allowSubscribeAnyStream bool expiredSessions map[Session]time.Time anonymousSessions map[*ClientSession]time.Time expectHelloClients map[HandlerClient]time.Time dialoutSessions map[*ClientSession]bool remoteSessions map[*RemoteSession]bool backendTimeout time.Duration backend *BackendClient geoip *GeoLookup geoipOverrides map[*net.IPNet]string geoipUpdating atomic.Bool rpcServer *GrpcServer rpcClients *GrpcClients } func NewHub(config *goconf.ConfigFile, events AsyncEvents, rpcServer *GrpcServer, rpcClients *GrpcClients, etcdClient *EtcdClient, r *mux.Router, version string) (*Hub, error) { hashKey, _ := config.GetString("sessions", "hashkey") switch len(hashKey) { case 32: case 64: default: log.Printf("WARNING: The sessions hash key should be 32 or 64 bytes but is %d bytes", len(hashKey)) } blockKey, _ := config.GetString("sessions", "blockkey") blockBytes := []byte(blockKey) switch len(blockKey) { case 0: blockBytes = nil case 16: case 24: case 32: default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("the sessions block key must be 16, 24 or 32 bytes but is %d bytes", len(blockKey)) } internalClientsSecret, _ := config.GetString("clients", "internalsecret") if internalClientsSecret == "" { log.Println("WARNING: No shared secret has been set for internal clients.") } maxConcurrentRequestsPerHost, _ := config.GetInt("backend", "connectionsperhost") if maxConcurrentRequestsPerHost <= 0 { maxConcurrentRequestsPerHost = defaultMaxConcurrentRequestsPerHost } backend, err := NewBackendClient(config, maxConcurrentRequestsPerHost, version, etcdClient) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Printf("Using a maximum of %d concurrent backend connections per host", maxConcurrentRequestsPerHost) backendTimeoutSeconds, _ := config.GetInt("backend", "timeout") if backendTimeoutSeconds <= 0 { backendTimeoutSeconds = defaultBackendTimeoutSeconds } backendTimeout := time.Duration(backendTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second log.Printf("Using a timeout of %s for backend connections", backendTimeout) mcuTimeoutSeconds, _ := config.GetInt("mcu", "timeout") if mcuTimeoutSeconds <= 0 { mcuTimeoutSeconds = defaultMcuTimeoutSeconds } mcuTimeout := time.Duration(mcuTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second allowSubscribeAnyStream, _ := config.GetBool("app", "allowsubscribeany") if allowSubscribeAnyStream { log.Printf("WARNING: Allow subscribing any streams, this is insecure and should only be enabled for testing") } decodeCaches := make([]*LruCache, 0, numDecodeCaches) for i := 0; i < numDecodeCaches; i++ { decodeCaches = append(decodeCaches, NewLruCache(decodeCacheSize)) } roomSessions, err := NewBuiltinRoomSessions(rpcClients) if err != nil { return nil, err } roomPing, err := NewRoomPing(backend, backend.capabilities) if err != nil { return nil, err } geoipUrl, _ := config.GetString("geoip", "url") if geoipUrl == "default" || geoipUrl == "none" { geoipUrl = "" } if geoipUrl == "" { if geoipLicense, _ := config.GetString("geoip", "license"); geoipLicense != "" { geoipUrl = GetGeoIpDownloadUrl(geoipLicense) } } var geoip *GeoLookup var geoipOverrides map[*net.IPNet]string if geoipUrl != "" { if strings.HasPrefix(geoipUrl, "file://") { geoipUrl = geoipUrl[7:] log.Printf("Using GeoIP database from %s", geoipUrl) geoip, err = NewGeoLookupFromFile(geoipUrl) } else { log.Printf("Downloading GeoIP database from %s", geoipUrl) geoip, err = NewGeoLookupFromUrl(geoipUrl) } if err != nil { return nil, err } } else { log.Printf("Not using GeoIP database") } if options, _ := GetStringOptions(config, "geoip-overrides", true); len(options) > 0 { geoipOverrides = make(map[*net.IPNet]string, len(options)) for option, value := range options { var ip net.IP var ipNet *net.IPNet if strings.Contains(option, "/") { _, ipNet, err = net.ParseCIDR(option) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse CIDR %s: %s", option, err) } } else { ip = net.ParseIP(option) if ip == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse IP %s", option) } var mask net.IPMask if ipv4 := ip.To4(); ipv4 != nil { mask = net.CIDRMask(32, 32) } else { mask = net.CIDRMask(128, 128) } ipNet = &net.IPNet{ IP: ip, Mask: mask, } } value = strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(value)) if value == "" { log.Printf("IP %s doesn't have a country assigned, skipping", option) continue } else if !IsValidCountry(value) { log.Printf("Country %s for IP %s is invalid, skipping", value, option) continue } log.Printf("Using country %s for %s", value, ipNet) geoipOverrides[ipNet] = value } } hub := &Hub{ events: events, upgrader: websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: websocketReadBufferSize, WriteBufferSize: websocketWriteBufferSize, }, cookie: securecookie.New([]byte(hashKey), blockBytes).MaxAge(0), info: NewWelcomeServerMessage(version, DefaultFeatures...), infoInternal: NewWelcomeServerMessage(version, DefaultFeaturesInternal...), closer: NewCloser(), shutdown: NewCloser(), roomUpdated: make(chan *BackendServerRoomRequest), roomDeleted: make(chan *BackendServerRoomRequest), roomInCall: make(chan *BackendServerRoomRequest), roomParticipants: make(chan *BackendServerRoomRequest), clients: make(map[uint64]HandlerClient), sessions: make(map[uint64]Session), rooms: make(map[string]*Room), roomSessions: roomSessions, roomPing: roomPing, virtualSessions: make(map[string]uint64), decodeCaches: decodeCaches, mcuTimeout: mcuTimeout, internalClientsSecret: []byte(internalClientsSecret), allowSubscribeAnyStream: allowSubscribeAnyStream, expiredSessions: make(map[Session]time.Time), anonymousSessions: make(map[*ClientSession]time.Time), expectHelloClients: make(map[HandlerClient]time.Time), dialoutSessions: make(map[*ClientSession]bool), remoteSessions: make(map[*RemoteSession]bool), backendTimeout: backendTimeout, backend: backend, geoip: geoip, geoipOverrides: geoipOverrides, rpcServer: rpcServer, rpcClients: rpcClients, } hub.setWelcomeMessage(&ServerMessage{ Type: "welcome", Welcome: NewWelcomeServerMessage(version, DefaultWelcomeFeatures...), }) backend.hub = hub if rpcServer != nil { rpcServer.hub = hub } hub.upgrader.CheckOrigin = hub.checkOrigin r.HandleFunc("/spreed", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { hub.serveWs(w, r) }) return hub, nil } func (h *Hub) setWelcomeMessage(msg *ServerMessage) { h.welcome.Store(msg) } func (h *Hub) getWelcomeMessage() *ServerMessage { return h.welcome.Load().(*ServerMessage) } func (h *Hub) SetMcu(mcu Mcu) { h.mcu = mcu // Create copy of message so it can be updated concurrently. welcome := *h.getWelcomeMessage() if mcu == nil { h.info.RemoveFeature(ServerFeatureMcu, ServerFeatureSimulcast, ServerFeatureUpdateSdp) h.infoInternal.RemoveFeature(ServerFeatureMcu, ServerFeatureSimulcast, ServerFeatureUpdateSdp) welcome.Welcome.RemoveFeature(ServerFeatureMcu, ServerFeatureSimulcast, ServerFeatureUpdateSdp) } else { log.Printf("Using a timeout of %s for MCU requests", h.mcuTimeout) h.info.AddFeature(ServerFeatureMcu, ServerFeatureSimulcast, ServerFeatureUpdateSdp) h.infoInternal.AddFeature(ServerFeatureMcu, ServerFeatureSimulcast, ServerFeatureUpdateSdp) welcome.Welcome.AddFeature(ServerFeatureMcu, ServerFeatureSimulcast, ServerFeatureUpdateSdp) } h.setWelcomeMessage(&welcome) } func (h *Hub) checkOrigin(r *http.Request) bool { // We allow any Origin to connect to the service. return true } func (h *Hub) GetServerInfo(session Session) *WelcomeServerMessage { if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal { return h.infoInternal } return h.info } func (h *Hub) updateGeoDatabase() { if h.geoip == nil { return } if !h.geoipUpdating.CompareAndSwap(false, true) { // Already updating return } defer h.geoipUpdating.Store(false) backoff, err := NewExponentialBackoff(time.Second, 5*time.Minute) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create exponential backoff: %s", err) return } for !h.closer.IsClosed() { err := h.geoip.Update() if err == nil { break } log.Printf("Could not update GeoIP database, will retry in %s (%s)", backoff.NextWait(), err) backoff.Wait(context.Background()) } } func (h *Hub) Run() { go h.updateGeoDatabase() h.roomPing.Start() defer h.roomPing.Stop() defer h.backend.Close() housekeeping := time.NewTicker(housekeepingInterval) geoipUpdater := time.NewTicker(24 * time.Hour) loop: for { select { // Backend notifications from Nextcloud. case message := <-h.roomUpdated: h.processRoomUpdated(message) case message := <-h.roomDeleted: h.processRoomDeleted(message) case message := <-h.roomInCall: h.processRoomInCallChanged(message) case message := <-h.roomParticipants: h.processRoomParticipants(message) // Periodic internal housekeeping. case now := <-housekeeping.C: h.performHousekeeping(now) case <-geoipUpdater.C: go h.updateGeoDatabase() case <-h.closer.C: break loop } } if h.geoip != nil { h.geoip.Close() } } func (h *Hub) Stop() { h.closer.Close() } func (h *Hub) Reload(config *goconf.ConfigFile) { if h.mcu != nil { h.mcu.Reload(config) } h.backend.Reload(config) h.rpcClients.Reload(config) } func reverseSessionId(s string) (string, error) { // Note that we are assuming base64 encoded strings here. decoded, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(s) if err != nil { return "", err } for i, j := 0, len(decoded)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { decoded[i], decoded[j] = decoded[j], decoded[i] } return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(decoded), nil } func (h *Hub) encodeSessionId(data *SessionIdData, sessionType string) (string, error) { encoded, err := h.cookie.Encode(sessionType, data) if err != nil { return "", err } if sessionType == publicSessionName { // We are reversing the public session ids because clients compare them // to decide who calls whom. The prefix of the session id is increasing // (a timestamp) but the suffix the (random) hash. // By reversing we move the hash to the front, making the comparison of // session ids "random". encoded, err = reverseSessionId(encoded) } return encoded, err } func (h *Hub) getDecodeCache(cache_key string) *LruCache { hash := fnv.New32a() hash.Write([]byte(cache_key)) // nolint idx := hash.Sum32() % uint32(len(h.decodeCaches)) return h.decodeCaches[idx] } func (h *Hub) invalidateSessionId(id string, sessionType string) { if len(id) == 0 { return } cache_key := id + "|" + sessionType cache := h.getDecodeCache(cache_key) cache.Remove(cache_key) } func (h *Hub) setDecodedSessionId(id string, sessionType string, data *SessionIdData) { if len(id) == 0 { return } cache_key := id + "|" + sessionType cache := h.getDecodeCache(cache_key) cache.Set(cache_key, data) } func (h *Hub) decodeSessionId(id string, sessionType string) *SessionIdData { if len(id) == 0 { return nil } cache_key := id + "|" + sessionType cache := h.getDecodeCache(cache_key) if result := cache.Get(cache_key); result != nil { return result.(*SessionIdData) } if sessionType == publicSessionName { var err error id, err = reverseSessionId(id) if err != nil { return nil } } var data SessionIdData if h.cookie.Decode(sessionType, id, &data) != nil { return nil } cache.Set(cache_key, &data) return &data } func (h *Hub) GetSessionByPublicId(sessionId string) Session { data := h.decodeSessionId(sessionId, publicSessionName) if data == nil { return nil } h.mu.RLock() defer h.mu.RUnlock() session := h.sessions[data.Sid] if session != nil && session.PublicId() != sessionId { // Session was created on different server. return nil } return session } func (h *Hub) GetSessionByResumeId(resumeId string) Session { data := h.decodeSessionId(resumeId, privateSessionName) if data == nil { return nil } h.mu.RLock() defer h.mu.RUnlock() session := h.sessions[data.Sid] if session != nil && session.PrivateId() != resumeId { // Session was created on different server. return nil } return session } func (h *Hub) GetDialoutSession(roomId string, backend *Backend) *ClientSession { url := backend.Url() h.mu.RLock() defer h.mu.RUnlock() for session := range h.dialoutSessions { if session.backend.Url() != url { continue } if session.GetClient() != nil { return session } } return nil } func (h *Hub) checkExpiredSessions(now time.Time) { for session, expires := range h.expiredSessions { if now.After(expires) { h.mu.Unlock() log.Printf("Closing expired session %s (private=%s)", session.PublicId(), session.PrivateId()) session.Close() h.mu.Lock() // Should already be deleted by the close code, but better be sure. delete(h.expiredSessions, session) } } } func (h *Hub) checkAnonymousSessions(now time.Time) { for session, timeout := range h.anonymousSessions { if now.After(timeout) { // This will close the client connection. h.mu.Unlock() if client := session.GetClient(); client != nil { client.SendByeResponseWithReason(nil, "room_join_timeout") } session.Close() h.mu.Lock() } } } func (h *Hub) checkInitialHello(now time.Time) { for client, timeout := range h.expectHelloClients { if now.After(timeout) { // This will close the client connection. h.mu.Unlock() client.SendByeResponseWithReason(nil, "hello_timeout") h.mu.Lock() } } } func (h *Hub) performHousekeeping(now time.Time) { h.mu.Lock() h.checkExpiredSessions(now) h.checkAnonymousSessions(now) h.checkInitialHello(now) h.mu.Unlock() } func (h *Hub) removeSession(session Session) (removed bool) { session.LeaveRoom(true) h.invalidateSessionId(session.PrivateId(), privateSessionName) h.invalidateSessionId(session.PublicId(), publicSessionName) h.mu.Lock() if data := session.Data(); data != nil && data.Sid > 0 { delete(h.clients, data.Sid) if _, found := h.sessions[data.Sid]; found { delete(h.sessions, data.Sid) statsHubSessionsCurrent.WithLabelValues(session.Backend().Id(), session.ClientType()).Dec() removed = true } } delete(h.expiredSessions, session) if session, ok := session.(*ClientSession); ok { delete(h.anonymousSessions, session) delete(h.dialoutSessions, session) } if h.IsShutdownScheduled() && !h.hasSessionsLocked(false) { go h.shutdown.Close() } h.mu.Unlock() return } func (h *Hub) hasSessionsLocked(withInternal bool) bool { if withInternal { return len(h.sessions) > 0 } for _, s := range h.sessions { if s.ClientType() != HelloClientTypeInternal { return true } } return false } func (h *Hub) startWaitAnonymousSessionRoom(session *ClientSession) { h.mu.Lock() defer h.mu.Unlock() h.startWaitAnonymousSessionRoomLocked(session) } func (h *Hub) startWaitAnonymousSessionRoomLocked(session *ClientSession) { if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal { // Internal clients don't need to join a room. return } // Anonymous sessions must join a public room within a given time, // otherwise they get disconnected to avoid blocking resources forever. now := time.Now() h.anonymousSessions[session] = now.Add(anonmyousJoinRoomTimeout) } func (h *Hub) startExpectHello(client HandlerClient) { h.mu.Lock() defer h.mu.Unlock() if !client.IsConnected() { return } if client.IsAuthenticated() { return } // Clients must send a "Hello" request to get a session within a given time. now := time.Now() h.expectHelloClients[client] = now.Add(initialHelloTimeout) } func (h *Hub) processNewClient(client HandlerClient) { h.startExpectHello(client) h.sendWelcome(client) } func (h *Hub) sendWelcome(client HandlerClient) { client.SendMessage(h.getWelcomeMessage()) } func (h *Hub) registerClient(client HandlerClient) uint64 { sid := h.sid.Add(1) for sid == 0 { sid = h.sid.Add(1) } h.mu.Lock() defer h.mu.Unlock() h.clients[sid] = client return sid } func (h *Hub) unregisterClient(sid uint64) { h.mu.Lock() defer h.mu.Unlock() delete(h.clients, sid) } func (h *Hub) unregisterRemoteSession(session *RemoteSession) { h.mu.Lock() defer h.mu.Unlock() delete(h.remoteSessions, session) } func (h *Hub) newSessionIdData(backend *Backend) *SessionIdData { sid := h.sid.Add(1) for sid == 0 { sid = h.sid.Add(1) } sessionIdData := &SessionIdData{ Sid: sid, Created: time.Now(), BackendId: backend.Id(), } return sessionIdData } func (h *Hub) processRegister(c HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage, backend *Backend, auth *BackendClientResponse) { if !c.IsConnected() { // Client disconnected while waiting for "hello" response. return } if auth.Type == "error" { c.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(auth.Error)) return } else if auth.Type != "auth" { c.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(UserAuthFailed)) return } client, ok := c.(*Client) if !ok { log.Printf("Can't register non-client %T", c) client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(errors.New("can't register non-client"))) return } sessionIdData := h.newSessionIdData(backend) privateSessionId, err := h.encodeSessionId(sessionIdData, privateSessionName) if err != nil { client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) return } publicSessionId, err := h.encodeSessionId(sessionIdData, publicSessionName) if err != nil { client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) return } userId := auth.Auth.UserId if userId != "" { log.Printf("Register user %s@%s from %s in %s (%s) %s (private=%s)", userId, backend.Id(), client.RemoteAddr(), client.Country(), client.UserAgent(), publicSessionId, privateSessionId) } else if message.Hello.Auth.Type != HelloClientTypeClient { log.Printf("Register %s@%s from %s in %s (%s) %s (private=%s)", message.Hello.Auth.Type, backend.Id(), client.RemoteAddr(), client.Country(), client.UserAgent(), publicSessionId, privateSessionId) } else { log.Printf("Register anonymous@%s from %s in %s (%s) %s (private=%s)", backend.Id(), client.RemoteAddr(), client.Country(), client.UserAgent(), publicSessionId, privateSessionId) } session, err := NewClientSession(h, privateSessionId, publicSessionId, sessionIdData, backend, message.Hello, auth.Auth) if err != nil { client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) return } if err := backend.AddSession(session); err != nil { log.Printf("Error adding session %s to backend %s: %s", session.PublicId(), backend.Id(), err) session.Close() client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) return } if limit := uint32(backend.Limit()); limit > 0 && h.rpcClients != nil { var totalCount atomic.Uint32 totalCount.Add(uint32(backend.Len())) var wg sync.WaitGroup ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) defer cancel() for _, client := range h.rpcClients.GetClients() { wg.Add(1) go func(c *GrpcClient) { defer wg.Done() count, err := c.GetSessionCount(ctx, backend.ParsedUrl()) if err != nil { log.Printf("Received error while getting session count for %s from %s: %s", backend.Url(), c.Target(), err) return } if count > 0 { log.Printf("%d sessions connected for %s on %s", count, backend.Url(), c.Target()) totalCount.Add(count) } }(client) } wg.Wait() if totalCount.Load() > limit { backend.RemoveSession(session) log.Printf("Error adding session %s to backend %s: %s", session.PublicId(), backend.Id(), SessionLimitExceeded) session.Close() client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(SessionLimitExceeded)) return } } h.mu.Lock() if !client.IsConnected() { // Client disconnected while waiting for backend response. h.mu.Unlock() session.Close() return } session.SetClient(client) h.sessions[sessionIdData.Sid] = session h.clients[sessionIdData.Sid] = client delete(h.expectHelloClients, client) if userId == "" && session.ClientType() != HelloClientTypeInternal { h.startWaitAnonymousSessionRoomLocked(session) } else if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal && session.HasFeature(ClientFeatureStartDialout) { // TODO: There is a small race condition for sessions that take some time // between connecting and joining a room. h.dialoutSessions[session] = true } h.mu.Unlock() if country := client.Country(); IsValidCountry(country) { statsClientCountries.WithLabelValues(country).Inc() } statsHubSessionsCurrent.WithLabelValues(backend.Id(), session.ClientType()).Inc() statsHubSessionsTotal.WithLabelValues(backend.Id(), session.ClientType()).Inc() h.setDecodedSessionId(privateSessionId, privateSessionName, sessionIdData) h.setDecodedSessionId(publicSessionId, publicSessionName, sessionIdData) h.sendHelloResponse(session, message) } func (h *Hub) processUnregister(client HandlerClient) Session { session := client.GetSession() h.mu.Lock() delete(h.expectHelloClients, client) if session != nil { delete(h.clients, session.Data().Sid) now := time.Now() h.expiredSessions[session] = now.Add(sessionExpireDuration) } h.mu.Unlock() if session != nil { log.Printf("Unregister %s (private=%s)", session.PublicId(), session.PrivateId()) if c, ok := client.(*Client); ok { if cs, ok := session.(*ClientSession); ok { cs.ClearClient(c) } } } client.Close() return session } func (h *Hub) processMessage(client HandlerClient, data []byte) { var message ClientMessage if err := message.UnmarshalJSON(data); err != nil { if session := client.GetSession(); session != nil { log.Printf("Error decoding message from client %s: %v", session.PublicId(), err) session.SendError(InvalidFormat) } else { log.Printf("Error decoding message from %s: %v", client.RemoteAddr(), err) client.SendError(InvalidFormat) } return } if err := message.CheckValid(); err != nil { if session := client.GetSession(); session != nil { log.Printf("Invalid message %+v from client %s: %v", message, session.PublicId(), err) if err, ok := err.(*Error); ok { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(err)) } else { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidFormat)) } } else { log.Printf("Invalid message %+v from %s: %v", message, client.RemoteAddr(), err) if err, ok := err.(*Error); ok { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(err)) } else { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidFormat)) } } return } statsMessagesTotal.WithLabelValues(message.Type).Inc() session := client.GetSession() if session == nil { if message.Type != "hello" { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(HelloExpected)) return } h.processHello(client, &message) return } switch message.Type { case "room": h.processRoom(client, &message) case "message": h.processMessageMsg(client, &message) case "control": h.processControlMsg(client, &message) case "internal": h.processInternalMsg(client, &message) case "transient": h.processTransientMsg(client, &message) case "bye": h.processByeMsg(client, &message) case "hello": log.Printf("Ignore hello %+v for already authenticated connection %s", message.Hello, session.PublicId()) default: log.Printf("Ignore unknown message %+v from %s", message, session.PublicId()) } } func (h *Hub) sendHelloResponse(session *ClientSession, message *ClientMessage) bool { response := &ServerMessage{ Id: message.Id, Type: "hello", Hello: &HelloServerMessage{ Version: message.Hello.Version, SessionId: session.PublicId(), ResumeId: session.PrivateId(), UserId: session.UserId(), Server: h.GetServerInfo(session), }, } return session.SendMessage(response) } type remoteClientInfo struct { client *GrpcClient response *LookupResumeIdReply } func (h *Hub) tryProxyResume(c HandlerClient, resumeId string, message *ClientMessage) bool { client, ok := c.(*Client) if !ok { return false } var clients []*GrpcClient if h.rpcClients != nil { clients = h.rpcClients.GetClients() } if len(clients) == 0 { return false } rpcCtx, rpcCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer rpcCancel() var wg sync.WaitGroup ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(rpcCtx) defer cancel() var remoteClient atomic.Pointer[remoteClientInfo] for _, c := range clients { wg.Add(1) go func(client *GrpcClient) { defer wg.Done() if client.IsSelf() { return } response, err := client.LookupResumeId(ctx, resumeId) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not lookup resume id %s on %s: %s", resumeId, client.Target(), err) return } cancel() remoteClient.CompareAndSwap(nil, &remoteClientInfo{ client: client, response: response, }) }(c) } wg.Wait() if !client.IsConnected() { // Client disconnected while checking message. return false } info := remoteClient.Load() if info == nil { return false } rs, err := NewRemoteSession(h, client, info.client, info.response.SessionId) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create remote session %s on %s: %s", info.response.SessionId, info.client.Target(), err) return false } if err := rs.Start(message); err != nil { rs.Close() log.Printf("Could not start remote session %s on %s: %s", info.response.SessionId, info.client.Target(), err) return false } log.Printf("Proxy session %s to %s", info.response.SessionId, info.client.Target()) h.mu.Lock() defer h.mu.Unlock() h.remoteSessions[rs] = true delete(h.expectHelloClients, client) return true } func (h *Hub) processHello(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { resumeId := message.Hello.ResumeId if resumeId != "" { data := h.decodeSessionId(resumeId, privateSessionName) if data == nil { statsHubSessionResumeFailed.Inc() if h.tryProxyResume(client, resumeId, message) { return } client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(NoSuchSession)) return } h.mu.Lock() session, found := h.sessions[data.Sid] if !found || resumeId != session.PrivateId() { h.mu.Unlock() statsHubSessionResumeFailed.Inc() if h.tryProxyResume(client, resumeId, message) { return } client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(NoSuchSession)) return } clientSession, ok := session.(*ClientSession) if !ok { // Should never happen as clients only can resume their own sessions. h.mu.Unlock() log.Printf("Client resumed non-client session %s (private=%s)", session.PublicId(), session.PrivateId()) statsHubSessionResumeFailed.Inc() client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(NoSuchSession)) return } if !client.IsConnected() { // Client disconnected while checking message. h.mu.Unlock() return } if prev := clientSession.SetClient(client); prev != nil { log.Printf("Closing previous client from %s for session %s", prev.RemoteAddr(), session.PublicId()) prev.SendByeResponseWithReason(nil, "session_resumed") } delete(h.expiredSessions, clientSession) h.clients[data.Sid] = client delete(h.expectHelloClients, client) h.mu.Unlock() log.Printf("Resume session from %s in %s (%s) %s (private=%s)", client.RemoteAddr(), client.Country(), client.UserAgent(), session.PublicId(), session.PrivateId()) statsHubSessionsResumedTotal.WithLabelValues(clientSession.Backend().Id(), clientSession.ClientType()).Inc() h.sendHelloResponse(clientSession, message) clientSession.NotifySessionResumed(client) return } // Make sure client doesn't get disconnected while calling auth backend. h.mu.Lock() delete(h.expectHelloClients, client) h.mu.Unlock() switch message.Hello.Auth.Type { case HelloClientTypeClient: h.processHelloClient(client, message) case HelloClientTypeInternal: h.processHelloInternal(client, message) default: h.startExpectHello(client) client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidClientType)) } } func (h *Hub) processHelloV1(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) (*Backend, *BackendClientResponse, error) { url := message.Hello.Auth.parsedUrl backend := h.backend.GetBackend(url) if backend == nil { return nil, nil, InvalidBackendUrl } // Run in timeout context to prevent blocking too long. ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.backendTimeout) defer cancel() var auth BackendClientResponse request := NewBackendClientAuthRequest(message.Hello.Auth.Params) if err := h.backend.PerformJSONRequest(ctx, url, request, &auth); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // TODO(jojo): Validate response return backend, &auth, nil } func (h *Hub) processHelloV2(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) (*Backend, *BackendClientResponse, error) { url := message.Hello.Auth.parsedUrl backend := h.backend.GetBackend(url) if backend == nil { return nil, nil, InvalidBackendUrl } token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(message.Hello.Auth.helloV2Params.Token, &HelloV2TokenClaims{}, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { // Only public-private-key algorithms are supported. var loadKeyFunc func([]byte) (interface{}, error) switch token.Method.(type) { case *jwt.SigningMethodRSA: loadKeyFunc = func(data []byte) (interface{}, error) { return jwt.ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM(data) } case *jwt.SigningMethodECDSA: loadKeyFunc = func(data []byte) (interface{}, error) { return jwt.ParseECPublicKeyFromPEM(data) } case *jwt.SigningMethodEd25519: loadKeyFunc = func(data []byte) (interface{}, error) { if !bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("-----BEGIN ")) { // Nextcloud sends the Ed25519 key as base64-encoded public key data. decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(data)) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := ed25519.PublicKey(decoded) data, err = x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } data = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "PUBLIC KEY", Bytes: data, }) } return jwt.ParseEdPublicKeyFromPEM(data) } default: log.Printf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"]) return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"]) } // Run in timeout context to prevent blocking too long. ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.backendTimeout) defer cancel() keyData, cached, found := h.backend.capabilities.GetStringConfig(ctx, url, ConfigGroupSignaling, ConfigKeyHelloV2TokenKey) if !found { if cached { // The Nextcloud instance might just have enabled JWT but we probably use // the cached capabilities without the public key. Make sure to re-fetch. h.backend.capabilities.InvalidateCapabilities(url) keyData, _, found = h.backend.capabilities.GetStringConfig(ctx, url, ConfigGroupSignaling, ConfigKeyHelloV2TokenKey) } if !found { return nil, fmt.Errorf("No key found for issuer") } } key, err := loadKeyFunc([]byte(keyData)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse token key: %w", err) } return key, nil }) if err != nil { if err, ok := err.(*jwt.ValidationError); ok { if err.Errors&jwt.ValidationErrorIssuedAt == jwt.ValidationErrorIssuedAt { return nil, nil, TokenNotValidYet } if err.Errors&jwt.ValidationErrorExpired == jwt.ValidationErrorExpired { return nil, nil, TokenExpired } } return nil, nil, InvalidToken } claims, ok := token.Claims.(*HelloV2TokenClaims) if !ok || !token.Valid { return nil, nil, InvalidToken } now := time.Now() if !claims.VerifyIssuedAt(now, true) { return nil, nil, TokenNotValidYet } if !claims.VerifyExpiresAt(now, true) { return nil, nil, TokenExpired } auth := &BackendClientResponse{ Type: "auth", Auth: &BackendClientAuthResponse{ Version: message.Hello.Version, UserId: claims.Subject, User: claims.UserData, }, } return backend, auth, nil } func (h *Hub) processHelloClient(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { // Make sure the client must send another "hello" in case of errors. defer h.startExpectHello(client) var authFunc func(HandlerClient, *ClientMessage) (*Backend, *BackendClientResponse, error) switch message.Hello.Version { case HelloVersionV1: // Auth information contains a ticket that must be validated against the // Nextcloud instance. authFunc = h.processHelloV1 case HelloVersionV2: // Auth information contains a JWT that contains all information of the user. authFunc = h.processHelloV2 default: client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidHelloVersion)) return } backend, auth, err := authFunc(client, message) if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(*Error); ok { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(e)) } else { client.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) } return } h.processRegister(client, message, backend, auth) } func (h *Hub) processHelloInternal(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { defer h.startExpectHello(client) if len(h.internalClientsSecret) == 0 { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidClientType)) return } // Validate internal connection. rnd := message.Hello.Auth.internalParams.Random mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, h.internalClientsSecret) mac.Write([]byte(rnd)) // nolint check := hex.EncodeToString(mac.Sum(nil)) if len(rnd) < minTokenRandomLength || check != message.Hello.Auth.internalParams.Token { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidToken)) return } backend := h.backend.GetBackend(message.Hello.Auth.internalParams.parsedBackend) if backend == nil { client.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidBackendUrl)) return } auth := &BackendClientResponse{ Type: "auth", Auth: &BackendClientAuthResponse{}, } h.processRegister(client, message, backend, auth) } func (h *Hub) disconnectByRoomSessionId(ctx context.Context, roomSessionId string, backend *Backend) { sessionId, err := h.roomSessions.LookupSessionId(ctx, roomSessionId, "room_session_reconnected") if err == ErrNoSuchRoomSession { return } else if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not get session id for room session %s: %s", roomSessionId, err) return } session := h.GetSessionByPublicId(sessionId) if session == nil { // Session is located on a different server. Should already have been closed // but send "bye" again as additional safeguard. msg := &AsyncMessage{ Type: "message", Message: &ServerMessage{ Type: "bye", Bye: &ByeServerMessage{ Reason: "room_session_reconnected", }, }, } if err := h.events.PublishSessionMessage(sessionId, backend, msg); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not send reconnect bye to session %s: %s", sessionId, err) } return } log.Printf("Closing session %s because same room session %s connected", session.PublicId(), roomSessionId) session.LeaveRoom(false) switch sess := session.(type) { case *ClientSession: if client := sess.GetClient(); client != nil { client.SendByeResponseWithReason(nil, "room_session_reconnected") } } session.Close() } func (h *Hub) sendRoom(session *ClientSession, message *ClientMessage, room *Room) bool { response := &ServerMessage{ Type: "room", } if message != nil { response.Id = message.Id } if room == nil { response.Room = &RoomServerMessage{ RoomId: "", } } else { response.Room = &RoomServerMessage{ RoomId: room.id, Properties: room.properties, } } return session.SendMessage(response) } func (h *Hub) processRoom(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { session, ok := client.GetSession().(*ClientSession) if !ok { return } roomId := message.Room.RoomId if roomId == "" { if session == nil { return } // We can handle leaving a room directly. if session.LeaveRoom(true) != nil { // User was in a room before, so need to notify about leaving it. h.sendRoom(session, message, nil) if session.UserId() == "" && session.ClientType() != HelloClientTypeInternal { h.startWaitAnonymousSessionRoom(session) } } return } if session == nil { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage( NewError("not_authenticated", "Need to authenticate before joining rooms."), )) return } if room := h.getRoomForBackend(roomId, session.Backend()); room != nil && room.HasSession(session) { // Session already is in that room, no action needed. roomSessionId := message.Room.SessionId if roomSessionId == "" { // TODO(jojo): Better make the session id required in the request. log.Printf("User did not send a room session id, assuming session %s", session.PublicId()) roomSessionId = session.PublicId() } if err := session.UpdateRoomSessionId(roomSessionId); err != nil { log.Printf("Error updating room session id for session %s: %s", session.PublicId(), err) } session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage( NewErrorDetail("already_joined", "Already joined this room.", &RoomErrorDetails{ Room: &RoomServerMessage{ RoomId: room.id, Properties: room.properties, }, }), )) return } var room BackendClientResponse if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal { // Internal clients can join any room. room = BackendClientResponse{ Type: "room", Room: &BackendClientRoomResponse{ RoomId: roomId, }, } } else { // Run in timeout context to prevent blocking too long. ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.backendTimeout) defer cancel() sessionId := message.Room.SessionId if sessionId == "" { // TODO(jojo): Better make the session id required in the request. log.Printf("User did not send a room session id, assuming session %s", session.PublicId()) sessionId = session.PublicId() } request := NewBackendClientRoomRequest(roomId, session.UserId(), sessionId) if err := h.backend.PerformJSONRequest(ctx, session.ParsedBackendUrl(), request, &room); err != nil { session.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) return } // TODO(jojo): Validate response if message.Room.SessionId != "" { // There can only be one connection per Nextcloud Talk session, // disconnect any other connections without sending a "leave" event. ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) defer cancel() h.disconnectByRoomSessionId(ctx, message.Room.SessionId, session.Backend()) } } h.processJoinRoom(session, message, &room) } func (h *Hub) getRoomForBackend(id string, backend *Backend) *Room { internalRoomId := getRoomIdForBackend(id, backend) h.ru.RLock() defer h.ru.RUnlock() return h.rooms[internalRoomId] } func (h *Hub) removeRoom(room *Room) { internalRoomId := getRoomIdForBackend(room.Id(), room.Backend()) h.ru.Lock() if _, found := h.rooms[internalRoomId]; found { delete(h.rooms, internalRoomId) statsHubRoomsCurrent.WithLabelValues(room.Backend().Id()).Dec() } h.ru.Unlock() h.roomPing.DeleteRoom(room) } func (h *Hub) createRoom(id string, properties *json.RawMessage, backend *Backend) (*Room, error) { // Note the write lock must be held. room, err := NewRoom(id, properties, h, h.events, backend) if err != nil { return nil, err } internalRoomId := getRoomIdForBackend(id, backend) h.rooms[internalRoomId] = room statsHubRoomsCurrent.WithLabelValues(backend.Id()).Inc() return room, nil } func (h *Hub) processJoinRoom(session *ClientSession, message *ClientMessage, room *BackendClientResponse) { if room.Type == "error" { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(room.Error)) return } else if room.Type != "room" { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(RoomJoinFailed)) return } session.LeaveRoom(true) roomId := room.Room.RoomId internalRoomId := getRoomIdForBackend(roomId, session.Backend()) if err := session.SubscribeRoomEvents(roomId, message.Room.SessionId); err != nil { session.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) // The session (implicitly) left the room due to an error. h.sendRoom(session, nil, nil) return } h.ru.Lock() r, found := h.rooms[internalRoomId] if !found { var err error if r, err = h.createRoom(roomId, room.Room.Properties, session.Backend()); err != nil { h.ru.Unlock() session.SendMessage(message.NewWrappedErrorServerMessage(err)) // The session (implicitly) left the room due to an error. session.UnsubscribeRoomEvents() h.sendRoom(session, nil, nil) return } } h.ru.Unlock() h.mu.Lock() // The session now joined a room, don't expire if it is anonymous. delete(h.anonymousSessions, session) if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal && session.HasFeature(ClientFeatureStartDialout) { // An internal session in a room can not be used for dialout. delete(h.dialoutSessions, session) } h.mu.Unlock() session.SetRoom(r) if room.Room.Permissions != nil { session.SetPermissions(*room.Room.Permissions) } h.sendRoom(session, message, r) r.AddSession(session, room.Room.Session) } func (h *Hub) processMessageMsg(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { session, ok := client.GetSession().(*ClientSession) if session == nil || !ok { // Client is not connected yet. return } msg := message.Message var recipient *ClientSession var subject string var clientData *MessageClientMessageData var serverRecipient *MessageClientMessageRecipient var recipientSessionId string var room *Room switch msg.Recipient.Type { case RecipientTypeSession: if h.mcu != nil { // Maybe this is a message to be processed by the MCU. var data MessageClientMessageData if err := json.Unmarshal(*msg.Data, &data); err == nil { if err := data.CheckValid(); err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid message %+v from client %s: %v", message, session.PublicId(), err) if err, ok := err.(*Error); ok { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(err)) } else { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidFormat)) } return } clientData = &data switch clientData.Type { case "requestoffer": // Process asynchronously to avoid blocking regular // message processing for this client. go h.processMcuMessage(session, message, msg, clientData) return case "offer": fallthrough case "answer": fallthrough case "endOfCandidates": fallthrough case "selectStream": fallthrough case "candidate": h.processMcuMessage(session, message, msg, clientData) return case "unshareScreen": if msg.Recipient.SessionId == session.PublicId() { // User is stopping to share his screen. Firefox doesn't properly clean // up the peer connections in all cases, so make sure to stop publishing // in the MCU. go func(c HandlerClient) { time.Sleep(cleanupScreenPublisherDelay) session, ok := c.GetSession().(*ClientSession) if session == nil || !ok { return } publisher := session.GetPublisher(StreamTypeScreen) if publisher == nil { return } log.Printf("Closing screen publisher for %s", session.PublicId()) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.mcuTimeout) defer cancel() publisher.Close(ctx) }(client) } } } } sess := h.GetSessionByPublicId(msg.Recipient.SessionId) if sess != nil { // Recipient is also connected to this instance. if sess.Backend().Id() != session.Backend().Id() { // Clients are only allowed to send to sessions from the same backend. return } if msg.Recipient.SessionId == session.PublicId() { // Don't loop messages to the sender. return } subject = "session." + msg.Recipient.SessionId recipientSessionId = msg.Recipient.SessionId if sess, ok := sess.(*ClientSession); ok { recipient = sess } // Send to client connection for virtual sessions. if sess.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeVirtual { virtualSession := sess.(*VirtualSession) clientSession := virtualSession.Session() subject = "session." + clientSession.PublicId() recipientSessionId = clientSession.PublicId() recipient = clientSession // The client should see his session id as recipient. serverRecipient = &MessageClientMessageRecipient{ Type: "session", SessionId: virtualSession.SessionId(), } } } else { subject = "session." + msg.Recipient.SessionId recipientSessionId = msg.Recipient.SessionId serverRecipient = &msg.Recipient } case RecipientTypeUser: if msg.Recipient.UserId != "" { if msg.Recipient.UserId == session.UserId() { // Don't loop messages to the sender. // TODO(jojo): Should we allow users to send messages to their // other sessions? return } subject = GetSubjectForUserId(msg.Recipient.UserId, session.Backend()) } case RecipientTypeRoom: if session != nil { if room = session.GetRoom(); room != nil { subject = GetSubjectForRoomId(room.Id(), room.Backend()) if h.mcu != nil { var data MessageClientMessageData if err := json.Unmarshal(*msg.Data, &data); err == nil { if err := data.CheckValid(); err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid message %+v from client %s: %v", message, session.PublicId(), err) if err, ok := err.(*Error); ok { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(err)) } else { session.SendMessage(message.NewErrorServerMessage(InvalidFormat)) } return } clientData = &data } } } } } if subject == "" { log.Printf("Unknown recipient in message %+v from %s", msg, session.PublicId()) return } response := &ServerMessage{ Type: "message", Message: &MessageServerMessage{ Sender: &MessageServerMessageSender{ Type: msg.Recipient.Type, SessionId: session.PublicId(), UserId: session.UserId(), }, Recipient: serverRecipient, Data: msg.Data, }, } if recipient != nil { // The recipient is connected to this instance, no need to go through asynchronous events. if clientData != nil && clientData.Type == "sendoffer" { if err := session.IsAllowedToSend(clientData); err != nil { log.Printf("Session %s is not allowed to send offer for %s, ignoring (%s)", session.PublicId(), clientData.RoomType, err) sendNotAllowed(session, message, "Not allowed to send offer") return } // It may take some time for the publisher (which is the current // client) to start his stream, so we must not block the active // goroutine. go func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.mcuTimeout) defer cancel() mc, err := recipient.GetOrCreateSubscriber(ctx, h.mcu, session.PublicId(), StreamType(clientData.RoomType)) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create MCU subscriber for session %s to send %+v to %s: %s", session.PublicId(), clientData, recipient.PublicId(), err) sendMcuClientNotFound(session, message) return } else if mc == nil { log.Printf("No MCU subscriber found for session %s to send %+v to %s", session.PublicId(), clientData, recipient.PublicId()) sendMcuClientNotFound(session, message) return } mc.SendMessage(context.TODO(), msg, clientData, func(err error, response map[string]interface{}) { if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not send MCU message %+v for session %s to %s: %s", clientData, session.PublicId(), recipient.PublicId(), err) sendMcuProcessingFailed(session, message) return } else if response == nil { // No response received return } // The response (i.e. the "offer") must be sent to the recipient but // should be coming from the sender. msg.Recipient.SessionId = session.PublicId() h.sendMcuMessageResponse(recipient, mc, msg, clientData, response) }) }() return } recipient.SendMessage(response) } else { if clientData != nil && clientData.Type == "sendoffer" { if err := session.IsAllowedToSend(clientData); err != nil { log.Printf("Session %s is not allowed to send offer for %s, ignoring (%s)", session.PublicId(), clientData.RoomType, err) sendNotAllowed(session, message, "Not allowed to send offer") return } async := &AsyncMessage{ Type: "sendoffer", SendOffer: &SendOfferMessage{ MessageId: message.Id, SessionId: session.PublicId(), Data: clientData, }, } if err := h.events.PublishSessionMessage(recipientSessionId, session.Backend(), async); err != nil { log.Printf("Error publishing message to remote session: %s", err) } return } async := &AsyncMessage{ Type: "message", Message: response, } var err error switch msg.Recipient.Type { case RecipientTypeSession: err = h.events.PublishSessionMessage(recipientSessionId, session.Backend(), async) case RecipientTypeUser: err = h.events.PublishUserMessage(msg.Recipient.UserId, session.Backend(), async) case RecipientTypeRoom: err = h.events.PublishRoomMessage(room.Id(), session.Backend(), async) default: err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported recipient type: %s", msg.Recipient.Type) } if err != nil { log.Printf("Error publishing message to remote session: %s", err) } } } func isAllowedToControl(session Session) bool { if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal { // Internal clients are allowed to send any control message. return true } if session.HasPermission(PERMISSION_MAY_CONTROL) { // Moderator clients are allowed to send any control message. return true } return false } func (h *Hub) processControlMsg(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { msg := message.Control session := client.GetSession() if session == nil { // Client is not connected yet. return } else if !isAllowedToControl(session) { log.Printf("Ignore control message %+v from %s", msg, session.PublicId()) return } var recipient *ClientSession var subject string var serverRecipient *MessageClientMessageRecipient var recipientSessionId string var room *Room switch msg.Recipient.Type { case RecipientTypeSession: data := h.decodeSessionId(msg.Recipient.SessionId, publicSessionName) if data != nil { if msg.Recipient.SessionId == session.PublicId() { // Don't loop messages to the sender. return } subject = "session." + msg.Recipient.SessionId recipientSessionId = msg.Recipient.SessionId h.mu.RLock() sess, found := h.sessions[data.Sid] if found && sess.PublicId() == msg.Recipient.SessionId { if sess, ok := sess.(*ClientSession); ok { recipient = sess } // Send to client connection for virtual sessions. if sess.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeVirtual { virtualSession := sess.(*VirtualSession) clientSession := virtualSession.Session() subject = "session." + clientSession.PublicId() recipientSessionId = clientSession.PublicId() recipient = clientSession // The client should see his session id as recipient. serverRecipient = &MessageClientMessageRecipient{ Type: "session", SessionId: virtualSession.SessionId(), } } } else { serverRecipient = &msg.Recipient } h.mu.RUnlock() } else { serverRecipient = &msg.Recipient } case RecipientTypeUser: if msg.Recipient.UserId != "" { if msg.Recipient.UserId == session.UserId() { // Don't loop messages to the sender. // TODO(jojo): Should we allow users to send messages to their // other sessions? return } subject = GetSubjectForUserId(msg.Recipient.UserId, session.Backend()) } case RecipientTypeRoom: if session != nil { if room = session.GetRoom(); room != nil { subject = GetSubjectForRoomId(room.Id(), room.Backend()) } } } if subject == "" { log.Printf("Unknown recipient in message %+v from %s", msg, session.PublicId()) return } response := &ServerMessage{ Type: "control", Control: &ControlServerMessage{ Sender: &MessageServerMessageSender{ Type: msg.Recipient.Type, SessionId: session.PublicId(), UserId: session.UserId(), }, Recipient: serverRecipient, Data: msg.Data, }, } if recipient != nil { recipient.SendMessage(response) } else { async := &AsyncMessage{ Type: "message", Message: response, } var err error switch msg.Recipient.Type { case RecipientTypeSession: err = h.events.PublishSessionMessage(recipientSessionId, session.Backend(), async) case RecipientTypeUser: err = h.events.PublishUserMessage(msg.Recipient.UserId, session.Backend(), async) case RecipientTypeRoom: err = h.events.PublishRoomMessage(room.Id(), room.Backend(), async) default: err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported recipient type: %s", msg.Recipient.Type) } if err != nil { log.Printf("Error publishing message to remote session: %s", err) } } } func (h *Hub) processInternalMsg(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { msg := message.Internal session, ok := client.GetSession().(*ClientSession) if session == nil || !ok { // Client is not connected yet. return } else if session.ClientType() != HelloClientTypeInternal { log.Printf("Ignore internal message %+v from %s", msg, session.PublicId()) return } if session.ProcessResponse(message) { return } switch msg.Type { case "addsession": msg := msg.AddSession room := h.getRoomForBackend(msg.RoomId, session.Backend()) if room == nil { log.Printf("Ignore add session message %+v for invalid room %s from %s", *msg, msg.RoomId, session.PublicId()) return } sessionIdData := h.newSessionIdData(session.Backend()) privateSessionId, err := h.encodeSessionId(sessionIdData, privateSessionName) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not encode private virtual session id: %s", err) return } publicSessionId, err := h.encodeSessionId(sessionIdData, publicSessionName) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not encode public virtual session id: %s", err) return } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.backendTimeout) defer cancel() virtualSessionId := GetVirtualSessionId(session, msg.SessionId) sess, err := NewVirtualSession(session, privateSessionId, publicSessionId, sessionIdData, msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create virtual session %s: %s", virtualSessionId, err) reply := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("add_failed", "Could not create virtual session.")) session.SendMessage(reply) return } if msg.Options != nil { request := NewBackendClientRoomRequest(room.Id(), msg.UserId, publicSessionId) request.Room.ActorId = msg.Options.ActorId request.Room.ActorType = msg.Options.ActorType request.Room.InCall = sess.GetInCall() var response BackendClientResponse if err := h.backend.PerformJSONRequest(ctx, session.ParsedBackendUrl(), request, &response); err != nil { sess.Close() log.Printf("Could not join virtual session %s at backend %s: %s", virtualSessionId, session.BackendUrl(), err) reply := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("add_failed", "Could not join virtual session.")) session.SendMessage(reply) return } if response.Type == "error" { sess.Close() log.Printf("Could not join virtual session %s at backend %s: %+v", virtualSessionId, session.BackendUrl(), response.Error) reply := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("add_failed", response.Error.Error())) session.SendMessage(reply) return } } else { request := NewBackendClientSessionRequest(room.Id(), "add", publicSessionId, msg) var response BackendClientSessionResponse if err := h.backend.PerformJSONRequest(ctx, session.ParsedBackendUrl(), request, &response); err != nil { sess.Close() log.Printf("Could not add virtual session %s at backend %s: %s", virtualSessionId, session.BackendUrl(), err) reply := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("add_failed", "Could not add virtual session.")) session.SendMessage(reply) return } } h.mu.Lock() h.sessions[sessionIdData.Sid] = sess h.virtualSessions[virtualSessionId] = sessionIdData.Sid h.mu.Unlock() statsHubSessionsCurrent.WithLabelValues(session.Backend().Id(), sess.ClientType()).Inc() statsHubSessionsTotal.WithLabelValues(session.Backend().Id(), sess.ClientType()).Inc() log.Printf("Session %s added virtual session %s with initial flags %d", session.PublicId(), sess.PublicId(), sess.Flags()) session.AddVirtualSession(sess) sess.SetRoom(room) room.AddSession(sess, nil) case "updatesession": msg := msg.UpdateSession room := h.getRoomForBackend(msg.RoomId, session.Backend()) if room == nil { log.Printf("Ignore remove session message %+v for invalid room %s from %s", *msg, msg.RoomId, session.PublicId()) return } virtualSessionId := GetVirtualSessionId(session, msg.SessionId) h.mu.Lock() sid, found := h.virtualSessions[virtualSessionId] if !found { h.mu.Unlock() return } sess := h.sessions[sid] h.mu.Unlock() if sess != nil { var changed SessionChangeFlag if virtualSession, ok := sess.(*VirtualSession); ok { if msg.Flags != nil { if virtualSession.SetFlags(*msg.Flags) { changed |= SessionChangeFlags } } if msg.InCall != nil { if virtualSession.SetInCall(*msg.InCall) { changed |= SessionChangeInCall } } } else { log.Printf("Ignore update request for non-virtual session %s", sess.PublicId()) } if changed != 0 { room.NotifySessionChanged(sess, changed) } } case "removesession": msg := msg.RemoveSession room := h.getRoomForBackend(msg.RoomId, session.Backend()) if room == nil { log.Printf("Ignore remove session message %+v for invalid room %s from %s", *msg, msg.RoomId, session.PublicId()) return } virtualSessionId := GetVirtualSessionId(session, msg.SessionId) h.mu.Lock() sid, found := h.virtualSessions[virtualSessionId] if !found { h.mu.Unlock() return } delete(h.virtualSessions, virtualSessionId) sess := h.sessions[sid] h.mu.Unlock() if sess != nil { log.Printf("Session %s removed virtual session %s", session.PublicId(), sess.PublicId()) if vsess, ok := sess.(*VirtualSession); ok { // We should always have a VirtualSession here. vsess.CloseWithFeedback(session, message) } else { sess.Close() } } case "incall": msg := msg.InCall if session.SetInCall(msg.InCall) { if room := session.GetRoom(); room != nil { room.NotifySessionChanged(session, SessionChangeInCall) } } case "dialout": roomId := msg.Dialout.RoomId msg.Dialout.RoomId = "" // Don't send room id to recipients. if msg.Dialout.Type == "status" { asyncMessage := &AsyncMessage{ Type: "room", Room: &BackendServerRoomRequest{ Type: "transient", Transient: &BackendRoomTransientRequest{ Action: TransientActionSet, Key: "callstatus_" + msg.Dialout.Status.CallId, Value: msg.Dialout.Status, }, }, } if msg.Dialout.Status.Status == DialoutStatusCleared || msg.Dialout.Status.Status == DialoutStatusRejected { asyncMessage.Room.Transient.TTL = removeCallStatusTTL } if err := h.events.PublishBackendRoomMessage(roomId, session.Backend(), asyncMessage); err != nil { log.Printf("Error publishing dialout message %+v to room %s", msg.Dialout, roomId) } } else { if err := h.events.PublishRoomMessage(roomId, session.Backend(), &AsyncMessage{ Type: "message", Message: &ServerMessage{ Type: "dialout", Dialout: msg.Dialout, }, }); err != nil { log.Printf("Error publishing dialout message %+v to room %s", msg.Dialout, roomId) } } default: log.Printf("Ignore unsupported internal message %+v from %s", msg, session.PublicId()) return } } func isAllowedToUpdateTransientData(session Session) bool { if session.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal { // Internal clients are always allowed. return true } if session.HasPermission(PERMISSION_TRANSIENT_DATA) { return true } return false } func (h *Hub) processTransientMsg(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { msg := message.TransientData session := client.GetSession() if session == nil { // Client is not connected yet. return } room := session.GetRoom() if room == nil { response := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("not_in_room", "No room joined yet.")) session.SendMessage(response) return } switch msg.Type { case "set": if !isAllowedToUpdateTransientData(session) { sendNotAllowed(session, message, "Not allowed to update transient data.") return } if msg.Value == nil { room.SetTransientDataTTL(msg.Key, nil, msg.TTL) } else { room.SetTransientDataTTL(msg.Key, *msg.Value, msg.TTL) } case "remove": if !isAllowedToUpdateTransientData(session) { sendNotAllowed(session, message, "Not allowed to update transient data.") return } room.RemoveTransientData(msg.Key) default: response := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("ignored", "Unsupported message type.")) session.SendMessage(response) } } func sendNotAllowed(session Session, message *ClientMessage, reason string) { response := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("not_allowed", reason)) session.SendMessage(response) } func sendMcuClientNotFound(session Session, message *ClientMessage) { response := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("client_not_found", "No MCU client found to send message to.")) session.SendMessage(response) } func sendMcuProcessingFailed(session Session, message *ClientMessage) { response := message.NewErrorServerMessage(NewError("processing_failed", "Processing of the message failed, please check server logs.")) session.SendMessage(response) } func (h *Hub) isInSameCallRemote(ctx context.Context, senderSession *ClientSession, senderRoom *Room, recipientSessionId string) bool { clients := h.rpcClients.GetClients() if len(clients) == 0 { return false } var result atomic.Bool var wg sync.WaitGroup rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() for _, client := range clients { wg.Add(1) go func(client *GrpcClient) { defer wg.Done() inCall, err := client.IsSessionInCall(rpcCtx, recipientSessionId, senderRoom) if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } else if err != nil { log.Printf("Error checking session %s in call on %s: %s", recipientSessionId, client.Target(), err) return } else if !inCall { return } cancel() result.Store(true) }(client) } wg.Wait() return result.Load() } func (h *Hub) isInSameCall(ctx context.Context, senderSession *ClientSession, recipientSessionId string) bool { if senderSession.ClientType() == HelloClientTypeInternal { // Internal clients may subscribe all streams. return true } senderRoom := senderSession.GetRoom() if senderRoom == nil || !senderRoom.IsSessionInCall(senderSession) { // Sender is not in a room or not in the call. return false } recipientSession := h.GetSessionByPublicId(recipientSessionId) if recipientSession == nil { // Recipient session does not exist. return h.isInSameCallRemote(ctx, senderSession, senderRoom, recipientSessionId) } recipientRoom := recipientSession.GetRoom() if recipientRoom == nil || !senderRoom.IsEqual(recipientRoom) || (recipientSession.ClientType() != HelloClientTypeInternal && !recipientRoom.IsSessionInCall(recipientSession)) { // Recipient is not in a room, a different room or not in the call. return false } return true } func (h *Hub) processMcuMessage(session *ClientSession, client_message *ClientMessage, message *MessageClientMessage, data *MessageClientMessageData) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.mcuTimeout) defer cancel() var mc McuClient var err error var clientType string switch data.Type { case "requestoffer": if session.PublicId() == message.Recipient.SessionId { log.Printf("Not requesting offer from itself for session %s", session.PublicId()) return } // A user is only allowed to subscribe a stream if she is in the same room // as the other user and both have their "inCall" flag set. if !h.allowSubscribeAnyStream && !h.isInSameCall(ctx, session, message.Recipient.SessionId) { log.Printf("Session %s is not in the same call as session %s, not requesting offer", session.PublicId(), message.Recipient.SessionId) sendNotAllowed(session, client_message, "Not allowed to request offer.") return } clientType = "subscriber" mc, err = session.GetOrCreateSubscriber(ctx, h.mcu, message.Recipient.SessionId, StreamType(data.RoomType)) case "sendoffer": // Will be sent directly. return case "offer": clientType = "publisher" mc, err = session.GetOrCreatePublisher(ctx, h.mcu, StreamType(data.RoomType), data) if err, ok := err.(*PermissionError); ok { log.Printf("Session %s is not allowed to offer %s, ignoring (%s)", session.PublicId(), data.RoomType, err) sendNotAllowed(session, client_message, "Not allowed to publish.") return } if err, ok := err.(*SdpError); ok { log.Printf("Session %s sent unsupported offer %s, ignoring (%s)", session.PublicId(), data.RoomType, err) sendNotAllowed(session, client_message, "Not allowed to publish.") return } case "selectStream": if session.PublicId() == message.Recipient.SessionId { log.Printf("Not selecting substream for own %s stream in session %s", data.RoomType, session.PublicId()) return } clientType = "subscriber" mc = session.GetSubscriber(message.Recipient.SessionId, StreamType(data.RoomType)) default: if session.PublicId() == message.Recipient.SessionId { if err := session.IsAllowedToSend(data); err != nil { log.Printf("Session %s is not allowed to send candidate for %s, ignoring (%s)", session.PublicId(), data.RoomType, err) sendNotAllowed(session, client_message, "Not allowed to send candidate.") return } clientType = "publisher" mc = session.GetPublisher(StreamType(data.RoomType)) } else { clientType = "subscriber" mc = session.GetSubscriber(message.Recipient.SessionId, StreamType(data.RoomType)) } } if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create MCU %s for session %s to send %+v to %s: %s", clientType, session.PublicId(), data, message.Recipient.SessionId, err) sendMcuClientNotFound(session, client_message) return } else if mc == nil { log.Printf("No MCU %s found for session %s to send %+v to %s", clientType, session.PublicId(), data, message.Recipient.SessionId) sendMcuClientNotFound(session, client_message) return } mc.SendMessage(context.TODO(), message, data, func(err error, response map[string]interface{}) { if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not send MCU message %+v for session %s to %s: %s", data, session.PublicId(), message.Recipient.SessionId, err) sendMcuProcessingFailed(session, client_message) return } else if response == nil { // No response received return } h.sendMcuMessageResponse(session, mc, message, data, response) }) } func (h *Hub) sendMcuMessageResponse(session *ClientSession, mcuClient McuClient, message *MessageClientMessage, data *MessageClientMessageData, response map[string]interface{}) { var response_message *ServerMessage switch response["type"] { case "answer": answer_message := &AnswerOfferMessage{ To: session.PublicId(), From: session.PublicId(), Type: "answer", RoomType: data.RoomType, Payload: response, Sid: mcuClient.Sid(), } answer_data, err := json.Marshal(answer_message) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not serialize answer %+v to %s: %s", answer_message, session.PublicId(), err) return } response_message = &ServerMessage{ Type: "message", Message: &MessageServerMessage{ Sender: &MessageServerMessageSender{ Type: "session", SessionId: session.PublicId(), UserId: session.UserId(), }, Data: (*json.RawMessage)(&answer_data), }, } case "offer": offer_message := &AnswerOfferMessage{ To: session.PublicId(), From: message.Recipient.SessionId, Type: "offer", RoomType: data.RoomType, Payload: response, Sid: mcuClient.Sid(), } offer_data, err := json.Marshal(offer_message) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not serialize offer %+v to %s: %s", offer_message, session.PublicId(), err) return } response_message = &ServerMessage{ Type: "message", Message: &MessageServerMessage{ Sender: &MessageServerMessageSender{ Type: "session", SessionId: message.Recipient.SessionId, // TODO(jojo): Set "UserId" field if known user. }, Data: (*json.RawMessage)(&offer_data), }, } default: log.Printf("Unsupported response %+v received to send to %s", response, session.PublicId()) return } session.SendMessage(response_message) } func (h *Hub) processByeMsg(client HandlerClient, message *ClientMessage) { client.SendByeResponse(message) if session := h.processUnregister(client); session != nil { session.Close() } } func (h *Hub) processRoomUpdated(message *BackendServerRoomRequest) { room := message.room room.UpdateProperties(message.Update.Properties) } func (h *Hub) processRoomDeleted(message *BackendServerRoomRequest) { room := message.room sessions := room.Close() for _, session := range sessions { // The session is no longer in the room session.LeaveRoom(true) switch sess := session.(type) { case *ClientSession: if client := sess.GetClient(); client != nil { h.sendRoom(sess, nil, nil) } } } } func (h *Hub) processRoomInCallChanged(message *BackendServerRoomRequest) { room := message.room if message.InCall.All { var flags int if err := json.Unmarshal(message.InCall.InCall, &flags); err != nil { var incall bool if err := json.Unmarshal(message.InCall.InCall, &incall); err != nil { log.Printf("Unsupported InCall flags type: %+v, ignoring", string(message.InCall.InCall)) return } if incall { flags = FlagInCall } } room.PublishUsersInCallChangedAll(flags) } else { room.PublishUsersInCallChanged(message.InCall.Changed, message.InCall.Users) } } func (h *Hub) processRoomParticipants(message *BackendServerRoomRequest) { room := message.room room.PublishUsersChanged(message.Participants.Changed, message.Participants.Users) } func (h *Hub) GetStats() map[string]interface{} { result := make(map[string]interface{}) h.ru.RLock() result["rooms"] = len(h.rooms) h.ru.RUnlock() h.mu.Lock() result["sessions"] = len(h.sessions) h.mu.Unlock() if h.mcu != nil { if stats := h.mcu.GetStats(); stats != nil { result["mcu"] = stats } } return result } func getRealUserIP(r *http.Request) string { // Note this function assumes it is running behind a trusted proxy, so // the headers can be trusted. if ip := r.Header.Get("X-Real-IP"); ip != "" { return ip } if ip := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For"); ip != "" { // Result could be a list "clientip, proxy1, proxy2", so only use first element. if pos := strings.Index(ip, ","); pos >= 0 { ip = strings.TrimSpace(ip[:pos]) } return ip } return r.RemoteAddr } func (h *Hub) serveWs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { addr := getRealUserIP(r) agent := r.Header.Get("User-Agent") conn, err := h.upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not upgrade request from %s: %s", addr, err) return } client, err := NewClient(conn, addr, agent, h) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create client for %s: %s", addr, err) return } h.processNewClient(client) go func(h *Hub) { h.writePumpActive.Add(1) defer h.writePumpActive.Add(-1) client.WritePump() }(h) go func(h *Hub) { h.readPumpActive.Add(1) defer h.readPumpActive.Add(-1) client.ReadPump() }(h) } func (h *Hub) OnLookupCountry(client HandlerClient) string { ip := net.ParseIP(client.RemoteAddr()) if ip == nil { return noCountry } for overrideNet, country := range h.geoipOverrides { if overrideNet.Contains(ip) { return country } } if ip.IsLoopback() { return loopback } country := unknownCountry if h.geoip != nil { var err error country, err = h.geoip.LookupCountry(ip) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not lookup country for %s: %s", ip, err) return unknownCountry } if country == "" { country = unknownCountry } } return country } func (h *Hub) OnClosed(client HandlerClient) { h.processUnregister(client) } func (h *Hub) OnMessageReceived(client HandlerClient, data []byte) { h.processMessage(client, data) } func (h *Hub) OnRTTReceived(client HandlerClient, rtt time.Duration) { // Ignore } func (h *Hub) ShutdownChannel() <-chan struct{} { return h.shutdown.C } func (h *Hub) IsShutdownScheduled() bool { return h.shutdownScheduled.Load() } func (h *Hub) ScheduleShutdown() { if !h.shutdownScheduled.CompareAndSwap(false, true) { return } h.mu.RLock() defer h.mu.RUnlock() if !h.hasSessionsLocked(false) { go h.shutdown.Close() } }