diff --git a/README-fr.md b/README-fr.md index d49ae15..e0ff445 100644 --- a/README-fr.md +++ b/README-fr.md @@ -88,160 +88,3 @@ Un langage est manquant ? Vous pensez qu'il est possible d'amΓ©liorer ce cheat s
- -## 2. πŸ“’ Spread the word about your hard works - -
- -
-⭐ Make your project trustable before publishing to social networks -

- -> Most visitors will check how many stars the project got before considering using it. A minimum amount of stars makes your project more trustable than a project with zero star. This is why you should ask people you know to support your project before doing a public announcement on social medias. - -

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-↗️ Share the project on social medias an specialized platforms -

- -> Tell the world about your awesome work! Publish on social medias and specialized platforms: -> -> - [Twitter](https://twitter.com) -> - [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/) -> - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/) -> - [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/) -> - [Dev.to](https://dev.to/) -> - [Lobsters](https://lobste.rs/) -> - [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/) -> - [Product Hunt](https://www.producthunt.com/) -> - [Beta page](https://betapage.co/) -> - [Human Coders](https://news.humancoders.com/) - -

- -
-πŸ“ƒ Write articles that mention your project -

- -> Write articles about your project. Purpose can be the technical stack you used, how your project works, problems you encountered, etc. Post to publishing platforms: -> -> - [medium](https://medium.com/) -> - [dev.to](https://dev.to/) - -

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-🎀 Present your project at conferences/meetups -

- -> Presenting your project at conferences or meetups is a good way to improve its visibility. - -

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-πŸŽ₯ Record and publish videos presenting your project, how it works, etc - -

- -> Recording a video is not an easy execise. However it's probably the most efficient way to make your project famous. - -

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-πŸ• Choose the best time to publish on social medias -

- -> Don't publish during holidays period or weekends. Usually the best time to publish on social networks is mid-week. - -

- -
-πŸ—‘ Don't spam platforms with your promotion -

- -> Don't publish twice on the same platform. It will be considered as spam and might cause bad publicity for your project. - -

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- -## 3. 🀝 Keep your users - -
- -
-πŸ†• Try to regularly release new versions of your project -

- -> Maintain and improve your project with new releases and generate changelogs. - -

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-❗ Maintain your project, process opened issues -

- -> Do not let opened issues without response. Be nice with people that took time to open issues πŸ˜‰ - -

- -
-πŸ™ Invite users to contribute -

- -> A healthy project is a project with a community and contributors. Let your users know that you need help by tagging some issues with `contribution welcome` or `good first issue` labels. [See github labels](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-labels). - -

- -
-πŸ† Reward contributors -

- -> Be nice with people that helped you! Some open-source projects like [gatsby](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby) reward contributors with goodies. If you can't afford that, do a public post (on twitter or other platforms) about the contribution and mention the author ([here is an example of public thanks](https://twitter.com/FranckAbgrall/status/1139470547492978688)). Open a `Contributors` section in your README to publicly thanks them (ex: [vuepress contributors section](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress#code-contributors)). - -

- -
-πŸ’¬ Open a community chat platform -

- -> Github issues are not always the best way to communicate with your users. If necessary, you can use chat platforms to discuss with them: -> -> - [Discord](https://discordapp.com) -> - [Slack](https://slack.com) -> - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/) - -

- -
-πŸ”™ Ask for feedback -

- -> User's feedback is the best way to improve your project. They probably have features and ideas that could make your project better. - -

- -
-❀️ Open a use case gallery to show what users built with your project -

- -> Visitors will trust your project if they see concrete use case and success stories (ex: [vuepress gallery](https://vuepress.gallery/)). - -

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