ccyellow = $(shell echo "\033[33m") ccend = $(shell tput op) notice = $(ccyellow) $(0) $(ccend) _path := $(shell pwd) _user := gemini-data ORBIT_HOSTNAME ?= localhost SERVICE_PATH = /etc/systemd/system/orbit.service EXEC_PATH = /usr/local/bin/orbit CONF_PATH = /etc/orbit LOG_PATH = /var/log/orbit help: @echo "Orbit Gemini protocol server" @echo "To run tests, run 'make test'" @echo "To install as a service on your system run:" @echo " 'sudo make install ORBIT_HOSTNAME=localhost'" @echo " But replace localhost with your desired hostname" test: cd tests; ../vendor/bin/phpunit . install_bin: @echo @echo "$(ccyellow)> Installing orbit bin$(ccend)" rm $(EXEC_PATH) ln -s $(_path)/bin/orbit $(EXEC_PATH) install_conf: @echo @echo "$(ccyellow)> Installing orbit config; Hostname: $(ORBIT_HOSTNAME)$(ccend)" install -d $(CONF_PATH) install config/localhost.ini $(CONF_PATH)/config.ini sed -i -e 's#Example##' $(CONF_PATH)/config.ini sed -i -e 's#localhost#$(ORBIT_HOSTNAME)#' $(CONF_PATH)/config.ini sed -i -e 's#certs#$(CONF_PATH)/certs#' $(CONF_PATH)/config.ini sed -i -e 's#log/#$(LOG_PATH)/#' $(CONF_PATH)/config.ini install -o $(_user) -d $(LOG_PATH) install_cert: ifeq (,$(wildcard $(CONF_PATH)/certs/$(ORBIT_HOSTNAME).cert.pem)) @echo @echo "$(ccyellow)> Generating certs for host $(ORBIT_HOSTNAME)$(ccend)" bin/makecert $(ORBIT_HOSTNAME) install -d $(CONF_PATH)/certs install certs/$(ORBIT_HOSTNAME).cert.pem $(CONF_PATH)/certs/$(ORBIT_HOSTNAME).cert.pem install certs/$(ORBIT_HOSTNAME).key.pem $(CONF_PATH)/certs/$(ORBIT_HOSTNAME).key.pem rm -rf certs endif install_user: ifeq ($(shell id -u $(_user) 2>/dev/null),) @echo @echo "$(ccyellow)> Creating user $(_user)$(ccend)" useradd -m -d /var/$(_user) -s /usr/sbin/nologin -c "Orbit gemini service account" -U $(_user) endif install_service: @echo @echo "$(ccyellow)> Creating orbit.service file at $(SERVICE_PATH)$(ccend)" install orbit.service $(SERVICE_PATH) sed -i -e 's/{USER}/$(_user)/' $(SERVICE_PATH) install: install_bin install_conf install_cert install_user install_service @echo @echo "--------------------------------" @echo "done" @echo "> The service runs with the user $(_user)" @echo "> The actual orbit script is at $(EXEC_PATH)" @echo " - But that is just a symlink to $(_path)/bin/orbit" @echo "> I created a config file at $(CONF_PATH)/config.ini" @echo " - Edit settings in that file to change configuration settings" @echo "> I created a self-signed cert at $(CONF_PATH)/certs" @echo "> The server log will be written at $(LOG_PATH)/orbit.log" @echo "Run 'sudo systemctl start orbit' to start the service" @echo "Run 'sudo systemctl restart orbit' to restart the service" @echo "Run 'sudo systemctl enable orbit' to configure orbit to auto-start when machine starts"