_args->get('no-color')) { $this->_terminal->setIsatty(false); } if ($this->_args->version) { $this->showVersion(); return 0; } if ($this->_args->help) { $this->showHelp(); return 0; } $config = $this->makeConfig(); if (!$logger) { $logger = $this->makeLogger($config, $this->_args->quiet); } if (!$this->_args->quiet) { print "Orbit // Gemini server software\n"; } $cert = new Cert($config, $logger); $server = new Server($config, $cert, $logger); if (!self::$under_test) { $server->listen(); } return 0; } /** * Make Config object * * @return Config */ public function makeConfig(): Config { $config = new Config($this->_args->dev); if ($this->_args->config) { $config->readFromIniFile($this->_args->config); } if ($this->_args->host || $this->_args->host == "0") { $config->host = $this->_args->host; } if ($this->_args->port || $this->_args->port == "0") { $config->port = $this->_args->port; } if ($this->_args->hostname) { $config->hostname = $this->_args->hostname; } if ($this->_args->log) { $config->log_file = $this->_args->log; } if ($this->_args->verbose) { $config->log_level = Logger::DEBUG; } if ($this->_args->get("root-dir")) { $config->root_dir = $this->_args->get("root-dir"); } if ($this->_args->get("tls-cert")) { $config->tls_certfile = $this->_args->get("tls-cert"); } if ($this->_args->get("tls-key")) { $config->tls_keyfile = $this->_args->get("tls-key"); } return $config; } /** * Make Logger object * * @param Config $config * @param bool $is_quiet * @return Logger */ public function makeLogger(Config $config, $is_quiet = false): Logger { $logger = new Logger('orbit'); $level = Logger::INFO; if ($config->log_level) { $level = $config->log_level; } $log_stream = new StreamHandler($config->log_file, $level); $log_stream->setFormatter($this->makeLogFormatter()); $logger->pushHandler($log_stream); if (!$is_quiet) { $std_stream = new StreamHandler('php://stdout', $level); $std_stream->setFormatter($this->makeLogFormatter(true)); $logger->pushHandler($std_stream); } return $logger; } /** * Make a LineFormatter object * * @return LineFormatter */ private function makeLogFormatter($is_tty = false): LineFormatter { $pid = getmypid(); if ($is_tty) { $output = "{2}[%datetime%]{} {3}$pid %channel%.%level_name%:{} %message% %context%\n"; $output = str_replace("{2}", $this->_terminal->do_setaf(2), $output); $output = str_replace("{3}", $this->_terminal->do_setaf(3), $output); $output = str_replace("{}", $this->_terminal->do_op(), $output); } else { $output = "[%datetime%] $pid %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context%\n"; } return new LineFormatter($output, 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); } /** * Print the version of orbit server * * @return void */ public function showVersion(): void { print "Orbit " . Server::$version . "\n"; } /** * Print the help message * * @return void */ public function showHelp(): void { $this->showVersion(); $out = $this->_terminal->do_op() . "Usage: orbit [options]\n" . "\n" . $this->_terminal->do_setaf(3) . "Options:\n" . $this->_terminal->do_op(); foreach ($this->_args->getHelp() as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "|")) { $parts = explode("|", $key); $left = sprintf("-%s, --%s", $parts[0], $parts[1]); } else { $left = sprintf(" --%s", $key); } if ($left[-1] == ":") { $left = substr($left, 0, -1) . " "; } $out .= sprintf( " %s%s %s%s\n", $this->_terminal->do_setaf(2), str_pad($left, 20), $this->_terminal->do_op(), $value ); } print $out; } }