# pdns-console PDNS-Console provided a CLI to manage PowerDNS application and improved it by adding a powerfull DNS zone versionning. # Commands ## Available commands ### Helpers ``` about Show information about pdns-console help Displays help for a command list Lists commands ``` ### Manage domains ``` domain:add Add a domain domain:list List domains domain:remove Remove a domain ``` ### Manage zones ``` zone:add Add a zone zone:assign Assign a zone to a domain. zone:list List DNS zones zone:push Push activated zones to PowerDNS tables zone:record:add Add a zone record zone:record:remove Remove a zone record zone:remove Remove a zone zone:unassign Unassign the domain zone zone:version:active Active a zone version zone:version:add Add a zone version zone:version:copy Copy a zone version zone:version:remove Remove an unactivated zone version zone:version:unactive Active a zone version ``` ### Example #### Specifications * We want to mange the domain *example.tld* * We need 3 records: * *example.tld* -> * *www.example.tld* -> same as *example.tld* * *example.tld* MX is mail.foo.net #### Add the domain ``` $ ./app/console domain:add Name: example.tld MASTER [null]: Type [NATIVE]: Domain added ``` ``` $ ./app/console domain:list DOMAIN: example.tld ID : 5 TYPE : NATIVE MASTER: ``` ### Create a zone ``` $ ./app/console zone:add Name: Example zone Description: My example zone Zone added. ``` ``` $ ./app/console zone:list Example zone ------------ My example zone ID: 4 No version found ``` ``` $ ./app/console zone:version:add 4 Zone version added. ``` ``` $ ./app/console zone:list Example zone ------------ My example zone ID: 4 Version: 1 - Active: No No record found. ``` ``` $ ./app/console zone:record:add 4 1 --name @ --type SOA --content "localhost. postmaster@localhost 0 10800 3600 604800 3600" --ttl 3600 --prio null ``` $ ./app/console zone:record:add 4 1 Name: @ Content: Available types: A AAAA CNAME MX NS TXT SPF WKS SRV LOC SOA Type: A TTL: 3600 Prio [null]: Zone record added. ``` ``` $ ./app/console zone:record:add 4 1 --name www --type CNAME --content example.tld. --prio null TTL: 3600 Zone record added. $ ./app/console zone:record:add 4 1 --name @ --type MX --content mail.foo.net. --ttl 3600 --prio badValue Prio [null]: badValueAgain Prio [null]: 10 Zone record added. ``` ``` $ ./app/console zone:list Example zone ------------ My example zone ID: 4 Version: 1 - Active: No ID | NAME | TYPE | TTL | PRIO | CONTENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | @ | SOA | 3600 | | localhost postmaster@localhost 0 10800 3600 604800 3600 14 | @ | A | 3600 | | 15 | www | CNAME | 3600 | | example.tld. 16 | @ | MX | 3600 | 10 | mail.foo.net. ``` ### Active and assign the new zone ``` $ ./app/console zone:version:active 4 1 Zone version activated. $ ./app/console zone:assign 4 5 Domain zone updated. ``` ``` ./app/console domain:list --zone DOMAIN: example.tld ID : 5 TYPE : NATIVE MASTER: > Example zone > ------------ > My example zone > ID: 4 > > Version: 1 - Active: Yes > > ID | NAME | TYPE | TTL | PRIO | CONTENT > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 13 | @ | SOA | 3600 | | localhost postmaster@localhost 0 10800 3600 604800 3600 > 14 | @ | A | 3600 | | > 15 | www | CNAME | 3600 | | example.tld. > 16 | @ | MX | 3600 | 10 | mail.foo.net. > ``` ### Push modifications ``` ./app/console zone:push ``` ### Test :) ``` $ dig +short -t A @localhost example.tld $ dig +short -t CNAME @localhost www.example.tld example.tld. $ dig +short -t MX @localhost example.tld 10 mail.foo.net. ``` # Installation ## Requirements * PHP >= 5.4 * PDO with module for database connection * Instance of PDNS (Powerdns) >= 3.1 with MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite backend ## Downloading sources ```shell cd /usr/local/src/ git clone https://github.com/simmstein/pdns-console.git cd pdns-console ``` ### Dependances ``` curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php ./composer.phar install ``` ### Database #### Edit *propel.yaml* * ```dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=pdns"``` * Change *localhost* with the database server name * Change *pdns* with the database name * Change user and password values with your pdsn database login Run `./app/propel/console config:convert` #### Models The sources does not contain all application models. You have to generate them: Run `./app/propel/console --recursive model:build` #### Database updates pdns-console needs to update pdns original tables and uses 3 more. ```shell ./app/propel/console --recursive migration:diff ./app/propel/console --recursive migration:migrate ``` ## Symlink To access the console without using the full path of `app/console`, make a symlink: ```ln -s $PWD/app/console /usr/local/bin/pdns-console```