import { CredentialApitype } from './../../apitypes/Credential.apitype'; import { RecordsOperation } from './../../operations/records.operations'; import { CredentialsOperation } from './../../operations/credentials.operations'; import { RecordApitype } from './../../apitypes/Record.apitype'; import { PagingApitype } from './../../apitypes/Paging.apitype'; import { PermissionApitype } from './../../apitypes/Permission.apitype'; import { ModalService } from './../../services/modal.service'; import { ActivatedRoute, ParamMap, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { FormGroup, Validators, FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ModalOptionsDatatype } from '../../datatypes/modal-options.datatype'; import { PasswordValidationUtil } from '../../utils/password-validation.util'; @Component({ selector: 'app-edit-credentials', templateUrl: './edit-credentials.component.html', styleUrls: ['./edit-credentials.component.scss'] }) export class EditCredentialsComponent implements OnInit { public keyForm: FormGroup; public passwordForm: FormGroup; public editType = ''; public editId = 0; public keyInvalid = false; public credentialList: CredentialApitype[] = []; public domainId = 0; public recordId = 0; public record: RecordApitype = new RecordApitype({}); constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private route: ActivatedRoute, private credentials: CredentialsOperation, private router: Router, private modal: ModalService, public records: RecordsOperation) { } ngOnInit() { this.createForm(); this.route.paramMap.subscribe((params) => this.initControl(params)); } private async initControl(params: ParamMap) { this.recordId = +params.get('recordId'); this.domainId = +params.get('domainId'); this.loadCredentials(); } private createForm() { this.keyForm ={ description: ['', Validators.required], key: ['', Validators.required] }); this.passwordForm ={ description: ['', Validators.required], password: ['', Validators.required], password2: [''] }, { validator: PasswordValidationUtil.matchPassword }); } public async onSubmit() { this.keyInvalid = false; try { if (this.editId === 0) { if (this.editType === 'key') { const v = this.keyForm.value; await this.credentials.createKey(this.recordId, v.description, v.key); } else if (this.editType === 'password') { const v = this.passwordForm.value; await this.credentials.createPassword(this.recordId, v.description, v.password); } } else { if (this.editType === 'key') { const v = this.keyForm.value; await this.credentials.updateKey(this.recordId, this.editId, v.description, v.key); } else if (this.editType === 'password') { const v = this.passwordForm.value; await this.credentials.updatePassword(this.recordId, this.editId, v.description, v.password); } } this.editId = 0; this.editType = ''; await this.loadCredentials(); } catch (e) { this.keyInvalid = true; } } public async onAddKey() { this.editId = 0; this.editType = 'key'; this.keyInvalid = false; this.keyForm.reset({ description: '', key: '' }); } public async onAddPassword() { this.editId = 0; this.editType = 'password'; this.passwordForm.controls['password'].setValidators(Validators.required); this.passwordForm.reset({ description: '', password: '', password2: '' }); } public async onEditClick(credentialId: number) { const credential = await this.credentials.getSingle(this.recordId, credentialId); if (credential.type === 'key') { this.editType = 'key'; this.editId = credentialId; this.keyInvalid = false; this.keyForm.reset({ description: credential.description, key: credential.key }); } else if (credential.type === 'password') { this.editType = 'password'; this.editId = credentialId; this.passwordForm.controls['password'].clearValidators(); this.passwordForm.reset({ description: credential.description, password: '', password2: '' }); } } public async loadCredentials() { const res = await this.credentials.getList(this.recordId); this.credentialList = res.results; } public async onRemoveCredential(credential: CredentialApitype) { try { await this.modal.showMessage(new ModalOptionsDatatype({ heading: 'Confirm deletion', body: 'Are you shure you want to delete the credential ' + credential.description + '?', acceptText: 'Delete', dismisText: 'Cancel', acceptClass: 'danger' })); await this.credentials.delete(this.recordId,; await this.loadCredentials(); } catch (e) { } } }