logger = $c->logger; $this->container = $c; } public function post(Request $req, Response $res, array $args) { $body = $req->getParsedBody(); if (!array_key_exists('username', $body) || !array_key_exists('password', $body)) { return $res->withJson(['error' => 'One of the required fields is missing'], 422); } $userAuth = new \Operations\UserAuth($this->container); $sessionStorage = new \Operations\Sessionstorage($this->container); $sessionTimeout = $this->container['config']['sessionstorage']['timeout']; try { $userId = $userAuth->authenticate($body['username'], $body['password']); } catch (\Exceptions\PluginNotFoundException $e) { return $res->withJson(['error' => $e->getMessage()], 500); } if ($userId >= 0) { $secret = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(64); $secretString = base64_encode($secret); $secretString = rtrim(strtr($secretString, '+/', '-_'), '='); $sessionStorage->set($secretString, $userId, $sessionTimeout); $this->logger->info('User authenticated successfully', ['username' => $body['username']]); return $res->withJson([ 'username' => $body['username'], 'token' => $secretString ], 201); } else { $this->logger->info('User failed to authenticate', ['username' => $body['username']]); return $res->withJson(['error' => 'Username or password is invalid'], 403); } } public function delete(Request $req, Response $res, array $args) { $sessionStorage = new \Operations\Sessionstorage($this->container); if ($sessionStorage->exists($args['sessionId'])) { $sessionStorage->delete($args['sessionId']); $this->logger->info('Deleting session', ['token' => $args['sessionId']]); return $res->withStatus(204); } else { $this->logger->warning('Trying to delete non existing session', ['token' => $args['sessionId']]); return $res->withJson(['error' => 'Session not found'], 404); } } }