#!/bin/bash #================================================= # GENERIC START #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers #================================================= # LOAD SETTINGS #================================================= ynh_print_info "Loading installation settings..." app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" domain) port=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" port) db_name=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" psql_db) final_path=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" final_path) #================================================= # STANDARD REMOVE #================================================= # REMOVE SERVICE FROM ADMIN PANEL #================================================= # Remove a service from the admin panel, added by `yunohost service add` if yunohost service status $app >/dev/null 2>&1 then ynh_print_info "Removing $app service" yunohost service remove "$app" fi #================================================= # STOP AND REMOVE SERVICE #================================================= ynh_print_info "Stopping and removing the systemd service" # Remove the dedicated systemd config ynh_remove_systemd_config #================================================= # REMOVE THE POSTGRESQL DATABASE #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removing the PostgreSQL database" # Remove a database if it exists, along with the associated user ynh_psql_remove_db "$db_name" "$app" #================================================= # REMOVE DEPENDENCIES #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removing dependencies" # Remove metapackage and its dependencies ynh_remove_app_dependencies ynh_remove_nodejs #================================================= # REMOVE APP MAIN DIR #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removing app main directory" # Remove the app directory securely ynh_secure_remove "$final_path" #================================================= # REMOVE NGINX CONFIGURATION #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removing nginx web server configuration" # Remove the dedicated nginx config ynh_remove_nginx_config #================================================= # REMOVE LOGROTATE CONFIGURATION #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removing logrotate configuration" # Remove the app-specific logrotate config ynh_remove_logrotate #================================================= # CLOSE A PORT #================================================= if yunohost firewall list | grep -q "\- $port$" then ynh_print_info "Closing port $port" ynh_exec_warn_less yunohost firewall disallow TCP $port fi #================================================= # SPECIFIC REMOVE #================================================= #================================================= # GENERIC FINALIZATION #================================================= # REMOVE DEDICATED USER #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removing the dedicated system user" # Delete a system user ynh_system_user_delete "$app" #================================================= # SEND A README FOR THE ADMIN #================================================= message="$app was successfully removed :) $app was successfully removed. The domain https://$domain$path_url is free for other apps to be installed on it. But a futher action is required from your side to completely remove the $app data folder. If you have backup and plan to restore this app in the future DON'T RUN THIS COMMAND. And if you are going to migrate to othe server you will have to move /home/yunohost.app/$app to your new server. You need to run this command to remove the data (warning all your videos will be removed) : rm -R /home/yunohost.app/$app -f If you facing any problem or want to improve this app, please open a new issue here: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh" ynh_send_readme_to_admin "$message" #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_print_info "Removal of $app completed"