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2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
Change Log
2017-04-10 15:04:50 +02:00
## [PHP Censor v0.13.0]( (2017-04-10)
[Full Changelog](
* **Added Environments**. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
[#41](, [#47](,
[#52]( For details see
* **Added write cache for build log (It's increase build speed)**. Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
PullRequest [#45](, [#48](
* **Added write cache for build errors (It's increase build speed)**. Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
Issue [#49]( PullRequest
* **Added SensioLabs Security Checker Plugin** (This plugin is "zero-config" and used in builds without config).
Issue [#27]( Config example:
allowed_warnings: -1
* Added allowed fail status for plugins (See build summary in the build page).
* Added `suggest` section to `composer.json`. Issue [#53](
* Fixed build execution with many workers. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
* Fixed build view (Added html encoding for build errors output). Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
PullRequest [#54](
* Fixed exception when plugin runs without options (Like "php_parallel_lint: "). Issue
* Fixed TechnicalDebt Plugin configuration parameters. Thanks to [@bochkovprivate](
PullRequest [#55](
* Fixed PHPCpd plugin documentation. Thanks to [@bochkovprivate]( PullRequest
* Improved plugins code.
* Improved UI.
2017-03-25 06:04:37 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.12.0]( (2017-03-25)
[Full Changelog](
* Added 'deploy' stage for build. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
[#34]( Build config example:
webhook_url: "http://deployer.local/deploy/xxxxx"
reason: "PHP Censor Build #%BUILD% - %COMMIT_MESSAGE%"
update_only: true
* Added Magallanes (Mage) deployment plugin. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
[#36](, [#40](
Build config example:
env: production
bin: /usr/local/bin/mage
* Added build duration on Dashboard Timeline. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
* Added support for Mercurial (Hg) based repos in Bitbucket (BitbucketHgBuild). Used
[@bochkovprivate]( code.
* Fixed 'CommitterEmail' parameter in bitbucket webhook. Used [@bochkovprivate]( code.
* Fixed 'branch' parameter in Mercurial (Hg) build. Used [@bochkovprivate]( code.
* Fixed language select on user/edit page
* Fixed localization for 'project_group' string. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
* Fixed PHPUnit plugin behavior for case without tests
* Code style fixes, fixes for tests, improvements for documentation
* Removed useless daterangepicker and datepicker. Issue [#37](
* Improved PhpCodeSniffer plugin. Thanks to [@ValerioOnGithub]( PullRequest
[#31](, [#35](,
* Improved French localization. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
2017-03-12 10:54:18 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.11.0]( (2017-03-12)
[Full Changelog](
* Added duration column to the project page
* Fixed Build.log column size for MySQL (removed "NOT NULL")
* Fixed PhpCpd ignore option. Used [@ZinitSolutionsGmbH]( code.
* Fixed shell plugin execution. Issue [#30](
* Fixed pagination position in the project view (UI)
* Fixed branch link in the timeline (UI)
* Code style fixes
* Improved README, Docs and CHANGELOG
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.10.0]( (2017-02-24)
[Full Changelog](
2017-03-10 17:39:51 +01:00
* Added 'Build with debug' button to the project page (For admin user). Issue
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
* Fixed quoting for database entities.
2017-03-10 17:39:51 +01:00
* Fixed project config reload for worker between builds. Issue [#17](
* Fixed problem with runtime/status_cache directory. Issue [#19](
* Fixed add/edit project page. Issue [#21](
* Fixed form name pattern. Thanks to [@ket4yii]( PullRequest
* Fixed build.log column size for MySQL (text -> longtext). Issue [#26](
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
* Fixed build_error.message column size (varchar(255) -> text).
2017-03-10 17:39:51 +01:00
* Fixed profile language saving. Issue [#11](
* Fixed builds for branches which start with a hash character. Used [@soulflyman]( code.
* Improved Gogs support. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
* Improved TravisCI build settings (Added DB tests for PostgreSQL and MySQL).
* Improved README.
2017-02-11 17:41:09 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.9.0]( (2017-02-11)
[Full Changelog](
* **Fixed multiple install command execution (Now admin and project group don't duplicate).**
* Added yaml highlight for build config in project page.
2017-03-10 17:39:51 +01:00
* Improved Gogs support. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
2017-02-11 17:41:09 +01:00
* Improved dashboard UI.
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-02-09 17:18:44 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.8.0]( (2017-02-09)
[Full Changelog](
* **Refactored console/commands. Removed localization from logs.**
* **Removed hacks for Windows (IS_WIN constant). Because it doesn't work on Windows normally anyway.**
* Improved README and Documentation.
* Added param `config-from-file` for installing application with prepared config:
cd ./php-censor.local
# Non-interactive installation with prepared config.yml file
./bin/console php-censor:install --config-from-file=yes --admin-name=admin --admin-password=admin --admin-email='admin@php-censor.local'
* Added params for non-interactive admin creating:
cd ./php-censor.local
# Non-interactive admin creating
./bin/console php-censor:create-admin --admin-name=admin --admin-password=admin --admin-email='admin@php-censor.local'
2017-03-10 17:39:51 +01:00
* Added caching for public build status badge. Issue [#15](
* Added build from Gogs (build type and webhook). The feature is based on [@denji]('s code.
Issue [#13](
* Improved Codeception plugin. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
* Updated french translation. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
* Fixed init language. Issue [#9](
2017-02-09 17:18:44 +01:00
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 13:52:24 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.7.0]( (2017-01-29)
[Full Changelog](
* Application closed for search robots
* Improved and added file
* **Renamed application configuration (`app/config.yml`) section for work with queue**
The old way to configure queue:
host: localhost
queue: php-censor-queue
job_timeout: 600
And a new way:
host: localhost
name: php-censor-queue
lifetime: 600
* **Added PostgreSQL support as application DB. Changed DB configuration**
The old way to configure DB:
read: 'localhost:3306'
write: 'localhost:3306'
name: php-censor-db
username: php-censor-user
password: php-censor-password
And a new way:
- host: localhost
port: 3306
- host: localhost
port: 3306
type: mysql
name: php-censor-db
username: php-censor-user
password: php-censor-password
Type of DB (`type`) should be `mysql` or `pgsql`
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.6.0]( (2017-01-22)
[Full Changelog](
* Added pluggable authentication and LDAP authentication provider
type: internal
type: ldap
host: 'ldap.php-censor.local'
port: 389
base_dn: 'dc=php-censor,dc=local'
mail_attribute: mail
2017-02-20 14:57:47 +01:00
If you enter by new LDAP-user, the record in the DB will be created automatically. The basement of the feature is
[@Adirelle]( and [@dzolotov]( code.
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
* **Unified application configuration (app/config.yml) authentication options**
The old way to disable authentication:
state: true
user_id: 1
And a new way:
disable_auth: true
default_user_id: 1
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.5.0]( (2017-01-21)
[Full Changelog](
* Fixed projects archive (Archived projects can not be built and projects moved to the archive section)
* Added option to the application configuration (`app/config.yml`) to allow/deny removing the build directory after build (``)
remove_builds: true
* Added options to the application configuration (`app/config.yml`) to allow/deny sending errors in the commits/pull requests as comments on Github (`php-censor.github.comments.commit` and `php-censor.github.comments.pull_request`)
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
commit: false
pull_request: false
* Improved plugin Codeception
* **Removed agent/worker Daemon mode (You should use Worker mode instead)**
* **Removed pluginconfig configuration file (You should use plugin full name including the namespace)**
allow_failures: true
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.4.0]( (2017-01-15)
[Full Changelog](
* Fixed delete confirmation for all items
* Added ajax update for the main page (dashboard)
* Added public status information to the project page
* UI and localization fixes
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.3.0]( (2017-01-11)
[Full Changelog](
* Improved UI
* Updated dependencies
* Updated PHPUnit from 4.8 to 5.7
* Improved build without config
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.2.0]( (2017-01-07)
[Full Changelog](
* Improved PHPUnit plugin
* Improved UI
* Added login by name (name or email)
* Fixed public build status page
2017-02-24 12:12:53 +01:00
2017-01-29 12:14:20 +01:00
## [PHP Censor v0.1.0]( (2017-01-04)
Initial release. Changes from PHPCI (1.7.1):
* Upped PHP minimal version from 5.3 to 5.6
* Fixed tests and other small fixes
* Redesigned project structure
* Added more debug info into the build log
* Moved CSS/JS dependencies from sources to Composer dependencies (
* Added item per page parameter for build list
## PHP Censor v0 (2016-06-23)
Project started