diff --git a/src/PHPCensor/Languages/lang.zh.php b/src/PHPCensor/Languages/lang.zh.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b179c6b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/PHPCensor/Languages/lang.zh.php @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ + '简体中文', + 'language' => '语言选择', + + // Log in: + 'log_in_to_phpci' => '登录 PHPCI', + 'login_error' => '邮箱或密码错误', + 'forgotten_password_link' => '忘记密码?', + 'reset_emailed' => '已发送重置密码邮件.', + 'reset_header' => '不用担心!
只需要输入您的邮箱地址,我们将会给您的邮箱发送含有重置密码链接的邮件。', + 'reset_email_address' => '输入您的邮箱地址:', + 'reset_send_email' => '邮件重设密码', + 'reset_enter_password' => '请输入新密码', + 'reset_new_password' => '新密码:', + 'reset_change_password' => '更改密码', + 'reset_no_user_exists' => '不存该该邮箱用户,请检查后重试!', + 'reset_email_body' => '您好 %s, + +您收到这封邮件,是因为您或者别人发起了来自PHPCI的密码重置请求。 + +如果确实是您发起的,请点击链接去重置您的密码:%ssession/reset-password/%d/%s + +否则,请忽视这封邮件,这不会发生任何事情。 + +多谢, + +PHPCI', + + 'reset_email_title' => '给 %s 来自 PHPCI 的密码重置邮件', + 'reset_invalid' => '密码重置请求失败!', + 'email_address' => '邮箱地址', + 'password' => '密码', + 'log_in' => '登录', + + + // Top Nav + 'toggle_navigation' => '导航切换', + 'n_builds_pending' => '%d 等待构建', + 'n_builds_running' => '%d 正在构建', + 'edit_profile' => '编辑资料', + 'sign_out' => '注销', + 'branch_x' => '分支: %s', + 'created_x' => '创建于: %s', + 'started_x' => '开始于: %s', + + // Sidebar + 'hello_name' => '您好, %s', + 'dashboard' => '仪表盘', + 'admin_options' => '管理选项', + 'add_project' => '新增项目', + 'settings' => '设置', + 'manage_users' => '用户管理', + 'plugins' => '插件', + 'view' => '查看', + 'build_now' => '立即构建', + 'edit_project' => '编辑项目', + 'delete_project' => '删除项目', + + // Project Summary: + 'no_builds_yet' => '没有任何构建', + 'x_of_x_failed' => '%d 的最后一个 %d 构建失败!', + 'x_of_x_failed_short' => '%d / %d 失败。', + 'last_successful_build' => ' 最后一次构建成功的是 %s.', + 'never_built_successfully' => ' 该项目构建从来没有成功过!', + 'all_builds_passed' => '构建记录中 %d 次构建通过。', + 'all_builds_passed_short' => '%d / %d 通过。', + 'last_failed_build' => ' 最近一次构建失败的是 %s。', + 'never_failed_build' => ' 该项目构建从未失败过。', + 'view_project' => '查看项目', + + // Timeline: + 'latest_builds' => '最近构建', + 'pending' => '等待中', + 'running' => '构建中', + 'success' => '成功', + 'successful' => '成功', + 'failed' => '失败', + 'manual_build' => 'Manual Build', + + // Add/Edit Project: + 'new_project' => '新项目', + 'project_x_not_found' => '项目 ID %d 不存在。', + 'project_details' => '项目详情', + 'public_key_help' => '为了帮助您更简单的开始项目构建,我们生成了以下 SSH key 对用于该项目。要使用它,请添加以下公钥 “deploy keys” 至您选择的源代码托管平台', + + 'select_repository_type' => '选择仓库类型...', + 'github' => 'GitHub', + 'bitbucket' => 'Bitbucket', + 'gitlab' => 'GitLab', + 'remote' => 'Remote URL', + 'local' => 'Local Path', + 'hg' => 'Mercurial', + 'svn' => 'Subversion', + + 'where_hosted' => '您的代码托管在?', + 'choose_github' => '选择一个 GitHub 仓库:', + + 'repo_name' => '仓库名称 / URL (本地) or Path (本地)', + 'project_title' => '项目标题', + 'project_private_key' => '访问仓库私有秘钥 + (本地或公共仓库可为空)', + 'build_config' => '该项目 PHPCI 构建配置文件 + (如果您无法在该项目仓库创建 phpci.yml 文件)', + 'default_branch' => '默认分支名称', + 'allow_public_status' => '启用此项目的公共状态页和图像?', + 'archived' => '归档', + 'archived_menu' => '归档', + 'save_project' => '保存项目', + + 'error_mercurial' => 'Mercurial 仓库 URL 必须以 http:// or https:// 开始', + 'error_remote' => '仓库 URL 必须以 git://, http:// or https:// 开始', + 'error_gitlab' => 'GitLab 仓库名称必须符合 "user@domain.tld:owner/repo.git" 格式', + 'error_github' => '仓库名称必须符合 "owner/repo" 格式', + 'error_bitbucket' => '仓库名称必须符合 "owner/repo" 格式', + 'error_path' => '您制定的路径不存在', + + // View Project: + 'all_branches' => 'All Branches', + 'builds' => 'Builds', + 'id' => 'ID', + 'date' => '日期', + 'project' => '项目', + 'commit' => '提交', + 'branch' => '分支', + 'status' => '状态', + 'prev_link' => '« 上一个', + 'next_link' => '下一个 »', + 'public_key' => '公共秘钥', + 'delete_build' => '删除构建', + + 'webhooks' => 'Webhooks', + 'webhooks_help_github' => '要想当您的仓库由新的提交推送时自动构建,请在您的Github仓库的 + Webhooks and Services + 将该URL添加至新增 "Webhook" 中。', + + 'webhooks_help_gitlab' => '要想当您的仓库由新的提交推送时自动构建,请在您的GitLab仓库的 "WebHook URL" 添加该URL。', + + 'webhooks_help_bitbucket' => '要想当您的仓库由新的提交推送时自动构建,请在您的GitLab仓库的 + + Services 将该URL添加成 “POST服务”。', + + // View Build + 'errors' => 'Errors', + 'information' => 'Information', + + 'build_x_not_found' => '构建 ID %d 不存在。', + 'build_n' => 'Build %d', + 'rebuild_now' => '重新构建', + + + 'committed_by_x' => '由 %s 提交', + 'commit_id_x' => '提交: %s', + + 'chart_display' => '构建一旦完成该图表将会显示', + + 'build' => 'Build', + 'lines' => 'Lines', + 'comment_lines' => 'Comment Lines', + 'noncomment_lines' => 'Non-Comment Lines', + 'logical_lines' => 'Logical Lines', + 'lines_of_code' => 'Lines of Code', + 'build_log' => 'Build Log', + 'quality_trend' => 'Quality Trend', + 'codeception_errors' => 'Codeception Errors', + 'phpmd_warnings' => 'PHPMD Warnings', + 'phpcs_warnings' => 'PHPCS Warnings', + 'phpcs_errors' => 'PHPCS Errors', + 'phplint_errors' => 'Lint Errors', + 'phpunit_errors' => 'PHPUnit Errors', + 'phpdoccheck_warnings' => 'Missing Docblocks', + 'issues' => 'Issues', + + 'codeception' => 'Codeception', + 'phpcpd' => 'PHP Copy/Paste Detector', + 'phpcs' => 'PHP Code Sniffer', + 'phpdoccheck' => 'Missing Docblocks', + 'phpmd' => 'PHP Mess Detector', + 'phpspec' => 'PHP Spec', + 'phpunit' => 'PHP Unit', + 'technical_debt' => 'Technical Debt', + 'behat' => 'Behat', + + 'codeception_feature' => 'Feature', + 'codeception_suite' => 'Suite', + 'codeception_time' => 'Time', + 'codeception_synopsis' => '%1$d 测试进行了 %2$f 秒. + %3$d 失败。', + + 'file' => 'File', + 'line' => 'Line', + 'class' => 'Class', + 'method' => 'Method', + 'message' => 'Message', + 'start' => 'Start', + 'end' => 'End', + 'from' => 'From', + 'to' => 'To', + 'result' => 'Result', + 'ok' => 'OK', + 'took_n_seconds' => 'Took %d seconds', + 'build_created' => 'Build Created', + 'build_started' => 'Build Started', + 'build_finished' => 'Build Finished', + 'test_message' => 'Message', + 'test_no_message' => 'No message', + 'test_success' => 'Successful: %d', + 'test_fail' => 'Failures: %d', + 'test_skipped' => 'Skipped: %d', + 'test_error' => 'Errors: %d', + 'test_todo' => 'Todos: %d', + 'test_total' => '%d test(s)', + + // Users + 'name' => '名称', + 'password_change' => '密码 (如果要修改密码请填入新密码,否则留空空)', + 'save' => '保存 »', + 'update_your_details' => '更新您的个人信息', + 'your_details_updated' => '您的信息已经更新。', + 'add_user' => '新增用户', + 'is_admin' => '是否设为管理员?', + 'yes' => '是', + 'no' => '否', + 'edit' => '编辑', + 'edit_user' => '编辑用户', + 'delete_user' => '删除用户', + 'user_n_not_found' => '用户 ID %d 不存在。', + 'is_user_admin' => '该用户是否为管理员', + 'save_user' => '保存用户', + + // Settings: + 'settings_saved' => '您的设置已经保存。', + 'settings_check_perms' => '权限不足,您的设置无法保存, 请检查 config.yml 文件.', + 'settings_cannot_write' => 'PHPCI 无法写入 config.yml 文件, 在这个问题解决前设置可能无法正常保存', + 'settings_github_linked' => '您的 GitHub 账户已经连接。', + 'settings_github_not_linked' => '您的 GitHub 无法连接。', + 'build_settings' => '构建设置', + 'github_application' => 'GitHub Application', + 'github_sign_in' => '在使用您的 GitHub 账号之前, 您需要登录 GitHub , 并允许 PHPCI 访问您的账户。', + 'github_phpci_linked' => 'PHPCI 成功连接到您的 GitHub 账户。', + 'github_where_to_find' => '在哪里可以找到...', + 'github_where_help' => '如果您想使用您自己的应用, 您可以在applications 的 setting 中 找到相关信息。', + + 'email_settings' => '邮箱设置', + 'email_settings_help' => 'PHPCI在发送构建状态的邮件之前,您需要配置您的SMTP设置如下。', + + 'application_id' => 'Application ID', + 'application_secret' => 'Application Secret', + + 'smtp_server' => 'SMTP Server', + 'smtp_port' => 'SMTP Port', + 'smtp_username' => 'SMTP Username', + 'smtp_password' => 'SMTP Password', + 'from_email_address' => '邮件来自', + 'default_notification_address' => '通知默认邮件', + 'use_smtp_encryption' => 'SMTP 使用哪种方式加密?', + 'none' => 'None', + 'ssl' => 'SSL', + 'tls' => 'TLS', + + 'failed_after' => '构建失败后重新构建间隔', + '5_mins' => '5 分钟', + '15_mins' => '15 分钟', + '30_mins' => '30 分钟', + '1_hour' => '1 小时', + '3_hours' => '3 小时', + + // Plugins + 'cannot_update_composer' => '由于 composer.json 文件不可写 PHPCI 无法为您更新该文件, ', + 'x_has_been_removed' => '%s 已经移除', + 'x_has_been_added' => '%s 已经为您添加至 composer.json , 当您下次执行 composer update 时相关库将会安装', + 'enabled_plugins' => '已启用插件', + 'provided_by_package' => '来自', + 'installed_packages' => '已安装插件', + 'suggested_packages' => '建议安装插件', + 'title' => '名称', + 'description' => '说明', + 'version' => '版本', + 'install' => '安装 »', + 'remove' => '移除 »', + 'search_packagist_for_more' => '搜索获取更多插件', + 'search' => '搜索 »', + + // Summary plugin + 'build-summary' => 'Summary', + 'stage' => 'Stage', + 'duration' => 'Duration', + 'plugin' => 'Plugin', + 'stage_setup' => 'Setup', + 'stage_test' => 'Test', + 'stage_complete' => 'Complete', + 'stage_success' => 'Success', + 'stage_failure' => 'Failure', + 'stage_broken' => 'Broken', + 'stage_fixed' => 'Fixed', + + // Installer + 'installation_url' => 'PHPCI Installation URL', + 'db_host' => 'Database Host', + 'db_name' => 'Database Name', + 'db_user' => 'Database Username', + 'db_pass' => 'Database Password', + 'admin_name' => 'Admin Name', + 'admin_pass' => 'Admin Password', + 'admin_email' => 'Admin Email Address', + 'config_path' => 'Config File Path', + 'install_phpci' => 'Install PHPCI', + 'welcome_to_phpci' => 'Welcome to PHPCI', + 'please_answer' => 'Please answer the following questions:', + 'phpci_php_req' => 'PHPCI requires at least PHP 5.3.8 to function.', + 'extension_required' => 'Extension required: %s', + 'function_required' => 'PHPCI needs to be able to call the %s() function. Is it disabled in php.ini?', + 'requirements_not_met' => 'PHPCI cannot be installed, as not all requirements are met. + Please review the errors above before continuing.', + 'must_be_valid_email' => 'Must be a valid email address.', + 'must_be_valid_url' => 'Must be a valid URL.', + 'enter_name' => 'Admin Name: ', + 'enter_email' => 'Admin Email: ', + 'enter_password' => 'Admin Password: ', + 'enter_phpci_url' => 'Your PHPCI URL ("http://phpci.local" for example): ', + + 'enter_db_host' => 'Please enter your MySQL host [localhost]: ', + 'enter_db_name' => 'Please enter your MySQL database name [phpci]: ', + 'enter_db_user' => 'Please enter your MySQL username [phpci]: ', + 'enter_db_pass' => 'Please enter your MySQL password: ', + 'could_not_connect' => 'PHPCI could not connect to MySQL with the details provided. Please try again.', + 'setting_up_db' => 'Setting up your database... ', + 'user_created' => 'User account created!', + 'failed_to_create' => 'PHPCI failed to create your admin account.', + 'config_exists' => 'The PHPCI config file exists and is not empty.', + 'update_instead' => 'If you were trying to update PHPCI, please use phpci:update instead.', + + // Update + 'update_phpci' => 'Update the database to reflect modified models.', + 'updating_phpci' => 'Updating PHPCI database: ', + 'not_installed' => 'PHPCI does not appear to be installed.', + 'install_instead' => 'Please install PHPCI via phpci:install instead.', + + // Poll Command + 'poll_github' => 'Poll GitHub to check if we need to start a build.', + 'no_token' => 'No GitHub token found', + 'finding_projects' => 'Finding projects to poll', + 'found_n_projects' => 'Found %d projects', + 'last_commit_is' => 'Last commit to GitHub for %s is %s', + 'adding_new_build' => 'Last commit is different to database, adding new build.', + 'finished_processing_builds' => 'Finished processing builds.', + + // Create Admin + 'create_admin_user' => 'Create an admin user', + 'incorrect_format' => 'Incorrect format', + + // Create Build Command + 'create_build_project' => 'Create a build for a project', + 'project_id_argument' => 'A project ID', + 'commit_id_option' => 'Commit ID to build', + 'branch_name_option' => 'Branch to build', + 'add_to_queue_failed' => 'Build created successfully, but failed to add to build queue. This usually happens + when PHPCI is set to use a beanstalkd server that does not exist, + or your beanstalkd server has stopped.', + + // Run Command + 'run_all_pending' => 'Run all pending PHPCI builds.', + 'finding_builds' => 'Finding builds to process', + 'found_n_builds' => 'Found %d builds', + 'skipping_build' => 'Skipping Build %d - Project build already in progress.', + 'marked_as_failed' => 'Build %d marked as failed due to timeout.', + + // Builder + 'missing_phpci_yml' => 'This project does not contain a phpci.yml file, or it is empty.', + 'build_success' => 'BUILD SUCCESS', + 'build_failed' => 'BUILD FAILED', + 'removing_build' => 'Removing Build.', + 'exception' => 'Exception: ', + 'could_not_create_working' => 'Could not create a working copy.', + 'working_copy_created' => 'Working copy created: %s', + 'looking_for_binary' => 'Looking for binary: %s', + 'found_in_path' => 'Found in %s: %s', + 'running_plugin' => 'RUNNING PLUGIN: %s', + 'plugin_success' => 'PLUGIN: SUCCESS', + 'plugin_failed' => 'PLUGIN: FAILED', + 'plugin_missing' => 'Plugin does not exist: %s', + 'tap_version' => 'TapParser only supports TAP version 13', + 'tap_error' => 'Invalid TAP string, number of tests does not match specified test count.', + + // Build Plugins: + 'no_tests_performed' => 'No tests have been performed.', + 'could_not_find' => 'Could not find %s', + 'no_campfire_settings' => 'No connection parameters given for Campfire plugin', + 'failed_to_wipe' => 'Failed to wipe existing directory %s before copy', + 'passing_build' => 'Passing Build', + 'failing_build' => 'Failing Build', + 'log_output' => 'Log Output: ', + 'n_emails_sent' => '%d emails sent.', + 'n_emails_failed' => '%d emails failed to send.', + 'unable_to_set_env' => 'Unable to set environment variable', + 'tag_created' => 'Tag created by PHPCI: %s', + 'x_built_at_x' => '%PROJECT_TITLE% built at %BUILD_URI%', + 'hipchat_settings' => 'Please define room and authToken for hipchat_notify plugin', + 'irc_settings' => 'You must configure a server, room and nick.', + 'invalid_command' => 'Invalid command', + 'import_file_key' => 'Import statement must contain a \'file\' key', + 'cannot_open_import' => 'Cannot open SQL import file: %s', + 'unable_to_execute' => 'Unable to execute SQL file', + 'phar_internal_error' => 'Phar Plugin Internal Error', + 'build_file_missing' => 'Specified build file does not exist.', + 'property_file_missing' => 'Specified property file does not exist.', + 'could_not_process_report' => 'Could not process the report generated by this tool.', + 'shell_not_enabled' => 'The shell plugin is not enabled. Please enable it via config.yml.', + + + // Error Levels: + 'critical' => 'Critical', + 'high' => 'High', + 'normal' => 'Normal', + 'low' => 'Low', + + // Plugins that generate errors: + 'php_mess_detector' => 'PHP Mess Detector', + 'php_code_sniffer' => 'PHP Code Sniffer', + 'php_unit' => 'PHP Unit', + 'php_cpd' => 'PHP Copy/Paste Detector', + 'php_docblock_checker' => 'PHP Docblock Checker', + 'behat' => 'Behat', + 'technical_debt' => 'Technical Debt', + +);