Plugin PHP Mess Detector ------------------------ Runs PHP Mess Detector against your build. Records some key metrics, and also reports errors and warnings. Configuration ============= ### Options - **allowed_warnings** [int, optional] - The warning limit for a successful build (default: 0). -1 disables warnings. Setting allowed_warnings in conjunction with zero_config will override zero_config. - **suffixes** [array, optional] - An array of file extensions to check (default: 'php') - **ignore** [array, optional] - An array of files/paths to ignore (default: build_settings > ignore) - **path** [string, optional] - Directory in which PHPMD should run (default: build root) - **rules** [array, optional] - Array of rulesets that PHPMD should use when checking your build or a string containing at least one slash, will be treated as path to PHPMD ruleset. See for complete details on the rules. (default: ['codesize', 'unusedcode', 'naming']). - **zero_config** [bool, optional] - Suppresses build failure on errors and warnings if set to true. (default: false). ### Examples ```yml test: php_mess_detector: path: 'app' ignore: - 'vendor' allowed_warnings: -1 rules: - "cleancode" - "controversial" - "codesize" - "design" - "naming" - "unusedcode" - "somedir/customruleset.xml" zero_config: true ```