null, 'build_id' => null, 'plugin' => null, 'file' => null, 'line_start' => null, 'line_end' => null, 'severity' => null, 'message' => null, 'created_date' => null, ]; /** * @var array */ protected $getters = [ // Direct property getters: 'id' => 'getId', 'build_id' => 'getBuildId', 'plugin' => 'getPlugin', 'file' => 'getFile', 'line_start' => 'getLineStart', 'line_end' => 'getLineEnd', 'severity' => 'getSeverity', 'message' => 'getMessage', 'created_date' => 'getCreatedDate', // Foreign key getters: 'Build' => 'getBuild', ]; /** * @var array */ protected $setters = [ // Direct property setters: 'id' => 'setId', 'build_id' => 'setBuildId', 'plugin' => 'setPlugin', 'file' => 'setFile', 'line_start' => 'setLineStart', 'line_end' => 'setLineEnd', 'severity' => 'setSeverity', 'message' => 'setMessage', 'created_date' => 'setCreatedDate', // Foreign key setters: 'Build' => 'setBuild', ]; /** * @var array */ public $columns = [ 'id' => [ 'type' => 'int', 'length' => 11, 'primary_key' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'default' => null, ], 'build_id' => [ 'type' => 'int', 'length' => 11, 'default' => null, ], 'plugin' => [ 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 100, 'default' => null, ], 'file' => [ 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 250, 'nullable' => true, 'default' => null, ], 'line_start' => [ 'type' => 'int', 'length' => 11, 'nullable' => true, 'default' => null, ], 'line_end' => [ 'type' => 'int', 'length' => 11, 'nullable' => true, 'default' => null, ], 'severity' => [ 'type' => 'tinyint', 'length' => 3, 'default' => null, ], 'message' => [ 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 250, 'default' => null, ], 'created_date' => [ 'type' => 'datetime', 'default' => null, ], ]; /** * @var array */ public $indexes = [ 'PRIMARY' => ['unique' => true, 'columns' => 'id'], 'build_id' => ['columns' => 'build_id, created_date'], ]; /** * @var array */ public $foreignKeys = [ 'build_error_ibfk_1' => [ 'local_col' => 'build_id', 'update' => 'CASCADE', 'delete' => 'CASCADE', 'table' => 'build', 'col' => 'id' ], ]; /** * Get the value of Id / id. * * @return int */ public function getId() { $rtn = $this->data['id']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of BuildId / build_id. * * @return int */ public function getBuildId() { $rtn = $this->data['build_id']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of Plugin / plugin. * * @return string */ public function getPlugin() { $rtn = $this->data['plugin']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of File / file. * * @return string */ public function getFile() { $rtn = $this->data['file']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of LineStart / line_start. * * @return int */ public function getLineStart() { $rtn = $this->data['line_start']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of LineEnd / line_end. * * @return int */ public function getLineEnd() { $rtn = $this->data['line_end']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of Severity / severity. * * @return int */ public function getSeverity() { $rtn = $this->data['severity']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of Message / message. * * @return string */ public function getMessage() { $rtn = $this->data['message']; return $rtn; } /** * Get the value of CreatedDate / created_date. * * @return \DateTime */ public function getCreatedDate() { $rtn = $this->data['created_date']; if (!empty($rtn)) { $rtn = new \DateTime($rtn); } return $rtn; } /** * Set the value of Id / id. * * Must not be null. * @param $value int */ public function setId($value) { $this->_validateNotNull('Id', $value); $this->_validateInt('Id', $value); if ($this->data['id'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['id'] = $value; $this->_setModified('id'); } /** * Set the value of BuildId / build_id. * * Must not be null. * @param $value int */ public function setBuildId($value) { $this->_validateNotNull('BuildId', $value); $this->_validateInt('BuildId', $value); if ($this->data['build_id'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['build_id'] = $value; $this->_setModified('build_id'); } /** * Set the value of Plugin / plugin. * * Must not be null. * @param $value string */ public function setPlugin($value) { $this->_validateNotNull('Plugin', $value); $this->_validateString('Plugin', $value); if ($this->data['plugin'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['plugin'] = $value; $this->_setModified('plugin'); } /** * Set the value of File / file. * * @param $value string */ public function setFile($value) { $this->_validateString('File', $value); if ($this->data['file'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['file'] = $value; $this->_setModified('file'); } /** * Set the value of LineStart / line_start. * * @param $value int */ public function setLineStart($value) { $this->_validateInt('LineStart', $value); if ($this->data['line_start'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['line_start'] = $value; $this->_setModified('line_start'); } /** * Set the value of LineEnd / line_end. * * @param $value int */ public function setLineEnd($value) { $this->_validateInt('LineEnd', $value); if ($this->data['line_end'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['line_end'] = $value; $this->_setModified('line_end'); } /** * Set the value of Severity / severity. * * Must not be null. * @param $value int */ public function setSeverity($value) { $this->_validateNotNull('Severity', $value); $this->_validateInt('Severity', $value); if ($this->data['severity'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['severity'] = $value; $this->_setModified('severity'); } /** * Set the value of Message / message. * * Must not be null. * @param $value string */ public function setMessage($value) { $this->_validateNotNull('Message', $value); $this->_validateString('Message', $value); if ($this->data['message'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['message'] = $value; $this->_setModified('message'); } /** * Set the value of CreatedDate / created_date. * * Must not be null. * @param $value \DateTime */ public function setCreatedDate($value) { $this->_validateNotNull('CreatedDate', $value); $this->_validateDate('CreatedDate', $value); if ($this->data['created_date'] === $value) { return; } $this->data['created_date'] = $value; $this->_setModified('created_date'); } /** * Get the Build model for this BuildError by Id. * * @uses \PHPCensor\Store\BuildStore::getById() * @uses \PHPCensor\Model\Build * @return \PHPCensor\Model\Build */ public function getBuild() { $key = $this->getBuildId(); if (empty($key)) { return null; } $cacheKey = 'Cache.Build.' . $key; $rtn = $this->cache->get($cacheKey, null); if (empty($rtn)) { $rtn = Factory::getStore('Build', 'PHPCensor')->getById($key); $this->cache->set($cacheKey, $rtn); } return $rtn; } /** * Set Build - Accepts an ID, an array representing a Build or a Build model. * * @param $value mixed */ public function setBuild($value) { // Is this an instance of Build? if ($value instanceof Build) { return $this->setBuildObject($value); } // Is this an array representing a Build item? if (is_array($value) && !empty($value['id'])) { return $this->setBuildId($value['id']); } // Is this a scalar value representing the ID of this foreign key? return $this->setBuildId($value); } /** * Set Build - Accepts a Build model. * * @param $value Build */ public function setBuildObject(Build $value) { return $this->setBuildId($value->getId()); } }