*/ class Builder implements LoggerAwareInterface { /** * @var string */ public $buildPath; /** * @var string[] */ public $ignore = []; /** * @var string */ protected $directory; /** * @var bool */ protected $verbose = true; /** * @var \PHPCensor\Model\Build */ protected $build; /** * @var LoggerInterface */ protected $logger; /** * @var array */ protected $config = []; /** * @var string */ protected $lastOutput; /** * @var BuildInterpolator */ protected $interpolator; /** * @var \PHPCensor\Store\BuildStore */ protected $store; /** * @var bool */ public $quiet = false; /** * @var \PHPCensor\Plugin\Util\Executor */ protected $pluginExecutor; /** * @var Helper\CommandExecutorInterface */ protected $commandExecutor; /** * @var Logging\BuildLogger */ protected $buildLogger; /** * @var BuildErrorWriter */ private $buildErrorWriter; /** * Set up the builder. * * @param \PHPCensor\Model\Build $build * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function __construct(Build $build, LoggerInterface $logger = null) { $this->build = $build; $this->store = Factory::getStore('Build', 'PHPCensor'); $this->buildLogger = new BuildLogger($logger, $build); $pluginFactory = $this->buildPluginFactory($build); $this->pluginExecutor = new Plugin\Util\Executor($pluginFactory, $this->buildLogger); $executorClass = 'PHPCensor\Helper\CommandExecutor'; $this->commandExecutor = new $executorClass( $this->buildLogger, ROOT_DIR, $this->quiet, $this->verbose ); $this->interpolator = new BuildInterpolator(); $this->buildErrorWriter = new BuildErrorWriter($this->build->getId()); } /** * Set the config array, as read from .php-censor.yml * @param array|null $config * @throws \Exception */ public function setConfigArray($config) { if (is_null($config) || !is_array($config)) { throw new \Exception('This project does not contain a .php-censor.yml (.phpci.yml|phpci.yml) file, or it is empty.'); } $this->logDebug('Config: ' . json_encode($config)); $this->config = $config; } /** * Access a variable from the .php-censor.yml file. * @param string * @return mixed */ public function getConfig($key) { $rtn = null; if (isset($this->config[$key])) { $rtn = $this->config[$key]; } return $rtn; } /** * Access a variable from the config.yml * @param $key * @return mixed */ public function getSystemConfig($key) { return Config::getInstance()->get($key); } /** * @return string The title of the project being built. */ public function getBuildProjectTitle() { return $this->build->getProject()->getTitle(); } /** * Run the active build. */ public function execute() { // check current status if ($this->build->getStatus() != Build::STATUS_PENDING) { throw new BuilderException('Can`t build - status is not pending', BuilderException::FAIL_START); } // set status only if current status pending if (!$this->build->setStatusSync(Build::STATUS_RUNNING)) { throw new BuilderException('Can`t build - unable change status to running', BuilderException::FAIL_START); } // Update the build in the database, ping any external services. $this->build->setStartDate(new \DateTime()); $this->store->save($this->build); $this->build->sendStatusPostback(); $success = true; $previous_build = $this->build->getProject()->getPreviousBuild($this->build->getBranch()); $previous_state = Build::STATUS_PENDING; if ($previous_build) { $previous_state = $previous_build->getStatus(); } try { // Set up the build: $this->setupBuild(); // Run the core plugin stages: foreach ([Build::STAGE_SETUP, Build::STAGE_TEST, Build::STAGE_DEPLOY] as $stage) { $success &= $this->pluginExecutor->executePlugins($this->config, $stage); if (!$success) { break; } } // Set the status so this can be used by complete, success and failure // stages. if ($success) { $this->build->setStatus(Build::STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { $this->build->setStatus(Build::STATUS_FAILED); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $success = false; $this->build->setStatus(Build::STATUS_FAILED); $this->buildLogger->logFailure('Exception: ' . $ex->getMessage(), $ex); } try { if ($success) { $this->pluginExecutor->executePlugins($this->config, Build::STAGE_SUCCESS); if ($previous_state == Build::STATUS_FAILED) { $this->pluginExecutor->executePlugins($this->config, Build::STAGE_FIXED); } } else { $this->pluginExecutor->executePlugins($this->config, Build::STAGE_FAILURE); if ($previous_state == Build::STATUS_SUCCESS || $previous_state == Build::STATUS_PENDING) { $this->pluginExecutor->executePlugins($this->config, Build::STAGE_BROKEN); } } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->buildLogger->logFailure('Exception: ' . $ex->getMessage(), $ex); } if (Build::STATUS_FAILED === $this->build->getStatus()) { $this->buildLogger->logFailure("\nBUILD FAILED"); } else { $this->buildLogger->logSuccess("\nBUILD SUCCESS"); } try { // Complete stage plugins are always run $this->pluginExecutor->executePlugins($this->config, Build::STAGE_COMPLETE); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->buildLogger->logFailure('Exception: ' . $ex->getMessage()); } // Update the build in the database, ping any external services, etc. $this->build->sendStatusPostback(); $this->build->setFinishDate(new \DateTime()); $removeBuilds = (bool)Config::getInstance()->get('php-censor.build.remove_builds', true); if ($removeBuilds) { // Clean up: $this->buildLogger->log("\nRemoving Build."); $this->build->removeBuildDirectory(); } $this->buildErrorWriter->flush(); $this->store->save($this->build); } /** * Used by this class, and plugins, to execute shell commands. */ public function executeCommand() { return $this->commandExecutor->executeCommand(func_get_args()); } /** * Returns the output from the last command run. */ public function getLastOutput() { return $this->commandExecutor->getLastOutput(); } /** * Specify whether exec output should be logged. * @param bool $enableLog */ public function logExecOutput($enableLog = true) { $this->commandExecutor->logExecOutput = $enableLog; } /** * Find a binary required by a plugin. * * @param string $binary * @param bool $quiet Returns null instead of throwing an exception. * @param string $priorityPath * * @return null|string * * @throws \Exception when no binary has been found and $quiet is false. */ public function findBinary($binary, $quiet = false, $priorityPath = 'local') { return $this->commandExecutor->findBinary($binary, $quiet, $priorityPath); } /** * Replace every occurrence of the interpolation vars in the given string * Example: "This is build %PHPCI_BUILD%" => "This is build 182" * @param string $input * @return string */ public function interpolate($input) { return $this->interpolator->interpolate($input); } /** * Set up a working copy of the project for building. */ protected function setupBuild() { $this->buildPath = $this->build->getBuildPath(); $this->interpolator->setupInterpolationVars( $this->build, $this->buildPath, APP_URL ); $this->commandExecutor->setBuildPath($this->buildPath); // Create a working copy of the project: if (!$this->build->createWorkingCopy($this, $this->buildPath)) { throw new \Exception('Could not create a working copy.'); } // Does the project's .php-censor.yml request verbose mode? if (!isset($this->config['build_settings']['verbose']) || !$this->config['build_settings']['verbose']) { $this->verbose = false; } // Does the project have any paths it wants plugins to ignore? if (isset($this->config['build_settings']['ignore'])) { $this->ignore = $this->config['build_settings']['ignore']; } $this->buildLogger->logSuccess(sprintf('Working copy created: %s', $this->buildPath)); return true; } /** * Sets a logger instance on the object * * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @return null */ public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->buildLogger->setLogger($logger); } /** * Write to the build log. * @param $message * @param string $level * @param array $context */ public function log($message, $level = LogLevel::INFO, $context = []) { $this->buildLogger->log($message, $level, $context); } /** * Add a success-coloured message to the log. * * @param string */ public function logSuccess($message) { $this->buildLogger->logSuccess($message); } /** * Add a failure-coloured message to the log. * * @param string $message * @param \Exception $exception The exception that caused the error. */ public function logFailure($message, \Exception $exception = null) { $this->buildLogger->logFailure($message, $exception); } /** * Add a debug message to the log. * * @param string */ public function logDebug($message) { $this->buildLogger->logDebug($message); } /** * Returns a configured instance of the plugin factory. * * @param Build $build * @return PluginFactory */ private function buildPluginFactory(Build $build) { $pluginFactory = new PluginFactory(); $self = $this; $pluginFactory->registerResource( function () use ($self) { return $self; }, null, 'PHPCensor\Builder' ); $pluginFactory->registerResource( function () use ($build) { return $build; }, null, 'PHPCensor\Model\Build' ); $logger = $this->logger; $pluginFactory->registerResource( function () use ($logger) { return $logger; }, null, 'Psr\Log\LoggerInterface' ); $pluginFactory->registerResource( function () use ($self) { $factory = new MailerFactory($self->getSystemConfig('php-censor')); return $factory->getSwiftMailerFromConfig(); }, null, 'Swift_Mailer' ); return $pluginFactory; } /** * @return BuildErrorWriter */ public function getBuildErrorWriter() { return $this->buildErrorWriter; } }