buildStore = Factory::getStore('Build'); $this->projectStore = Factory::getStore('Project'); $this->groupStore = Factory::getStore('ProjectGroup'); } /** * Display dashboard. */ public function index() { $this->view->groups = $this->getGroupInfo(); $response = new Response(); $response->setContent($this->view->render()); return $response; } /** * Generate the HTML for the project overview section of the dashboard. * * @param Project[] $projects * * @return string */ protected function getSummaryHtml($projects) { $summaryBuilds = []; $successes = []; $failures = []; $counts = []; foreach ($projects as $project) { $summaryBuilds[$project->getId()] = $this->buildStore->getLatestBuilds($project->getId()); $count = $this->buildStore->getWhere( ['project_id' => $project->getId()], 1, 0, ['id' => 'DESC'] ); $counts[$project->getId()] = $count['count']; $success = $this->buildStore->getLastBuildByStatus($project->getId(), Build::STATUS_SUCCESS); $failure = $this->buildStore->getLastBuildByStatus($project->getId(), Build::STATUS_FAILED); $successes[$project->getId()] = $success; $failures[$project->getId()] = $failure; } $view = new View('WidgetAllProjects/index-projects'); $view->projects = $projects; $view->builds = $summaryBuilds; $view->successful = $successes; $view->failed = $failures; $view->counts = $counts; return $view->render(); } /** * Get a summary of the project groups we have, and what projects they have in them. * * @return array * * @throws \Exception */ protected function getGroupInfo() { $rtn = []; $groups = $this->groupStore->getWhere([], 100, 0, ['title' => 'ASC']); foreach ($groups['items'] as $group) { $thisGroup = ['title' => $group->getTitle()]; $projects = $this->projectStore->getByGroupId($group->getId(), false); $thisGroup['projects'] = $projects['items']; $thisGroup['summary'] = $this->getSummaryHtml($thisGroup['projects']); $rtn[] = $thisGroup; } return $rtn; } /** * @param integer $projectId * * @return Response * * @throws \PHPCensor\Exception\HttpException */ public function update($projectId) { $count = $this->buildStore->getWhere( ['project_id' => $projectId], 1, 0, ['id' => 'DESC'] ); $counts = $count['count']; $this->view->project = $this->projectStore->getById($projectId); $this->view->builds = $this->buildStore->getLatestBuilds($projectId); $this->view->successful = $this->buildStore->getLastBuildByStatus($projectId, Build::STATUS_SUCCESS); $this->view->failed = $this->buildStore->getLastBuildByStatus($projectId, Build::STATUS_FAILED); $this->view->counts = $counts; $response = new Response(); $response->setContent($this->view->render()); return $response; } }