Installing PHP Censor ===================== What you'll need ---------------- * PHP 5.6.0+ * A web server (Nginx or Apache) * [Composer]( * [Git]( * A MySQL server to connect to. * The following functions need to be enabled: `exec()`, `shell_exec()` and `proc_open()` in php.ini. * PHP must have OpenSSL support enabled. Installing PHP Censor Manually ------------------------------ * Go to the directory in which you want to install PHP Censor, for example: `/var/www` * [Download PHP Censor]( and unzip it. * Go to the PHP Censor directory: `cd /var/www/php-censor` * Install dependencies using Composer: `composer install` * Install PHP Censor itself: `./bin/console php-censor:install` * [Add a virtual host to your web server](, pointing to the `public` directory within your new PHP Censor directory. You'll need to set up rewrite rules to point all non-existent requests to PHP Censor. * [Set up the PHP Censor Worker](workers/, or you can run builds using the [daemon](workers/ or [a cron-job](workers/ to run PHP Censor builds.