Plugin PHPUnit -------------- Runs PHPUnit tests against your build. Configuration ============= ### Options Has two modes: #### phpunit.xml Configuration File Its activated if you have phpunit.xml file in your build path, `tests/` subfolder, or you specify it as a parameter: * **config** - Optional - Path to a PHP Unit XML configuration file. * **run_from** - Optional - When running PHPUnit with an XML config, the command is run from this directory * **coverage** - Optional - Value for the `--coverage-html` command line flag. * **path** - Optional - In cases where tests files are in a sub path of the /tests path, allows this path to be set in the config. #### Running Tests By Specifying Directory * **directory** - Optional - The directory (or array of dirs) to run PHPUnit on Both modes accept: * **args** - Optional - Command line args (in string format) to pass to PHP Unit ### Examples Specify config file and test directory: ```yml test: php_unit: config: - "path/to/phpunit.xml" path: "app/tests/" ``` Troubleshooting =============== If standard logging of PHP Censor is not enough, to get standard output from any command, including PHPUnit, edit `BaseCommandExecutor::executeCommand()` to see what exactly is wrong * Run `composer update` in phpunit plugin directory of PHP Censor to get all of its dependencies * If phpunit is inside of the project's composer.json, it might interfere with PHP Censor's phpunit installation * Make sure you have XDebug installed.`The Xdebug extension is not loaded. No code coverage will be generated.` Otherwise test report parsing in `TapParser` will fail, wanting coverage report as well `Invalid TAP string, number of tests does not match specified test count.`