*/ class Builder { /** * @var string */ public $buildPath; /** * @var string[] */ public $ignore = array(); /** * @var string */ protected $ciDir; /** * @var string */ protected $directory; /** * @var bool */ protected $success = true; /** * @var string */ protected $log = ''; /** * @var bool */ protected $verbose = true; /** * @var \PHPCI\Model\Build */ protected $build; /** * @var callable */ protected $logCallback; /** * @var array */ protected $config; /** * @var string */ protected $lastOutput; /** * An array of key => value pairs that will be used for * interpolation and environment variables * @var array * @see setInterpolationVars() */ protected $interpolation_vars = array(); /** * @var \PHPCI\Store\BuildStore */ protected $store; /** * @var bool */ public $quiet = false; /** * Set up the builder. * @param \PHPCI\Model\Build * @param callable */ public function __construct(Build $build, callable $logCallback) { $this->build = $build; $this->store = Store\Factory::getStore('Build'); $this->logCallback = $logCallback; } /** * Set the config array, as read from phpci.yml * @param array */ public function setConfigArray(array $config) { $this->config = $config; } /** * Access a variable from the phpci.yml file. * @param string */ public function getConfig($key) { $rtn = null; if (isset($this->config[$key])) { $rtn = $this->config[$key]; } return $rtn; } /** * Access a variable from the config.yml * @param $key * @return mixed */ public function getSystemConfig($key) { return Config::getInstance()->get($key); } /** * @return string The title of the project being built. */ public function getBuildProjectTitle() { return $this->build->getProject()->getTitle(); } /** * Run the active build. */ public function execute() { // Update the build in the database, ping any external services. $this->build->setStatus(1); $this->build->setStarted(new \DateTime()); $this->store->save($this->build); $this->build->sendStatusPostback(); try { // Set up the build: $this->setupBuild(); // Run the core plugin stages: foreach (array('setup', 'test', 'complete') as $stage) { $this->executePlugins($stage); $this->log(''); } // Failed build? Execute failure plugins and then mark the build as failed. if (!$this->success) { $this->executePlugins('failure'); throw new \Exception('BUILD FAILED!'); } // If we got this far, the build was successful! if ($this->success) { $this->build->setStatus(2); $this->executePlugins('success'); $this->logSuccess('BUILD SUCCESSFUL!'); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->logFailure($ex->getMessage()); $this->build->setStatus(3); } // Clean up: $this->log('Removing build.'); shell_exec(sprintf('rm -Rf "%s"', $this->buildPath)); // Update the build in the database, ping any external services, etc. $this->build->sendStatusPostback(); $this->build->setFinished(new \DateTime()); $this->build->setLog($this->log); $this->store->save($this->build); } /** * Used by this class, and plugins, to execute shell commands. */ public function executeCommand() { $command = call_user_func_array('sprintf', func_get_args()); if (!$this->quiet) { $this->log('Executing: ' . $command, ' '); } $status = 0; exec($command, $this->lastOutput, $status); if (!empty($this->lastOutput) && ($this->verbose || $status != 0)) { $this->log($this->lastOutput, ' '); } $rtn = false; if ($status == 0) { $rtn = true; } return $rtn; } /** * Returns the output from the last command run. */ public function getLastOutput() { return implode(PHP_EOL, $this->lastOutput); } /** * Add an entry to the build log. * @param string|string[] * @param string */ public function log($message, $prefix = '') { if (!is_array($message)) { $message = array($message); } foreach ($message as $item) { call_user_func_array($this->logCallback, array($prefix . $item)); $this->log .= $prefix . $item . PHP_EOL; } $this->build->setLog($this->log); $this->store->save($this->build); } /** * Add a success-coloured message to the log. * @param string */ public function logSuccess($message) { $this->log("\033[0;32m" . $message . "\033[0m"); } /** * Add a failure-coloured message to the log. * @param string */ public function logFailure($message) { $this->log("\033[0;31m" . $message . "\033[0m"); } /** * Replace every occurance of the interpolation vars in the given string * Example: "This is build %PHPCI_BUILD%" => "This is build 182" * @param string $input * @return string */ public function interpolate($input) { $keys = array_keys($this->interpolation_vars); $values = array_values($this->interpolation_vars); return str_replace($keys, $values, $input); } /** * Sets the variables that will be used for interpolation. This must be run * from setupBuild() because prior to that, we don't know the buildPath */ protected function setInterpolationVars() { $this->interpolation_vars = array(); $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI%'] = 1; $this->interpolation_vars['%COMMIT%'] = $this->build->getCommitId(); $this->interpolation_vars['%PROJECT%'] = $this->build->getProjectId(); $this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD%'] = $this->build->getId(); $this->interpolation_vars['%PROJECT_TITLE%'] = $this->getBuildProjectTitle(); $this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD_PATH%'] = $this->buildPath; $this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD_URI%'] = PHPCI_URL . "build/view/" . $this->build->getId(); $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI_COMMIT%'] = $this->interpolation_vars['%COMMIT%']; $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI_PROJECT%'] = $this->interpolation_vars['%PROJECT%']; $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI_BUILD%'] = $this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD%']; $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI_PROJECT_TITLE%'] = $this->interpolation_vars['%PROJECT_TITLE%']; $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI_BUILD_PATH%'] = $this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD_PATH%']; $this->interpolation_vars['%PHPCI_BUILD_URI%'] = $this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD_URI%']; putenv('PHPCI=1'); putenv('PHPCI_COMMIT='.$this->interpolation_vars['%COMMIT%']); putenv('PHPCI_PROJECT='.$this->interpolation_vars['%PROJECT%']); putenv('PHPCI_BUILD='.$this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD%']); putenv('PHPCI_PROJECT_TITLE='.$this->interpolation_vars['%PROJECT_TITLE%']); putenv('PHPCI_BUILD_PATH='.$this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD_PATH%']); putenv('PHPCI_BUILD_URI='.$this->interpolation_vars['%BUILD_URI%']); } /** * Set up a working copy of the project for building. */ protected function setupBuild() { $buildId = 'project' . $this->build->getProject()->getId() . '-build' . $this->build->getId(); $this->ciDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'; $this->buildPath = $this->ciDir . 'build/' . $buildId . '/'; $this->setInterpolationVars(); // Create a working copy of the project: if (!$this->build->createWorkingCopy($this, $this->buildPath)) { throw new \Exception('Could not create a working copy.'); } // Does the project's phpci.yml request verbose mode? if (!isset($this->config['build_settings']['verbose']) || !$this->config['build_settings']['verbose']) { $this->verbose = false; } // Does the project have any paths it wants plugins to ignore? if (isset($this->config['build_settings']['ignore'])) { $this->ignore = $this->config['build_settings']['ignore']; } $this->logSuccess('Working copy created: ' . $this->buildPath); return true; } /** * Execute a the appropriate set of plugins for a given build stage. */ protected function executePlugins($stage) { // Ignore any stages for which we don't have plugins set: if (!array_key_exists($stage, $this->config) || !is_array($this->config[$stage])) { return; } foreach ($this->config[$stage] as $plugin => $options) { $this->log(''); $this->log('RUNNING PLUGIN: ' . $plugin); // Is this plugin allowed to fail? if ($stage == 'test' && !isset($options['allow_failures'])) { $options['allow_failures'] = false; } // Try and execute it: if ($this->executePlugin($plugin, $options)) { // Execution was successful: $this->logSuccess('PLUGIN STATUS: SUCCESS!'); } else { // If we're in the "test" stage and the plugin is not allowed to fail, // then mark the build as failed: if ($stage == 'test' && !$options['allow_failures']) { $this->success = false; } $this->logFailure('PLUGIN STATUS: FAILED'); } } } /** * Executes a given plugin, with options and returns the result. */ protected function executePlugin($plugin, $options) { // Figure out the class name and check the plugin exists: $class = str_replace('_', ' ', $plugin); $class = ucwords($class); $class = 'PHPCI\\Plugin\\' . str_replace(' ', '', $class); if (!class_exists($class)) { $this->logFailure('Plugin does not exist: ' . $plugin); return false; } $rtn = true; // Try running it: try { $obj = new $class($this, $this->build, $options); if (!$obj->execute()) { $rtn = false; } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->logFailure('EXCEPTION: ' . $ex->getMessage()); $rtn = false; } return $rtn; } /** * Find a binary required by a plugin. * @param $binary * @return null|string */ public function findBinary($binary) { if (is_string($binary)) { $binary = array($binary); } foreach ($binary as $bin) { // Check project root directory: if (is_file(PHPCI_DIR . $bin)) { return PHPCI_DIR . $bin; } // Check Composer bin dir: if (is_file(PHPCI_DIR . 'vendor/bin/' . $bin)) { return PHPCI_DIR . 'vendor/bin/' . $bin; } // Use "which" $which = trim(shell_exec('which ' . $bin)); if (!empty($which)) { return $which; } } return null; } }