Plugin PHP Coding Standards Fixer ================================= Runs PHP Coding Standards Fixer against your build. Configuration ------------- ### Options * **verbose** [bool, optional] - Whether to run in verbose mode (default: false) * **diff** [bool, optional] - Whether to run with the `--diff` flag enabled (default: false) * **directory** [string, optional] - The directory in which PHP CS Fixer should work (default: `%BUILD_PATH%`) * **rules** [string, optional] - Fixer rules (default: `@PSR2`) * **args** [string, optional] - Command line args (in string format) to pass to PHP Coding Standards Fixer (default: ``) ### Examples ```yml test: php_cs_fixer: directory: "./my/dir/path" # == "%BUILD_PATH%/my/dir/path" args: "--rules=@PSR2 --diff --verbose" ``` ```yml test: php_cs_fixer: directory: "%BUILD_PATH%/my/dir/path" verbose: true diff: true rules: "@PSR2" ```