PHP Censor ---------- PHP Censor is a fork of PHPCI (And B8Framework) and is a free and open source (BSD-2-Clause license) continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP. We've built it with simplicity in mind, so whilst it doesn't do *everything* Jenkins can do, it is a breeze to set up and use. What it does ============ * Clones your project from Github, Bitbucket or a local path * Allows you to set up and tear down test databases. * Installs your project's Composer dependencies. * Runs through any combination of the [supported plugins](docs/ * You can mark directories for the plugins to ignore. * You can mark certain plugins as being allowed to fail (but still run.) What it doesn't do (yet) ======================== * Virtualised testing. * Multiple PHP-version tests. * Install PEAR or PECL extensions. * Deployments Tests ===== ```bash cd /path/to/php-censor ./vendor/bin/phpunit ``` For Phar plugin tests set 'phar.readonly' setting to Off (0) in `php.ini` config. Otherwise tests will be skipped. For database B8Framework tests create empty 'b8_test' MySQL database on 'localhost' with user/password: `root/root`. Otherwise database tests will be skipped. Migrations ========== Run to apply latest migrations: ```bash cd /path/to/php-censor ./bin/console php-censor-migrations:migrate ``` Run to create new migration: ```bash cd /path/to/php-censor ./bin/console php-censor-migrations:create NewMigrationName ``` Documentation ============= [PHP Censor documentation](docs/ License ======= PHP Censor is open source software licensed under the BSD-2-Clause license.