Environments ============ A environment can include several branches - base branch (default project branch) and optional additional branches (which merge into base). When you commit to a branch, builds all environments in which branch included (base branch implicitly included to all environments). When you build a environment, additional branches merged into base branch. For example, it can be useful when yoy dealy merging into master or test some branches at once. Or deploy. Config example and explanation ------------------------------ Configuration is specified on project edit page. In this example, there are three environments: * Production (named `pr`) is associated with the default branch for the project. * Release candidate (`rc`) - branch by default plus branch `feature-A` * Test (`test`) - branch by default plus branch `feature-B` ```yml pr: rc: - feature-A test: - feature-B ``` When you push commits to `master` branch, three builds will be created - one for each of the environments. If push commit to branch `feature-A` - build for `rc` environment will be created. If push commit to branch `feature-C` - no build will be created. You can use variable `%ENVIRONMENT%` in project config. ```yml setup: mysql: - "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS project_name_%ENVIRONMENT%;" - "CREATE DATABASE project_name_%ENVIRONMENT%;" test: ... deploy: mage: env: %ENVIRONMENT% ```