get('phpci.url', '') . '/'); } // Define PHPCI_BIN_DIR if (!defined('PHPCI_BIN_DIR')) { define('PHPCI_BIN_DIR', PHPCI_DIR . 'vendor/bin/'); } // Define PHPCI_BUILD_ROOT_DIR if (!defined('PHPCI_BUILD_ROOT_DIR')) { define('PHPCI_BUILD_ROOT_DIR', PHPCI_DIR . 'runtime/builds/'); } // Should PHPCI run the Shell plugin? if (!defined('ENABLE_SHELL_PLUGIN')) { define('ENABLE_SHELL_PLUGIN', false); } // If this is not already defined, we're not running in the console: if (!defined('PHPCI_IS_CONSOLE')) { define('PHPCI_IS_CONSOLE', false); } if (!defined('IS_WIN')) { define('IS_WIN', ((strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? true : false)); } // If an environment variable is set defining our config location, use that // otherwise fall back to PHPCI/config.yml. if (!defined('PHPCI_CONFIG_FILE')) { define('PHPCI_CONFIG_FILE', $configFile); }