2018-02-04 13:20:01 +07:00

549 lines
16 KiB

namespace b8\View;
use b8\View;
class Template extends View
public static $templateFunctions = [];
protected static $extension = 'html';
public function __construct($viewCode)
$this->viewCode = $viewCode;
if (!count(self::$templateFunctions)) {
self::$templateFunctions = [
'include' => [$this, 'includeTemplate'],
'call' => [$this, 'callHelperFunction']
public static function createFromFile($file, $path = null)
if (!static::exists($file, $path)) {
throw new \Exception('View file does not exist: ' . $file);
$viewFile = static::getViewFile($file, $path);
return new static(file_get_contents($viewFile));
public static function createFromString($string)
return new static($string);
public function addFunction($name, $handler)
self::$templateFunctions[$name] = $handler;
public function removeFunction($name)
public function render()
return $this->parse($this->viewCode);
protected function parse($string)
$keywords = ['ifnot', 'if', 'else', 'for', 'loop', '@', '/ifnot', '/if', '/for', '/loop'];
foreach (self::$templateFunctions as $function => $handler) {
$keywords[] = $function;
$stack = ['children' => [['type' => 'string', 'body' => '']]];
$stack['children'][0]['parent'] =& $stack;
$current =& $stack['children'][0];
while (!empty($string)) {
$current['body'] .= $this->readUntil('{', $string);
if (!empty($string)) {
$gotKeyword = false;
foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
$kwLen = strlen($keyword) + 1;
if (substr($string, 0, $kwLen) == '{' . $keyword) {
$gotKeyword = true;
$item = ['type' => $keyword, 'cond' => '', 'children' => ''];
$string = substr($string, $kwLen);
$cond = trim($this->readUntil('}', $string));
$item['cond'] = $cond;
$string = substr($string, 1);
if (array_key_exists($keyword, self::$templateFunctions)) {
$item['function_name'] = $keyword;
$item['type'] = 'function';
$str = ['type' => 'string', 'body' => ''];
$parent =& $current['parent'];
if (substr($current['body'], (0 - strlen(PHP_EOL))) === PHP_EOL) {
$current['body'] = substr($current['body'], 0, strlen($current['body']) - strlen(PHP_EOL));
$item['parent'] =& $parent;
$parent['children'][] = $item;
if ($keyword == '@' || $item['type'] == 'function') {
// If we're processing a variable, add a string to the parent and move up to that as current.
$parent['children'][] = $str;
$current =& $parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1];
$current['parent'] =& $parent;
} elseif (substr($keyword, 0, 1) == '/') {
// If we're processing the end of a block (if/loop), add a string to the parent's parent and move up to that.
$parent =& $parent['parent'];
$parent['children'][] = $str;
$current =& $parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1];
$current['parent'] =& $parent;
} else {
if (!is_array($parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1]['children'])) {
$parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1]['children'] = [];
$parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1]['children'][] = $str;
$current =& $parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1]['children'][0];
$current['parent'] =& $parent['children'][count($parent['children']) - 1];
if (!$gotKeyword) {
$current['body'] .= substr($string, 0, 1);
$string = substr($string, 1);
return $this->processStack($stack);
protected function processStack($stack)
$res = '';
while (count($stack['children'])) {
$current = array_shift($stack['children']);
switch ($current['type']) {
case 'string':
$res .= $current['body'];
case '@':
$res .= $this->doParseVar($current['cond']);
case 'if':
$res .= $this->doParseIf($current['cond'], $current);
case 'ifnot':
$res .= $this->doParseIfNot($current['cond'], $current);
case 'loop':
$res .= $this->doParseLoop($current['cond'], $current);
case 'for':
$res .= $this->doParseFor($current['cond'], $current);
case 'function':
$res .= $this->doParseFunction($current);
return $res;
protected function readUntil($until, &$string)
$read = '';
while (!empty($string)) {
$char = substr($string, 0, 1);
if ($char == $until) {
$read .= $char;
$string = substr($string, 1);
return $read;
protected function doParseVar($var)
if ($var == 'year') {
return date('Y');
$val = $this->processVariableName($var);
return $val;
protected function doParseIf($condition, $stack)
if ($this->ifConditionIsTrue($condition)) {
return $this->processStack($stack);
} else {
return '';
protected function doParseIfNot($condition, $stack)
if (!$this->ifConditionIsTrue($condition)) {
return $this->processStack($stack);
} else {
return '';
protected function ifConditionIsTrue($condition)
$matches = [];
if (preg_match(
)) {
$left = is_numeric($matches[1])
? intval($matches[1])
: $this->processVariableName($matches[1]);
$right = is_numeric($matches[3])
? intval($matches[3])
: $this->processVariableName($matches[3]);
$operator = $matches[2];
switch ($operator) {
case '==':
case '=':
return ($left == $right);
case '!=':
return ($left != $right);
case '>=':
return ($left >= $right);
case '<=':
return ($left <= $right);
case '>':
return ($left > $right);
case '<':
return ($left < $right);
} elseif (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\(\):\s.]+)/', $condition, $matches)) {
return $this->processVariableName($condition) ? true : false;
protected function doParseLoop($var, $stack)
$working = $this->processVariableName($var);
if (is_null($working)) {
return '';
if (!is_array($working)) {
$working = [$working];
$rtn = '';
foreach ($working as $key => $val) {
// Make sure we support nesting loops:
$keyWas = isset($this->key) ? $this->key : null;
$valWas = isset($this->value) ? $this->value : null;
$itemWas = isset($this->item) ? $this->item : null;
// Set up the necessary variables within the stack:
$this->parent = $this;
$this->item = $val;
$this->key = $key;
$this->value = $val;
$rtn .= $this->processStack($stack);
// Restore state for any parent nested loops:
$this->item = $itemWas;
$this->key = $keyWas;
$this->value = $valWas;
return $rtn;
* Processes loops in templates, of the following styles:
* <code>
* {for myarray.items}
* {@item.title}
* {/for}
* </code>
* Or:
* <code>
* {for 0:pages.count; i++}
* <a href="/item/{@i}">{@i}</a>
* {/for}
* </code>
* @param $cond string The condition string for the loop, to be parsed (e.g. "myarray.items" or "0:pages.count; i++")
* @param $stack string The child stack for this loop, to be processed for each item.
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
protected function doParseFor($cond, $stack)
// If this is a simple foreach loop, jump over to parse loop:
if (strpos($cond, ';') === false) {
return $this->doParseLoop($cond, $stack);
// Otherwise, process as a for loop:
$parts = explode(';', $cond);
$range = explode(':', trim($parts[0]));
// Process range:
$rangeLeft = $this->getForRangePart($range[0]);
$rangeRight = $this->getForRangePart($range[1]);
// Process variable & incrementor / decrementor:
$parts[1] = trim($parts[1]);
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\+\+|\-\-)/', $parts[1], $matches)) {
$varName = $matches[1];
$direction = $matches[2] == '++' ? 'increment' : 'decrement';
} else {
throw new \Exception('Syntax error in for loop: ' . $cond);
$rtn = '';
if ($direction == 'increment') {
for ($i = $rangeLeft; $i < $rangeRight; $i++) {
$this->parent = $this;
$this->{$varName} = $i;
$rtn .= $this->processStack($stack);
} else {
for ($i = $rangeLeft; $i > $rangeRight; $i--) {
$this->parent = $this;
$this->{$varName} = $i;
$rtn .= $this->processStack($stack);
return $rtn;
protected function getForRangePart($part)
if (is_numeric($part)) {
return intval($part);
$varPart = $this->processVariableName($part);
if (is_numeric($varPart)) {
return intval($varPart);
throw new \Exception('Invalid range in for loop: ' . $part);
public function processVariableName($varName)
// Case one - Test for function calls:
if (substr($varName, 0, 1) == '(' && substr($varName, -1) == ')') {
$functionCall = substr($varName, 1, -1);
$parts = explode(' ', $functionCall, 2);
$functionName = $parts[0];
$arguments = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : null;
return $this->executeTemplateFunction($functionName, $arguments);
// Case two - Test if it is just a string:
if (substr($varName, 0, 1) == '"' && substr($varName, -1) == '"') {
return substr($varName, 1, -1);
// Case three - Test if it is just a number:
if (is_numeric($varName)) {
return $varName;
// Case four - Test for helper calls:
if (strpos($varName, ':') !== false) {
list($helper, $property) = explode(':', $varName);
$helper = $this->{$helper}();
if (property_exists($helper, $property) || method_exists($helper, '__get')) {
return $helper->{$property};
return null;
// Case five - Process as a variable:
$varPart = explode('.', $varName);
$thisPart = array_shift($varPart);
if (!array_key_exists($thisPart, $this->vars)) {
return null;
$working = $this->{$thisPart};
while (count($varPart)) {
$thisPart = array_shift($varPart);
if (is_object($working)) {
// Check if we're working with an actual property:
if (property_exists($working, $thisPart)) {
$working = $working->{$thisPart};
// Check if the object has a magic __get method:
if (method_exists($working, '__get')) {
$working = $working->{$thisPart};
if (is_array($working) && array_key_exists($thisPart, $working)) {
$working = $working[$thisPart];
if ($thisPart == 'toLowerCase') {
$working = strtolower($working);
if ($thisPart == 'toUpperCase') {
$working = strtoupper($working);
if ($thisPart == 'isNumeric') {
return is_numeric($working);
return null;
return $working;
protected function doParseFunction($stack)
return $this->executeTemplateFunction($stack['function_name'], $stack['cond']);
protected function executeTemplateFunction($function, $args)
if (array_key_exists($function, self::$templateFunctions)) {
$handler = self::$templateFunctions[$function];
$args = $this->processFunctionArguments($args);
return $handler($args, $this);
return null;
protected function processFunctionArguments($args)
$rtn = [];
$args = explode(';', $args);
foreach ($args as $arg) {
$arg = explode(':', $arg);
if (count($arg) == 2) {
$key = trim($arg[0]);
$val = trim($arg[1]);
if (strpos($val, ',') !== false) {
$val = explode(',', $val);
$rtn[$key] = $val;
return $rtn;
public function getVariable($variable)
return $this->processVariableName($variable);
protected function includeTemplate($args, $view)
$template = static::createFromFile($view->getVariable($args['template']));
if (isset($args['variables'])) {
if (!is_array($args['variables'])) {
$args['variables'] = [$args['variables']];
foreach ($args['variables'] as $variable) {
$variable = explode('=>', $variable);
$variable = array_map('trim', $variable);
if (count($variable) == 1) {
$template->{$variable[0]} = $view->getVariable($variable[0]);
} else {
$template->{$variable[1]} = $view->getVariable($variable[0]);
return $template->render();
protected function callHelperFunction($args)
$helper = $args['helper'];
$function = $args['method'];
return $this->{$helper}()->{$function}();