
116 lines
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<?php /*
Adds parallel tasks to a queue.
tick() must be called regularly, that arranges addition of new jobs and removal of closed threads.
class ThreadQueue {
const DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = 2; // default number of parallel tasks
const TICK_DELAY = 10000; // delay after tick, in millisecs
private $callable; // the function name to call. can be a method of a static class as well
private $threads = array(); // Thread instances
private $jobs = array(); // parameters to pass to $callable
public $queueSize; // number of parallel tasks. public, to make it variable run-time.
* Constructor
* @param string $callable function name
* @param integer $queueSize number of parallel tasks
public function __construct($callable, $queueSize = ThreadQueue::DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE ){
if(!is_callable($callable))throw new Exception("$callable is not callable.");
$this->callable = $callable;
$this->queueSize = $queueSize;
* Add a new job
* @param mixed $argument parameter to pass to $callable
* @return int queue size
public function add($argument){
$this->jobs[] = $argument;
return $this->tick();
* Removes closed threads from queue
private function cleanup(){
foreach($this->threads as $i => $szal)
return count($this->threads);
* Starts new threads if needed
* @return int queue size
public function tick(){
if( (count($this->threads) < $this->queueSize) && count($this->jobs) ){
$this->threads[] = $szal = new Thread($this->callable);
$szal->start( array_shift($this->jobs) );
return $this->queueSize();
* returns queue size with waiting jobs
* @return int
public function queueSize(){
return count($this->jobs);
* returns thread instances
* @return array of Thread
public function threads(){
return $this->threads;
* Removes all remaining jobs (empty queue)
* @return int number of removed jobs
public function flush(){
$size = $this->queueSize();
$this->jobs = array();
return $size;