2015-04-10 09:53:24 +02:00

65 lines
1.1 KiB

<?php /*
Advanced usage
// it is the function that will be called several times
function parallel_task($arg){
echo "task with parameter '$arg' starts\n";
sleep( rand(2,5) ); // wait for random seconds
echo "task with parameter '$arg' ENDS\n";
// we want 3 jobs in parallel instead of the default 2
$TQ = new ThreadQueue("parallel_task", 3);
// add tasks
// Oops! We changed our mind, let's remove awaiting jobs.
// Existing threads will run, but jobs not started will be removed.
// let's add jobs again.
// wait until all threads exit
while( $numberOfThreads = count($TQ->threads()) ){
usleep(500000); // optional
echo "waiting for all ($numberOfThreads) jobs done...\n";
$TQ->tick(); // mandatory!
// ha-ha! we can change the number of parallel executions realtime.
$TQ->queueSize = 4;
echo "all process finished.\n";