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PHPCI is a free and open source continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP. We've built it with simplicity in mind, so whilst it doesn't do *everything* Jenkins can do, it is a breeze to set up and use.
_**Please be aware that this is a brand new project, in an alpha state, so there will be bugs and missing features.**_
##What it does:
* Clones your repository from Github or Bitbucket (support for standard Git repositories coming soon.)
* Allows you to set up and tear down test databases.
* Installs your project's Composer dependencies.
* Runs through any combination of the following plugins:
* PHP Unit
* PHP Mess Detector
* PHP Copy/Paste Detector
* PHP Code Sniffer
* You can mark directories for the plugins to ignore.
* You can mark certain plugins as being allowed to fail (but still run.)
##What it doesn't do (yet):
* Virtualised testing.
* Multiple PHP-version tests.
* Multiple testing workers.
* Install PEAR or PECL extensions.
##Installing PHPCI:
* PHP 5.3+
* A web server. We prefer nginx.
* The YAML extension: `pecl install yaml`
* A MySQL server to connect to (doesn't have to be on the same server.)
* PHPCI needs to be able to run `exec()`, so make sure this is not disabled.
####Installing from Github:
* Step 1: `git clone`
* Step 2: `cd PHPCI`
* Step 3: `php install.php`
* When prompted, enter your database host, username, password and the database name that PHPCI should use.
* The script will attempt to create the database if it does not exist already.
* If you intend to use the MySQL plugin to create / destroy databases, the user you entered above will need CREATE / DELETE permissions on the server.
* Add a virtual host to your web server, pointing to the directory you cloned PHPCI into.
* You'll need to set up rewrite rules to point all non-existant requests to PHPCI.
**Apache Example**:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
**Nginx Example**:
location / {
try-files $uri $uri/ index.php
Finally, you'll want to set up PHPCI to run as a regular cronjob, so run `crontab -e` and enter the following:
`* * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/phpci/cron.php`
Obviously, make sure you change the /path/to/phpci to the directory in which you installed PHPCI, and update the PHP path if necessary.
##Adding support for PHPCI to your projects:
Similar to Travis CI, to support PHPCI in your project, you simply need to add a `phpci.yml` file to the root of your repository. The file should look something like this:
- "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO test@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'test';"
action: "install"
- "vendor/"
- "tests/"
directory: "tests/"
allow_failures: true
standard: "PSR2"
allow_failures: true
As mentioned earlier, PHPCI is powered by plugins, there are several phases in which plugins can be run:
* `setup` - This phase is designed to initialise the build procedure.
* `test` - The tests that should be run during the build. Plugins run during this phase will contribute to the success or failure of the build.
* `complete` - Always called when the `test` phase completes, regardless of success or failure.
* `success` - Called upon success of the `test` phase.
* `failure` - Called upon the failure of the `test` phase.
The `ignore` section is merely an array of paths that should be ignored in all tests (where possible.)
Contributions from others would be very much appreciated! Simply fork the repository, and send us a pull request when you're ready.
Email us at and we'll do our best to help!