This commit is contained in:
Hiago Silva Souza 2016-08-31 14:09:16 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 4e60b913fc
4 changed files with 454 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
* PHPCI - Continuous Integration for PHP
* @copyright Copyright 2014, Block 8 Limited.
* @license
* @link
$strings = array(
'language_name' => 'Português Brasil',
'language' => 'Idioma',
// Log in:
'log_in_to_phpci' => 'Acessar o PHPCI',
'login_error' => 'Email ou senha incorretos',
'forgotten_password_link' => 'Perdeu sua senha?',
'reset_emailed' => 'We\'ve emailed you a link to reset your password.',
'reset_header' => '<strong>Não se preocupe!</strong><br>Basta digitar o seu endereço de e-mail abaixo e nós lhe enviaremos um email com um link para redefinir sua senha.',
'reset_email_address' => 'Digite seu endereço de e-mail:',
'reset_send_email' => 'Solicitar nova senha',
'reset_enter_password' => 'Please enter a new password',
'reset_new_password' => 'New password:',
'reset_change_password' => 'Change password',
'reset_no_user_exists' => 'No user exists with that email address, please try again.',
'reset_email_body' => 'Hi %s,
You have received this email because you, or someone else, has requested a password reset for PHPCI.
If this was you, please click the following link to reset your password: %ssession/reset-password/%d/%s
Otherwise, please ignore this email and no action will be taken.
Thank you,
'reset_email_title' => 'PHPCI Password Reset for %s',
'reset_invalid' => 'Invalid password reset request.',
'email_address' => 'Endereço de e-mail',
'login' => 'Login / Email Address',
'password' => 'Senha',
'log_in' => 'Acessar',
// Top Nav
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toggle Navigation',
'n_builds_pending' => '%d builds pending',
'n_builds_running' => '%d builds running',
'edit_profile' => 'Editar Perfil',
'sign_out' => 'Sair',
'branch_x' => 'Branch: %s',
'created_x' => 'Criado: %s',
'started_x' => 'Iniciado: %s',
// Sidebar
'hello_name' => 'Olá, %s',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'admin_options' => 'Opções do Admin',
'add_project' => 'Adicionar Projeto',
'settings' => 'Configurações',
'manage_users' => 'Gerênciar Usuários',
'plugins' => 'Plugins',
'view' => 'View',
'build_now' => 'Compilar Agora',
'edit_project' => 'Editar Projeto',
'delete_project' => 'Deletar Projeto',
// Project Summary:
'no_builds_yet' => 'Nenhuma compilação ainda!',
'x_of_x_failed' => '%d out of the last %d builds failed.',
'x_of_x_failed_short' => '%d / %d failed.',
'last_successful_build' => ' The last successful build was %s.',
'never_built_successfully' => ' This project has never built successfully.',
'all_builds_passed' => 'All of the last %d builds passed.',
'all_builds_passed_short' => '%d / %d passed.',
'last_failed_build' => ' The last failed build was %s.',
'never_failed_build' => ' This project has never failed a build.',
'view_project' => 'Ver projeto',
// Timeline:
'latest_builds' => 'Últimas compilações',
'pending' => 'Pendente',
'running' => 'Correndo',
'success' => 'Sucesso',
'successful' => 'Bem sucedido',
'failed' => 'Fracassado',
'manual_build' => 'Compilação manual',
// Add/Edit Project:
'new_project' => 'New Project',
'project_x_not_found' => 'Project with ID %d does not exist.',
'project_details' => 'Detalhes do Projeto',
'public_key_help' => 'Para tornar mais fácil de começar, Geramos Um par de chaves SSH para você usar para este projeto. Para usá-lo, basta adicionar a seguinte chave pública na seção "deploy keys" no provedor onde hospeda seu código.',
'select_repository_type' => 'Selecione o tipo de repositório...',
'github' => 'GitHub',
'bitbucket' => 'Bitbucket',
'gitlab' => 'GitLab',
'remote' => 'Remote URL',
'local' => 'Local Path',
'hg' => 'Mercurial',
'svn' => 'Subversion',
'where_hosted' => 'Onde seu projeto está hospedado?',
'choose_github' => 'Choose a GitHub repository:',
'repo_name' => 'Nome do repositório / URL (Remota) ou Caminho (Local)',
'project_title' => 'Titulo do projeto',
'project_private_key' => 'Chave privada usada para acessar o repositório
(Deixe em branco para controles remotos locais e/ou anônimos)',
'build_config' => 'PHPCI construir configuração para este projeto
(if you cannot add a phpci.yml file in the project repository)',
'default_branch' => 'Nome padrão do branch',
'allow_public_status' => 'Habilitar página de status pública e imagem para este projeto?',
'archived' => 'Arquivado',
'archived_menu' => 'Arquivado',
'save_project' => 'Salvar Projeto',
'error_mercurial' => 'Mercurial repository URL must be start with http:// or https://',
'error_remote' => 'Repository URL must be start with git://, http:// or https://',
'error_gitlab' => 'GitLab Repository name must be in the format "user@domain.tld:owner/repo.git"',
'error_github' => 'Repository name must be in the format "owner/repo"',
'error_bitbucket' => 'Repository name must be in the format "owner/repo"',
'error_path' => 'The path you specified does not exist.',
// View Project:
'all_branches' => 'All Branches',
'builds' => 'Builds',
'id' => 'ID',
'date' => 'Date',
'project' => 'Project',
'commit' => 'Commit',
'branch' => 'Branch',
'status' => 'Status',
'prev_link' => '&laquo; Prev',
'next_link' => 'Next &raquo;',
'public_key' => 'Public Key',
'delete_build' => 'Delete Build',
'webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'webhooks_help_github' => 'To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below
as a new "Webhook" in the <a href="">Webhooks
and Services</a> section of your GitHub repository.',
'webhooks_help_gitlab' => 'To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below
as a "WebHook URL" in the Web Hooks section of your GitLab repository.',
'webhooks_help_bitbucket' => 'To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below
as a "POST" service in the
<a href="">
Services</a> section of your Bitbucket repository.',
// View Build
'errors' => 'Erros',
'information' => 'Informação',
'build_x_not_found' => 'Build with ID %d does not exist.',
'build_n' => 'Compilação %d',
'rebuild_now' => 'Recompilar Agora',
'committed_by_x' => 'Committed by %s',
'commit_id_x' => 'Commit: %s',
'chart_display' => 'This chart will display once the build has completed.',
'build' => 'Build',
'lines' => 'Lines',
'comment_lines' => 'Comment Lines',
'noncomment_lines' => 'Non-Comment Lines',
'logical_lines' => 'Logical Lines',
'lines_of_code' => 'Lines of Code',
'build_log' => 'Log de compilação',
'quality_trend' => 'Quality Trend',
'codeception_errors' => 'Codeception Errors',
'phpmd_warnings' => 'PHPMD Warnings',
'phpcs_warnings' => 'PHPCS Warnings',
'phpcs_errors' => 'PHPCS Errors',
'phplint_errors' => 'Lint Errors',
'phpunit_errors' => 'PHPUnit Errors',
'phpdoccheck_warnings' => 'Missing Docblocks',
'issues' => 'Issues',
'codeception' => 'Codeception',
'phpcpd' => 'PHP Copy/Paste Detector',
'phpcs' => 'PHP Code Sniffer',
'phpdoccheck' => 'Missing Docblocks',
'phpmd' => 'PHP Mess Detector',
'phpspec' => 'PHP Spec',
'phpunit' => 'PHP Unit',
'technical_debt' => 'Technical Debt',
'behat' => 'Behat',
'codeception_feature' => 'Feature',
'codeception_suite' => 'Suite',
'codeception_time' => 'Time',
'codeception_synopsis' => '<strong>%1$d</strong> tests carried out in <strong>%2$f</strong> seconds.
<strong>%3$d</strong> failures.',
'file' => 'File',
'line' => 'Line',
'class' => 'Class',
'method' => 'Method',
'message' => 'Message',
'start' => 'Start',
'end' => 'End',
'from' => 'From',
'to' => 'To',
'result' => 'Result',
'ok' => 'OK',
'took_n_seconds' => 'Took %d seconds',
'build_created' => 'Build Created',
'build_started' => 'Build Started',
'build_finished' => 'Build Finished',
'test_message' => 'Message',
'test_no_message' => 'No message',
'test_success' => 'Successful: %d',
'test_fail' => 'Failures: %d',
'test_skipped' => 'Skipped: %d',
'test_error' => 'Errors: %d',
'test_todo' => 'Todos: %d',
'test_total' => '%d test(s)',
// Users
'name' => 'Nome',
'password_change' => 'Password (leave blank if you don\'t want to change)',
'save' => 'Save &raquo;',
'update_your_details' => 'Update your details',
'your_details_updated' => 'Your details have been updated.',
'add_user' => 'Adicionar Usuário',
'is_admin' => 'É Administrador?',
'yes' => 'Sim',
'no' => 'Não',
'edit' => 'Edit.',
'edit_user' => 'Editar Usuário',
'delete_user' => 'Deletar Usuário',
'user_n_not_found' => 'User with ID %d does not exist.',
'is_user_admin' => 'Este usuário é um administrador?',
'save_user' => 'Salvar Usuário',
// Settings:
'settings_saved' => 'Your settings have been saved.',
'settings_check_perms' => 'Your settings could not be saved, check the permissions of your config.yml file.',
'settings_cannot_write' => 'PHPCI cannot write to your config.yml file, settings may not be saved properly
until this is rectified.',
'settings_github_linked' => 'Your GitHub account has been linked.',
'settings_github_not_linked' => 'Your GitHub account could not be linked.',
'build_settings' => 'Build Settings',
'github_application' => 'GitHub Application',
'github_sign_in' => 'Before you can start using GitHub, you need to <a href="%s">sign in</a> and grant
PHPCI access to your account.',
'github_phpci_linked' => 'PHPCI is successfully linked to GitHub account.',
'github_where_to_find' => 'Where to find these...',
'github_where_help' => 'If you own the application you would like to use, you can find this information within your
<a href="">applications</a> settings area.',
'email_settings' => 'Email Settings',
'email_settings_help' => 'Before PHPCI can send build status emails,
you need to configure your SMTP settings below.',
'application_id' => 'Application ID',
'application_secret' => 'Application Secret',
'smtp_server' => 'SMTP Server',
'smtp_port' => 'SMTP Port',
'smtp_username' => 'SMTP Username',
'smtp_password' => 'SMTP Password',
'from_email_address' => 'From Email Address',
'default_notification_address' => 'Default Notification Email Address',
'use_smtp_encryption' => 'Use SMTP Encryption?',
'none' => 'None',
'ssl' => 'SSL',
'tls' => 'TLS',
'failed_after' => 'Consider a build failed after',
'5_mins' => '5 Minutes',
'15_mins' => '15 Minutes',
'30_mins' => '30 Minutes',
'1_hour' => '1 Hour',
'3_hours' => '3 Hours',
// Plugins
'cannot_update_composer' => 'PHPCI cannot update composer.json for you as it is not writable.',
'x_has_been_removed' => '%s has been removed.',
'x_has_been_added' => '%s has been added to composer.json for you and will be installed next time
you run composer update.',
'enabled_plugins' => 'Plugins Habilitados',
'provided_by_package' => 'Provided By Package',
'installed_packages' => 'Pacotes instalados',
'suggested_packages' => 'Suggested Packages',
'title' => 'Title',
'description' => 'Description',
'version' => 'Version',
'install' => 'Install &raquo;',
'remove' => 'Remove &raquo;',
'search_packagist_for_more' => 'Search Packagist for more packages',
'search' => 'Search &raquo;',
// Summary plugin
'build-summary' => 'Summary',
'stage' => 'Stage',
'duration' => 'Duration',
'plugin' => 'Plugin',
'stage_setup' => 'Setup',
'stage_test' => 'Test',
'stage_complete' => 'Complete',
'stage_success' => 'Success',
'stage_failure' => 'Failure',
'stage_broken' => 'Broken',
'stage_fixed' => 'Fixed',
// Installer
'installation_url' => 'PHPCI Installation URL',
'db_host' => 'Database Host',
'db_name' => 'Database Name',
'db_user' => 'Database Username',
'db_pass' => 'Database Password',
'admin_name' => 'Admin Name',
'admin_pass' => 'Admin Password',
'admin_email' => 'Admin Email Address',
'config_path' => 'Config File Path',
'install_phpci' => 'Install PHPCI',
'welcome_to_phpci' => 'Welcome to PHPCI',
'please_answer' => 'Please answer the following questions:',
'phpci_php_req' => 'PHPCI requires at least PHP 5.3.8 to function.',
'extension_required' => 'Extension required: %s',
'function_required' => 'PHPCI needs to be able to call the %s() function. Is it disabled in php.ini?',
'requirements_not_met' => 'PHPCI cannot be installed, as not all requirements are met.
Please review the errors above before continuing.',
'must_be_valid_email' => 'Must be a valid email address.',
'must_be_valid_url' => 'Must be a valid URL.',
'enter_name' => 'Admin Name: ',
'enter_email' => 'Admin Email: ',
'enter_password' => 'Admin Password: ',
'enter_phpci_url' => 'Your PHPCI URL ("http://phpci.local" for example): ',
'enter_db_host' => 'Please enter your MySQL host [localhost]: ',
'enter_db_name' => 'Please enter your MySQL database name [phpci]: ',
'enter_db_user' => 'Please enter your MySQL username [phpci]: ',
'enter_db_pass' => 'Please enter your MySQL password: ',
'could_not_connect' => 'PHPCI could not connect to MySQL with the details provided. Please try again.',
'setting_up_db' => 'Setting up your database... ',
'user_created' => 'User account created!',
'failed_to_create' => 'PHPCI failed to create your admin account.',
'config_exists' => 'The PHPCI config file exists and is not empty.',
'update_instead' => 'If you were trying to update PHPCI, please use phpci:update instead.',
// Update
'update_phpci' => 'Update the database to reflect modified models.',
'updating_phpci' => 'Updating PHPCI database: ',
'not_installed' => 'PHPCI does not appear to be installed.',
'install_instead' => 'Please install PHPCI via phpci:install instead.',
// Poll Command
'poll_github' => 'Poll GitHub to check if we need to start a build.',
'no_token' => 'No GitHub token found',
'finding_projects' => 'Finding projects to poll',
'found_n_projects' => 'Found %d projects',
'last_commit_is' => 'Last commit to GitHub for %s is %s',
'adding_new_build' => 'Last commit is different to database, adding new build.',
'finished_processing_builds' => 'Finished processing builds.',
// Create Admin
'create_admin_user' => 'Create an admin user',
'incorrect_format' => 'Incorrect format',
// Create Build Command
'create_build_project' => 'Create a build for a project',
'project_id_argument' => 'A project ID',
'commit_id_option' => 'Commit ID to build',
'branch_name_option' => 'Branch to build',
'add_to_queue_failed' => 'Build created successfully, but failed to add to build queue. This usually happens
when PHPCI is set to use a beanstalkd server that does not exist,
or your beanstalkd server has stopped.',
// Run Command
'run_all_pending' => 'Run all pending PHPCI builds.',
'finding_builds' => 'Finding builds to process',
'found_n_builds' => 'Found %d builds',
'skipping_build' => 'Skipping Build %d - Project build already in progress.',
'marked_as_failed' => 'Build %d marked as failed due to timeout.',
// Builder
'missing_phpci_yml' => 'This project does not contain a phpci.yml file, or it is empty.',
'build_success' => 'BUILD SUCCESS',
'build_failed' => 'BUILD FAILED',
'removing_build' => 'Removing Build.',
'exception' => 'Exception: ',
'could_not_create_working' => 'Could not create a working copy.',
'working_copy_created' => 'Working copy created: %s',
'looking_for_binary' => 'Looking for binary: %s',
'found_in_path' => 'Found in %s: %s',
'running_plugin' => 'RUNNING PLUGIN: %s',
'plugin_success' => 'PLUGIN: SUCCESS',
'plugin_failed' => 'PLUGIN: FAILED',
'plugin_missing' => 'Plugin does not exist: %s',
'tap_version' => 'TapParser only supports TAP version 13',
'tap_error' => 'Invalid TAP string, number of tests does not match specified test count.',
// Build Plugins:
'no_tests_performed' => 'No tests have been performed.',
'could_not_find' => 'Could not find %s',
'no_campfire_settings' => 'No connection parameters given for Campfire plugin',
'failed_to_wipe' => 'Failed to wipe existing directory %s before copy',
'passing_build' => 'Passing Build',
'failing_build' => 'Failing Build',
'log_output' => 'Log Output: ',
'n_emails_sent' => '%d emails sent.',
'n_emails_failed' => '%d emails failed to send.',
'unable_to_set_env' => 'Unable to set environment variable',
'tag_created' => 'Tag created by PHPCI: %s',
'x_built_at_x' => '%PROJECT_TITLE% built at %BUILD_URI%',
'hipchat_settings' => 'Please define room and authToken for hipchat_notify plugin',
'irc_settings' => 'You must configure a server, room and nick.',
'invalid_command' => 'Invalid command',
'import_file_key' => 'Import statement must contain a \'file\' key',
'cannot_open_import' => 'Cannot open SQL import file: %s',
'unable_to_execute' => 'Unable to execute SQL file',
'phar_internal_error' => 'Phar Plugin Internal Error',
'build_file_missing' => 'Specified build file does not exist.',
'property_file_missing' => 'Specified property file does not exist.',
'could_not_process_report' => 'Could not process the report generated by this tool.',
'shell_not_enabled' => 'The shell plugin is not enabled. Please enable it via config.yml.',
// Error Levels:
'critical' => 'Critical',
'high' => 'High',
'normal' => 'Normal',
'low' => 'Low',
// Plugins that generate errors:
'php_mess_detector' => 'PHP Mess Detector',
'php_code_sniffer' => 'PHP Code Sniffer',
'php_unit' => 'PHP Unit',
'php_cpd' => 'PHP Copy/Paste Detector',
'php_docblock_checker' => 'PHP Docblock Checker',
'behat' => 'Behat',
'technical_debt' => 'Technical Debt',

View file

@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
Be careful: This setting disables authentication and uses your current admin account for all actions within phpci with admin rights. Be careful: This setting disables authentication and uses your current admin account for all actions within phpci with admin rights.
</p> </p>
<div class="col-md-12">
<?php print $authenticationSettings; ?> <?php print $authenticationSettings; ?>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>

View file

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
<!-- sidebar menu: : style can be found in sidebar.less --> <!-- sidebar menu: : style can be found in sidebar.less -->
<ul class="sidebar-menu"> <ul class="sidebar-menu">
<li<?php print (array_key_exists('archived', $_GET) ? '' : ' class="active"'); ?>> <li>
<a href="<?php print PHPCI_URL; ?>"> <a href="<?php print PHPCI_URL; ?>">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span><?php Lang::out('dashboard'); ?></span> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span><?php Lang::out('dashboard'); ?></span>
</a> </a>
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
</li> </li>
<?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?>
<li class="archive<?php print (array_key_exists('archived', $_GET) ? ' active' : ''); ?>"> <li class="archive">
<a href="<?php print PHPCI_URL . (array_key_exists('archived', $_GET) ? '' : '?archived'); ?>"> <a href="<?php print PHPCI_URL . (array_key_exists('archived', $_GET) ? '' : '?archived'); ?>">
<i class="fa fa-archive"></i> <span><?php Lang::out('archived_menu'); ?></span> <i class="fa fa-archive"></i> <span><?php Lang::out('archived_menu'); ?></span>
</a> </a>

View file

@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ var PHPCI = {
} }
PHPCI.uiUpdated(); PHPCI.uiUpdated();
// Set menu is active
}); });
$(window).on('builds-updated', function (e, data) { $(window).on('builds-updated', function (e, data) {