Initial IT translation (not complete)

This commit is contained in:
Marco Vito Moscaritolo 2014-12-07 16:10:17 +01:00 committed by Dan Cryer
parent 0afc28cb69
commit 6d28d120e8

PHPCI/Languages/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
* PHPCI - Continuous Integration for PHP
* @copyright Copyright 2014, Block 8 Limited.
* @license
* @link
$strings = array(
// Log in:
'log_in_to_phpci' => 'Accedi a PHPCI',
'login_error' => 'Indirizzo email o password errati',
'forgotten_password_link' => 'Hai dimenticato la tua password?',
'reset_emailed' => 'Ti abbiamo inviato un link per ripristinare la tua password via email.',
'reset_header' => '<strong>Non preoccuparti!</strong><br>E\' sufficiente inserire il tuo indirizzo email di seguito e ti invieremo una email con il link per il ripristino della tua password.',
'reset_email_address' => 'Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email:',
'reset_send_email' => 'Invia il link di reset della password',
'reset_enter_password' => 'Per favore inserisci la nuova password',
'reset_new_password' => 'Nuova password:',
'reset_change_password' => 'Cambia password',
'reset_no_user_exists' => 'No user exists with that email address, please try again.',
'reset_no_user_exists' => 'Non esiste nessun utente con questo indirizzo email, per favore prova ancora.',
'reset_email_body' => 'Ciao %s,
hai ricevuto questa email perché tu, o qualcun\'altro, ha richiesto un reset della password per PHPCI.
Se questa mail è tua, per favore apri il seguente link per resettare la tua password: %ssession/reset-password/%d/%s
altrimenti, per favore, ignora questa email e nessuna azione verrà intrapresa.
'reset_email_title' => 'Ripristino della password di PHPCI per %s',
'reset_invalid' => 'Richeista di ripristino password non valida.',
'email_address' => 'Indirizzo Email',
'password' => 'Password',
'log_in' => 'Accedi',
// Top Nav
'toggle_navigation' => 'Alterna navigazione',
'n_builds_pending' => '%d build in attesa',
'n_builds_running' => '%d build in corso',
'edit_profile' => 'Modifica il Profilo',
'sign_out' => 'Disconnettiti',
'branch_x' => 'Branch: %s',
'created_x' => 'Creato: %s',
'started_x' => 'Avviato: %s',
// Sidebar
'hello_name' => 'Ciao, %s',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'admin_options' => 'Opzioni di amministrazione',
'add_project' => 'Aggiungi un Progetto',
'settings' => 'Impostazioni',
'manage_users' => 'Gestisci Utenti',
'plugins' => 'Plugins',
'view' => 'Visualizzazione',
'build_now' => 'Avvia una build ora',
'edit_project' => 'Modifica il Progetto',
'delete_project' => 'Cancella il Progetto',
// Project Summary:
'no_builds_yet' => 'Ancora nessuna build!',
'x_of_x_failed' => '%d delle ultime %d build sono fallite.',
'x_of_x_failed_short' => '%d / %d fallite.',
'last_successful_build' => ' L\'ultima build è %s.',
'never_built_successfully' => ' Questo progetto non ha nessuna build eseguita con successo.',
'all_builds_passed' => 'Tutte le ultime %d build sono valide.',
'all_builds_passed_short' => '%d / %d valide.',
'last_failed_build' => ' L\'ultima build è %s.',
'never_failed_build' => ' Questo progetto non ha nessuna build fallita.',
'view_project' => 'Visualizza il Progetto',
// Timeline:
'latest_builds' => 'Ultime Build',
'pending' => 'In attesa',
'running' => 'In corso',
'success' => 'Successo',
'successful' => 'Con successo',
'failed' => 'Fallita',
'manual_build' => 'Build Manuale',
// Add/Edit Project:
'new_project' => 'Nuovo Progetto',
'project_x_not_found' => 'Progetto con ID %d non esistente.',
'project_details' => 'Dettagli del Progetto',
'public_key_help' => 'Per rendere più facile la procedura, abbiamo generato una chiave SSH per te da
usare per questo progetto. Per usarla, aggiungi la chiave pubblica alle "deploy keys"
della piattaforma di gestione del codice che hai scelto.',
'select_repository_type' => 'Seleziona il tipo di repository...',
'github' => 'Github',
'bitbucket' => 'Bitbucket',
'gitlab' => 'Gitlab',
'remote' => 'URL Remoto',
'local' => 'Percorso Locale',
'hg' => 'Mercurial',
'where_hosted' => 'Dove è archiviato il tuo progetto?',
'choose_github' => 'Scegli il repository di Github:',
'repo_name' => 'Nome del Repository / URL (Remoto) o Percorso (Locale)',
'project_title' => 'Titolo del Progetto',
'project_private_key' => 'Chiave provata da usare per accedere al repository
(lascia vuota per repository locali o remoti con accesso anonimo)',
'build_config' => 'PHPCI build config for this project
(if you cannot add a phpci.yml file in the project repository)',
'default_branch' => 'Default branch name',
'allow_public_status' => 'Enable public status page and image for this project?',
'save_project' => 'Save Project',
'error_mercurial' => 'Mercurial repository URL must be start with http:// or https://',
'error_remote' => 'Repository URL must be start with git://, http:// or https://',
'error_gitlab' => 'GitLab Repository name must be in the format "user@domain.tld:owner/repo.git"',
'error_github' => 'Repository name must be in the format "owner/repo"',
'error_bitbucket' => 'Repository name must be in the format "owner/repo"',
'error_path' => 'The path you specified does not exist.',
// View Project:
'all_branches' => 'All Branches',
'builds' => 'Builds',
'id' => 'ID',
'project' => 'Project',
'commit' => 'Commit',
'branch' => 'Branch',
'status' => 'Status',
'prev_link' => '&laquo; Prev',
'next_link' => 'Next &raquo;',
'public_key' => 'Public Key',
'delete_build' => 'Delete Build',
'webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'webhooks_help_github' => 'To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below
as a new "Webhook" in the <a href="">Webhooks
and Services</a> section of your Github repository.',
'webhooks_help_gitlab' => 'To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below
as a "WebHook URL" in the Web Hooks section of your Gitlab repository.',
'webhooks_help_bitbucket' => 'To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below
as a "POST" service in the
<a href="">
Services</a> section of your Bitbucket repository.',
// View Build
'build_x_not_found' => 'Build with ID %d does not exist.',
'build_n' => 'Build %d',
'rebuild_now' => 'Rebuild Now',
'committed_by_x' => 'Committed by %s',
'commit_id_x' => 'Commit: %s',
'chart_display' => 'This chart will display once the build has completed.',
'build' => 'Build',
'lines' => 'Lines',
'comment_lines' => 'Comment Lines',
'noncomment_lines' => 'Non-Comment Lines',
'logical_lines' => 'Logical Lines',
'lines_of_code' => 'Lines of Code',
'build_log' => 'Build Log',
'quality_trend' => 'Quality Trend',
'phpmd_warnings' => 'PHPMD Warnings',
'phpcs_warnings' => 'PHPCS Warnings',
'phpcs_errors' => 'PHPCS Errors',
'phplint_errors' => 'Lint Errors',
'phpunit_errors' => 'PHPUnit Errors',
'phpdoccheck_warnings' => 'Missing Docblocks',
'issues' => 'Issues',
'phpcpd' => 'PHP Copy/Paste Detector',
'phpcs' => 'PHP Code Sniffer',
'phpdoccheck' => 'Missing Docblocks',
'phpmd' => 'PHP Mess Detector',
'phpspec' => 'PHP Spec',
'phpunit' => 'PHP Unit',
'file' => 'File',
'line' => 'Line',
'class' => 'Class',
'method' => 'Method',
'message' => 'Message',
'start' => 'Start',
'end' => 'End',
'from' => 'From',
'to' => 'To',
'suite' => 'Suite',
'test' => 'Test',
'result' => 'Result',
'ok' => 'OK',
'took_n_seconds' => 'Took %d seconds',
'build_created' => 'Build Created',
'build_started' => 'Build Started',
'build_finished' => 'Build Finished',
// Users
'name' => 'Name',
'password_change' => 'Password (leave blank if you don\'t want to change)',
'save' => 'Save &raquo;',
'update_your_details' => 'Update your details',
'your_details_updated' => 'Your details have been updated.',
'add_user' => 'Add User',
'is_admin' => 'Is Admin?',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'edit_user' => 'Edit User',
'delete_user' => 'Delete User',
'user_n_not_found' => 'User with ID %d does not exist.',
'is_user_admin' => 'Is this user an administrator?',
'save_user' => 'Save User',
// Settings:
'settings_saved' => 'Your settings have been saved.',
'settings_check_perms' => 'Your settings could not be saved, check the permissions of your config.yml file.',
'settings_cannot_write' => 'PHPCI cannot write to your config.yml file, settings may not be saved properly
until this is rectified.',
'settings_github_linked' => 'Your Github account has been linked.',
'settings_github_not_linked' => 'Your Github account could not be linked.',
'build_settings' => 'Build Settings',
'github_application' => 'Github Application',
'github_sign_in' => 'Before you can start using Github, you need to <a href="%s">sign in</a> and grant
PHPCI access to your account.',
'github_phpci_linked' => 'PHPCI is successfully linked to Github account.',
'github_where_to_find' => 'Where to find these...',
'github_where_help' => 'If you own the application you would like to use, you can find this information within your
<a href="">applications</a> settings area.',
'email_settings' => 'Email Settings',
'email_settings_help' => 'Before PHPCI can send build status emails,
you need to configure your SMTP settings below.',
'application_id' => 'Application ID',
'application_secret' => 'Application Secret',
'smtp_server' => 'SMTP Server',
'smtp_port' => 'SMTP Port',
'smtp_username' => 'SMTP Username',
'smtp_password' => 'SMTP Password',
'from_email_address' => 'From Email Address',
'default_notification_address' => 'Default Notification Email Address',
'use_smtp_encryption' => 'Use SMTP Encryption?',
'none' => 'None',
'ssl' => 'SSL',
'tls' => 'TLS',
'failed_after' => 'Consider a build failed after',
'5_mins' => '5 Minutes',
'15_mins' => '15 Minutes',
'30_mins' => '30 Minutes',
'1_hour' => '1 Hour',
'3_hours' => '3 Hours',
// Plugins
'cannot_update_composer' => 'PHPCI cannot update composer.json for you as it is not writable.',
'x_has_been_removed' => '%s has been removed.',
'x_has_been_added' => '%s has been added to composer.json for you and will be installed next time
you run composer update.',
'enabled_plugins' => 'Enabled Plugins',
'provided_by_package' => 'Provided By Package',
'installed_packages' => 'Installed Packages',
'suggested_packages' => 'Suggested Packages',
'title' => 'Title',
'description' => 'Description',
'version' => 'Version',
'install' => 'Install &raquo;',
'remove' => 'Remove &raquo;',
'search_packagist_for_more' => 'Search Packagist for more packages',
'search' => 'Search &raquo;',
// Installer
'installation_url' => 'PHPCI Installation URL',
'db_host' => 'Database Host',
'db_name' => 'Database Name',
'db_user' => 'Database Username',
'db_pass' => 'Database Password',
'admin_name' => 'Admin Name',
'admin_pass' => 'Admin Password',
'admin_email' => 'Admin Email Address',
'config_path' => 'Config File Path',
'install_phpci' => 'Install PHPCI',
'welcome_to_phpci' => 'Welcome to PHPCI',
'please_answer' => 'Please answer the following questions:',
'phpci_php_req' => 'PHPCI requires at least PHP 5.3.8 to function.',
'extension_required' => 'Extension required: %s',
'function_required' => 'PHPCI needs to be able to call the %s() function. Is it disabled in php.ini?',
'requirements_not_met' => 'PHPCI cannot be installed, as not all requirements are met.
Please review the errors above before continuing.',
'must_be_valid_email' => 'Must be a valid email address.',
'must_be_valid_url' => 'Must be a valid URL.',
'enter_name' => 'Admin Name:',
'enter_email' => 'Admin Email:',
'enter_password' => 'Admin Password:',
'enter_phpci_url' => 'Your PHPCI URL ("http://phpci.local" for example): ',
'enter_db_host' => 'Please enter your MySQL host [localhost]: ',
'enter_db_name' => 'Please enter your MySQL name [phpci]: ',
'enter_db_user' => 'Please enter your MySQL username [phpci]: ',
'enter_db_pass' => 'Please enter your MySQL password: ',
'could_not_connect' => 'PHPCI could not connect to MySQL with the details provided. Please try again.',
'setting_up_db' => 'Setting up your database... ',
'user_created' => 'User account created!',
'failed_to_create' => 'PHPCI failed to create your admin account.',
'config_exists' => 'The PHPCI config file exists and is not empty.',
'update_instead' => 'If you were trying to update PHPCI, please use phpci:update instead.',
// Update
'update_phpci' => 'Update the database to reflect modified models.',
'updating_phpci' => 'Updating PHPCI database: ',
'not_installed' => 'PHPCI does not appear to be installed.',
'install_instead' => 'Please install PHPCI via phpci:install instead.',
// Poll Command
'poll_github' => 'Poll github to check if we need to start a build.',
'no_token' => 'No github token found',
'finding_projects' => 'Finding projects to poll',
'found_n_projects' => 'Found %d projects',
'last_commit_is' => 'Last commit to github for %s is %s',
'adding_new_build' => 'Last commit is different to database, adding new build.',
'finished_processing_builds' => 'Finished processing builds.',
// Create Admin
'create_admin_user' => 'Create an admin user',
'incorrect_format' => 'Incorrect format',
// Run Command
'run_all_pending' => 'Run all pending PHPCI builds.',
'finding_builds' => 'Finding builds to process',
'found_n_builds' => 'Found %d builds',
'skipping_build' => 'Skipping Build %d - Project build already in progress.',
'marked_as_failed' => 'Build %d marked as failed due to timeout.',
// Builder
'missing_phpci_yml' => 'This project does not contain a phpci.yml file, or it is empty.',
'build_success' => 'BUILD SUCCESS',
'build_failed' => 'BUILD FAILED',
'removing_build' => 'Removing Build.',
'exception' => 'Exception: ',
'could_not_create_working' => 'Could not create a working copy.',
'working_copy_created' => 'Working copy created: %s',
'looking_for_binary' => 'Looking for binary: %s',
'found_in_path' => 'Found in %s: %s',
'running_plugin' => 'RUNNING PLUGIN: %s',
'plugin_success' => 'PLUGIN: SUCCESS',
'plugin_failed' => 'PLUGIN: FAILED',
'plugin_missing' => 'Plugin does not exist: %s',
'tap_version' => 'TapParser only supports TAP version 13',
'tap_error' => 'Invalid TAP string, number of tests does not match specified test count.',
// Build Plugins:
'no_tests_performed' => 'No tests have been performed.',
'could_not_find' => 'Could not find %s',
'no_campfire_settings' => 'No connection parameters given for Campfire plugin',
'failed_to_wipe' => 'Failed to wipe existing directory %s before copy',
'passing_build' => 'Passing Build',
'failing_build' => 'Failing Build',
'log_output' => 'Log Output: ',
'n_emails_sent' => '%d emails sent.',
'n_emails_failed' => '%d emails failed to send.',
'unable_to_set_env' => 'Unable to set environment variable',
'tag_created' => 'Tag created by PHPCI: %s',
'x_built_at_x' => '%PROJECT_TITLE% built at %BUILD_URI%',
'hipchat_settings' => 'Please define room and authToken for hipchat_notify plugin',
'irc_settings' => 'You must configure a server, room and nick.',
'invalid_command' => 'Invalid command',
'import_file_key' => 'Import statement must contain a \'file\' key',
'cannot_open_import' => 'Cannot open SQL import file: %s',
'unable_to_execute' => 'Unable to execute SQL file',
'phar_internal_error' => 'Phar Plugin Internal Error',
'build_file_missing' => 'Specified build file does not exist.',
'property_file_missing' => 'Specified property file does not exist.',
'could_not_process_report' => 'Could not process the report generated by this tool.',
'shell_not_enabled' => 'The shell plugin is not enabled. Please enable it via config.yml.'