* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Web */ class PluginController extends \PHPCI\Controller { protected $required = array( 'php', 'ext-pdo', 'ext-pdo_mysql', 'block8/b8framework', 'ircmaxell/password-compat', 'swiftmailer/swiftmailer', 'symfony/yaml', 'symfony/console', 'psr/log', 'monolog/monolog', 'pimple/pimple', 'robmorgan/phinx', ); protected $canInstall; protected $composerPath; /** * List all enabled plugins, installed and recommend packages. * @return string */ public function index() { $this->requireAdmin(); $this->view->canWrite = is_writable(APPLICATION_PATH . 'composer.json'); $this->view->required = $this->required; $json = $this->getComposerJson(); $this->view->installedPackages = $json['require']; $this->view->suggestedPackages = $json['suggest']; $pluginInfo = new PluginInformationCollection(); $pluginInfo->add(FilesPluginInformation::newFromDir( PHPCI_DIR . "PHPCI/Plugin/" )); $pluginInfo->add(ComposerPluginInformation::buildFromYaml( PHPCI_DIR . "vendor/composer/installed.json" )); $this->view->plugins = $pluginInfo->getInstalledPlugins(); $this->layout->title = Lang::get('plugins'); return $this->view->render(); } /** * Remove a given package. */ public function remove() { $this->requireAdmin(); $package = $this->getParam('package', null); $json = $this->getComposerJson(); if (!in_array($package, $this->required)) { unset($json['require'][$package]); $this->setComposerJson($json); header('Location: ' . PHPCI_URL . 'plugin?r=' . $package); die; } header('Location: ' . PHPCI_URL); die; } /** * Install a given package. */ public function install() { $this->requireAdmin(); $package = $this->getParam('package', null); $version = $this->getParam('version', '*'); $json = $this->getComposerJson(); $json['require'][$package] = $version; $this->setComposerJson($json); header('Location: ' . PHPCI_URL . 'plugin?w=' . $package); die; } /** * Get the json-decoded contents of the composer.json file. * @return mixed */ protected function getComposerJson() { $json = file_get_contents(APPLICATION_PATH . 'composer.json'); return json_decode($json, true); } /** * Convert array to json and save composer.json * * @param $array */ protected function setComposerJson($array) { if (defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) { $json = json_encode($array, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } else { $json = json_encode($array); } file_put_contents(APPLICATION_PATH . 'composer.json', $json); } /** * Find a system binary. * @param $binary * @return null|string */ protected function findBinary($binary) { if (is_string($binary)) { $binary = array($binary); } foreach ($binary as $bin) { // Check project root directory: if (is_file(APPLICATION_PATH . $bin)) { return APPLICATION_PATH . $bin; } // Check Composer bin dir: if (is_file(APPLICATION_PATH . 'vendor/bin/' . $bin)) { return APPLICATION_PATH . 'vendor/bin/' . $bin; } // Use "which" $which = trim(shell_exec('which ' . $bin)); if (!empty($which)) { return $which; } } return null; } /** * Perform a search on packagist.org. */ public function packagistSearch() { $searchQuery = $this->getParam('q', ''); $http = new \b8\HttpClient(); $http->setHeaders(array('User-Agent: PHPCI/1.0 (+https://www.phptesting.org)')); $res = $http->get('https://packagist.org/search.json', array('q' => $searchQuery)); die(json_encode($res['body'])); } /** * Look up available versions of a given package on packagist.org */ public function packagistVersions() { $name = $this->getParam('p', ''); $http = new \b8\HttpClient(); $http->setHeaders(array('User-Agent: PHPCI/1.0 (+https://www.phptesting.org)')); $res = $http->get('https://packagist.org/packages/'.$name.'.json'); die(json_encode($res['body'])); } }