* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Console */ class PollCommand extends Command { /** * @var \Monolog\Logger */ protected $logger; public function __construct(Logger $logger, $name = null) { parent::__construct($name); $this->logger = $logger; } protected function configure() { $this ->setName('phpci:poll-github') ->setDescription('Poll github to check if we need to start a build.'); } /** * Pulls all pending builds from the database and runs them. */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $parser = new Parser(); $yaml = file_get_contents(APPLICATION_PATH . 'PHPCI/config.yml'); $this->settings = $parser->parse($yaml); $token = $this->settings['phpci']['github']['token']; if (!$token) { $this->logger->error("No github token found"); exit(); } $buildStore = Factory::getStore('Build'); $this->logger->addInfo("Finding projects to poll"); $projectStore = Factory::getStore('Project'); $result = $projectStore->getWhere(); $this->logger->addInfo(sprintf("Found %d projects", count($result['items']))); foreach ($result['items'] as $project) { $http = new HttpClient('https://api.github.com'); $commits = $http->get('/repos/' . $project->getReference() . '/commits', array('access_token' => $token)); $last_commit = $commits['body'][0]['sha']; $last_committer = $commits['body'][0]['commit']['committer']['email']; $message = $commits['body'][0]['commit']['message']; $this->logger->info("Last commit to github for " . $project->getTitle() . " is " . $last_commit); if ($project->getLastCommit() != $last_commit && $last_commit != "") { $this->logger->info( "Last commit is different from database, adding new build for " . $project->getTitle() ); $build = new Build(); $build->setProjectId($project->getId()); $build->setCommitId($last_commit); $build->setStatus(Build::STATUS_NEW); $build->setBranch($project->getBranch()); $build->setCreated(new \DateTime()); $build->setCommitMessage($message); if (!empty($last_committer)) { $build->setCommitterEmail($last_committer); } $buildStore->save($build); $project->setLastCommit($last_commit); $projectStore->save($project); } } $this->logger->addInfo("Finished processing builds"); } }