* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Plugins */ class PhpCodeSniffer implements PHPCI\Plugin, PHPCI\ZeroConfigPlugin { /** * @var \PHPCI\Builder */ protected $phpci; /** * @var array */ protected $suffixes; /** * @var string */ protected $directory; /** * @var string */ protected $standard; /** * @var string */ protected $tab_width; /** * @var string */ protected $encoding; /** * @var int */ protected $allowed_errors; /** * @var int */ protected $allowed_warnings; /** * @var string, based on the assumption the root may not hold the code to be * tested, exteds the base path */ protected $path; /** * @var array - paths to ignore */ protected $ignore; public static function canExecute($stage, Builder $builder, Build $build) { if ($stage == 'test') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param \PHPCI\Builder $phpci * @param \PHPCI\Model\Build $build * @param array $options */ public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array()) { $this->phpci = $phpci; $this->build = $build; $this->suffixes = array('php'); $this->directory = $phpci->buildPath; $this->standard = 'PSR2'; $this->tab_width = ''; $this->encoding = ''; $this->path = ''; $this->ignore = $this->phpci->ignore; $this->allowed_warnings = 0; $this->allowed_errors = 0; if (isset($options['zero_config']) && $options['zero_config']) { $this->allowed_warnings = -1; $this->allowed_errors = -1; } if (isset($options['suffixes'])) { $this->suffixes = (array)$options['suffixes']; } if (!empty($options['tab_width'])) { $this->tab_width = ' --tab-width='.$options['tab_width']; } if (!empty($options['encoding'])) { $this->encoding = ' --encoding=' . $options['encoding']; } $this->setOptions($options); } protected function setOptions($options) { foreach (array('directory', 'standard', 'path', 'ignore', 'allowed_warnings', 'allowed_errors') as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $options)) { $this->{$key} = $options[$key]; } } } /** * Runs PHP Code Sniffer in a specified directory, to a specified standard. */ public function execute() { list($ignore, $standard, $suffixes) = $this->getFlags(); $phpcs = $this->phpci->findBinary('phpcs'); if (!$phpcs) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find phpcs.'); return false; } $this->phpci->logExecOutput(false); $cmd = $phpcs . ' --report=json %s %s %s %s %s "%s"'; $this->phpci->executeCommand( $cmd, $standard, $suffixes, $ignore, $this->tab_width, $this->encoding, $this->phpci->buildPath . $this->path ); $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput(); list($errors, $warnings, $data) = $this->processReport($output); $this->phpci->logExecOutput(true); $success = true; $this->build->storeMeta('phpcs-warnings', $warnings); $this->build->storeMeta('phpcs-errors', $errors); $this->build->storeMeta('phpcs-data', $data); if ($this->allowed_warnings != -1 && $warnings > $this->allowed_warnings) { $success = false; } if ($this->allowed_errors != -1 && $errors > $this->allowed_errors) { $success = false; } return $success; } protected function getFlags() { $ignore = ''; if (count($this->ignore)) { $ignore = ' --ignore=' . implode(',', $this->ignore); } if (strpos($this->standard, '/') !== false) { $standard = ' --standard='.$this->directory.$this->standard; } else { $standard = ' --standard='.$this->standard; } $suffixes = ''; if (count($this->suffixes)) { $suffixes = ' --extensions=' . implode(',', $this->suffixes); } return array($ignore, $standard, $suffixes); } protected function processReport($output) { $data = json_decode(trim($output), true); if (!is_array($data)) { $this->phpci->log($output); throw new \Exception('Could not process PHPCS report JSON.'); } $errors = $data['totals']['errors']; $warnings = $data['totals']['warnings']; $rtn = array(); foreach ($data['files'] as $fileName => $file) { $fileName = str_replace($this->phpci->buildPath, '', $fileName); foreach ($file['messages'] as $message) { $rtn[] = array( 'file' => $fileName, 'line' => $message['line'], 'type' => $message['type'], 'message' => $message['message'], ); } } return array($errors, $warnings, $rtn); } }