* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Plugins */ class SlackNotify implements \PHPCI\Plugin { private $webHook; private $room; private $username; private $message; private $icon; /** * Set up the plugin, configure options, etc. * @param Builder $phpci * @param Build $build * @param array $options * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array()) { $this->phpci = $phpci; $this->build = $build; if (is_array($options) && isset($options['webhook_url'])) { $this->webHook = trim($options['webhook_url']); if (isset($options['message'])) { $this->message = $options['message']; } else { $this->message = '<%PROJECT_URI%|%PROJECT_TITLE%> - <%BUILD_URI%|Build #%BUILD%> has finished '; $this->message .= 'for commit <%COMMIT_URI%|%SHORT_COMMIT% (%COMMIT_EMAIL%)> '; $this->message .= 'on branch <%BRANCH_URI%|%BRANCH%>'; } if (isset($options['room'])) { $this->room = $options['room']; } else { $this->room = '#phpci'; } if (isset($options['username'])) { $this->username = $options['username']; } else { $this->username = 'PHPCI'; } if (isset($options['icon'])) { $this->icon = $options['icon']; } } else { throw new \Exception('Please define the webhook_url for slack_notify plugin!'); } } /** * Run the Slack plugin. * @return bool */ public function execute() { $message = $this->phpci->interpolate($this->message); $successfulBuild = $this->build->isSuccessful(); if ($successfulBuild) { $status = 'Success'; $color = 'good'; } else { $status = 'Failed'; $color = 'danger'; } // Build up the attachment data $attachment = new \Maknz\Slack\Attachment(array( 'fallback' => $message, 'pretext' => $message, 'color' => $color, 'fields' => array( new \Maknz\Slack\AttachmentField(array( 'title' => 'Status', 'value' => $status, 'short' => false )) ) )); $client = new \Maknz\Slack\Client($this->webHook); $message = $client->createMessage(); if (!empty($this->room)) { $message->setChannel($this->room); } if (!empty($this->username)) { $message->setUsername($this->username); } if (!empty($this->icon)) { $message->setIcon($this->icon); } $message->attach($attachment); $success = true; $message->send(''); return $success; } }