* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Plugins */ class Behat implements \PHPCI\Plugin { protected $phpci; protected $build; protected $features; /** * Standard Constructor * * $options['directory'] Output Directory. Default: %BUILDPATH% * $options['filename'] Phar Filename. Default: build.phar * $options['regexp'] Regular Expression Filename Capture. Default: /\.php$/ * $options['stub'] Stub Content. No Default Value * * @param Builder $phpci * @param Build $build * @param array $options */ public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array()) { $this->phpci = $phpci; $this->build = $build; $this->features = ''; if (isset($options['executable'])) { $this->executable = $options['executable']; } else { $this->executable = $this->phpci->findBinary('behat'); } if (!empty($options['features'])) { $this->features = $options['features']; } } /** * Runs Behat tests. */ public function execute() { $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->phpci->buildPath); $behat = $this->executable; if (!$behat) { $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'behat')); return false; } $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($behat . ' %s', $this->features); chdir($curdir); list($errorCount, $data) = $this->parseBehatOutput(); $this->build->storeMeta('behat-warnings', $errorCount); $this->build->storeMeta('behat-data', $data); return $success; } /** * Parse the behat output and return details on failures * * @return array */ public function parseBehatOutput() { $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput(); $parts = explode('---', $output); if (count($parts) <= 1) { return array(0, array()); } $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $parts[1]); $storeFailures = false; $data = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == 'Failed scenarios:') { $storeFailures = true; continue; } if (strpos($line, ':') === false) { $storeFailures = false; } if ($storeFailures) { $lineParts = explode(':', $line); $data[] = array( 'file' => $lineParts[0], 'line' => $lineParts[1] ); $this->build->reportError($this->phpci, $lineParts[0], $lineParts[1], 'Behat scenario failed.'); } } $errorCount = count($data); return array($errorCount, $data); } }