* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Web */ class HomeController extends \PHPCI\Controller { /** * @var \b8\Store\BuildStore */ protected $buildStore; /** * @var \b8\Store\ProjectStore */ protected $projectStore; /** * Initialise the controller, set up stores and services. */ public function init() { $this->buildStore = b8\Store\Factory::getStore('Build'); $this->projectStore = b8\Store\Factory::getStore('Project'); } /** * Display PHPCI dashboard: */ public function index() { $this->layout->title = 'Dashboard'; $projects = $this->projectStore->getWhere(array(), 50, 0, array(), array('title' => 'ASC')); $builds = $this->buildStore->getLatestBuilds(null, 10); foreach ($builds as &$build) { $build = BuildFactory::getBuild($build); } $this->view->builds = $builds; $this->view->projects = $projects['items']; $this->view->summary = $this->getSummaryHtml($projects); return $this->view->render(); } /** * AJAX get latest builds table (HTML) */ public function latest() { die($this->getLatestBuildsHtml()); } /** * Ajax request for the project overview section of the dashboard. */ public function summary() { $projects = $this->projectStore->getWhere(array(), 50, 0, array(), array('title' => 'ASC')); die($this->getSummaryHtml($projects)); } /** * Generate the HTML for the project overview section of the dashboard. * @param $projects * @return string */ protected function getSummaryHtml($projects) { $summaryBuilds = array(); $successes = array(); $failures = array(); foreach ($projects['items'] as $project) { $summaryBuilds[$project->getId()] = $this->buildStore->getLatestBuilds($project->getId()); $success = $this->buildStore->getLastBuildByStatus($project->getId(), Build::STATUS_SUCCESS); $failure = $this->buildStore->getLastBuildByStatus($project->getId(), Build::STATUS_FAILED); $successes[$project->getId()] = $success; $failures[$project->getId()] = $failure; } $summaryView = new b8\View('SummaryTable'); $summaryView->projects = $projects['items']; $summaryView->builds = $summaryBuilds; $summaryView->successful = $successes; $summaryView->failed = $failures; return $summaryView->render(); } /** * Get latest builds and render as a table. */ protected function getLatestBuildsHtml() { $builds = $this->buildStore->getWhere(array(), 5, 0, array(), array('id' => 'DESC')); $view = new b8\View('BuildsTable'); foreach ($builds['items'] as &$build) { $build = BuildFactory::getBuild($build); } $view->builds = $builds['items']; return $view->render(); } }