PHPCI ===== PHPCI is a free and open source continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP. We've built it with simplicity in mind, so whilst it doesn't do *everything* Jenkins can do, it is a breeze to set up and use. **Current Build Status** [![Build Status](]( ##What it does: * Clones your project from Github, Bitbucket or a local path * Allows you to set up and tear down test databases. * Installs your project's Composer dependencies. * Runs through any combination of the [supported plugins]( * You can mark directories for the plugins to ignore. * You can mark certain plugins as being allowed to fail (but still run.) ##What it doesn't do (yet): * Virtualised testing. * Multiple PHP-version tests. * Multiple testing workers. * Install PEAR or PECL extensions. * Deployments. ## Getting Started: We've got documentation on our wiki on [installing PHPCI]( and [adding support for PHPCI to your projects]( ##Contributing Contributions from others would be very much appreciated! Please read our [guide to contributing]( for more information on how to get involved. ##Questions? Your best place to go is the [mailing list](!forum/php-ci), if you're already a member of the mailing list, you can simply email