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ID Project Branch Status
getType(), array('github', 'gitlab', 'bitbucket'))): ?>


To automatically build this project when new commits are pushed, add the URL below getType()) { case 'github': $url = PHPCI_URL . 'webhook/github/' . $project->getId(); print ' as a new "Webhook" in the Webhooks and Services section of your Github repository.

' . $url . ''; break; case 'gitlab': $url = PHPCI_URL. 'webhook/gitlab/' . $project->getId(); print ' as a "WebHook URL" in the Web Hooks section of your Gitlab repository.

' . $url . ''; break; case 'bitbucket': $url = PHPCI_URL . 'webhook/bitbucket/' . $project->getId(); print ' as a "POST" service in the Services section of your Bitbucket repository.

' . $url . ''; break; } ?>
getSshPublicKey()): ?>
getSshPublicKey(); ?>
'; ?>