* @package PHPCI * @subpackage Web */ class ProjectController extends \PHPCI\Controller { public function init() { $this->_buildStore = Store\Factory::getStore('Build'); $this->_projectStore = Store\Factory::getStore('Project'); } /** * View a specific project. */ public function view($projectId) { $project = $this->_projectStore->getById($projectId); $page = $this->getParam('p', 1); $builds = $this->getLatestBuildsHtml($projectId, (($page - 1) * 10)); $this->view->builds = $builds[0]; $this->view->total = $builds[1]; $this->view->project = $project; $this->view->page = $page; return $this->view->render(); } /** * Create a new pending build for a project. */ public function build($projectId) { $build = new Build(); $build->setProjectId($projectId); $build->setCommitId('Manual'); $build->setStatus(0); $build->setBranch('master'); $build->setCreated(new \DateTime()); $build = $this->_buildStore->save($build); header('Location: '.PHPCI_URL.'build/view/' . $build->getId()); exit; } /** * Delete a project. */ public function delete($projectId) { if (!$_SESSION['user']->getIsAdmin()) { throw new \Exception('You do not have permission to do that.'); } $project = $this->_projectStore->getById($projectId); $this->_projectStore->delete($project); header('Location: '.PHPCI_URL); exit; } /** * AJAX get latest builds. */ public function builds($projectId) { $builds = $this->getLatestBuildsHtml($projectId); die($builds[0]); } /** * Render latest builds for project as HTML table. */ protected function getLatestBuildsHtml($projectId, $start = 0) { $criteria = array('project_id' => $projectId); $order = array('id' => 'DESC'); $builds = $this->_buildStore->getWhere($criteria, 10, $start, array(), $order); $view = new b8\View('BuildsTable'); $view->builds = $builds['items']; return array($view->render(), $builds['count']); } /** * Add a new project. Handles both the form, and processing. */ public function add() { if (!$_SESSION['user']->getIsAdmin()) { throw new \Exception('You do not have permission to do that.'); } $method = $this->request->getMethod(); $this->handleGithubResponse(); if ($method == 'POST') { $values = $this->getParams(); $pub = null; } else { $tempPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/'; // FastCGI fix for Windows machines, where temp path is not available to // PHP, and defaults to the unwritable system directory. If the temp // path is pointing to the system directory, shift to the 'TEMP' // sub-folder, which should also exist, but actually be writable. if ($tempPath == getenv("SystemRoot") . '/') { $tempPath = getenv("SystemRoot") . '/TEMP/'; } $keyFile = $tempPath . md5(microtime(true)); if (!is_dir($tempPath)) { mkdir($tempPath); } shell_exec('ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 2048 -f '.$keyFile.' -N "" -C "deploy@phpci"'); $pub = file_get_contents($keyFile . '.pub'); $prv = file_get_contents($keyFile); $values = array('key' => $prv, 'pubkey' => $pub, 'token' => $_SESSION['github_token']); } $form = $this->projectForm($values); if ($method != 'POST' || ($method == 'POST' && !$form->validate())) { $view = new b8\View('ProjectForm'); $view->type = 'add'; $view->project = null; $view->form = $form; $view->key = $pub; $view->token = $_SESSION['github_token']; return $view->render(); } $values = $form->getValues(); $values['git_key'] = $values['key']; $project = new Project(); $project->setValues($values); $project = $this->_projectStore->save($project); header('Location: '.PHPCI_URL.'project/view/' . $project->getId()); die; } /** * Handles log in with Github */ protected function handleGithubResponse() { $github = \b8\Registry::getInstance()->get('github_app'); $code = $this->getParam('code', null); if (!is_null($code)) { $http = new \b8\HttpClient(); $url = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token'; $params = array('client_id' => $github['id'], 'client_secret' => $github['secret'], 'code' => $code); $resp = $http->post($url, $params); if ($resp['success']) { parse_str($resp['body'], $resp); $_SESSION['github_token'] = $resp['access_token']; header('Location: '.PHPCI_URL.'project/add'); die; } } if (!isset($_SESSION['github_token'])) { $_SESSION['github_token'] = null; } } /** * Edit a project. Handles both the form and processing. */ public function edit($projectId) { if (!$_SESSION['user']->getIsAdmin()) { throw new \Exception('You do not have permission to do that.'); } $method = $this->request->getMethod(); $project = $this->_projectStore->getById($projectId); if ($method == 'POST') { $values = $this->getParams(); } else { $values = $project->getDataArray(); $values['key'] = $values['git_key']; } $form = $this->projectForm($values, 'edit/' . $projectId); if ($method != 'POST' || ($method == 'POST' && !$form->validate())) { $view = new b8\View('ProjectForm'); $view->type = 'edit'; $view->project = $project; $view->form = $form; $view->key = null; return $view->render(); } $values = $form->getValues(); $values['git_key'] = $values['key']; $project->setValues($values); $project = $this->_projectStore->save($project); header('Location: '.PHPCI_URL.'project/view/' . $project->getId()); die; } /** * Create add / edit project form. */ protected function projectForm($values, $type = 'add') { $form = new Form(); $form->setMethod('POST'); $form->setAction(PHPCI_URL.'project/' . $type); $form->addField(new Form\Element\Csrf('csrf')); $form->addField(new Form\Element\Hidden('token')); $form->addField(new Form\Element\Hidden('pubkey')); $options = array( 'choose' => 'Select repository type...', 'github' => 'Github', 'bitbucket' => 'Bitbucket', 'remote' => 'Remote URL', 'local' => 'Local Path' ); $field = new Form\Element\Select('type'); $field->setRequired(true); $field->setPattern('^(github|bitbucket|remote|local)'); $field->setOptions($options); $field->setLabel('Where is your project hosted?'); $field->setClass('span4'); $form->addField($field); if (isset($_SESSION['github_token'])) { $field = new Form\Element\Select('github'); $field->setLabel('Choose a Github repository:'); $field->setClass('span4'); $field->setOptions($this->getGithubRepositories()); $form->addField($field); } $referenceValidator = function ($val) use ($values) { $type = $values['type']; switch($type) { case 'remote': if (!preg_match('/^(git|https?):\/\//', $val)) { throw new \Exception('Repository URL must be start with git://, http:// or https://.'); } break; case 'local': if (!is_dir($val)) { throw new \Exception('The path you specified does not exist.'); } break; case 'github': case 'bitbucket': if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/', $val)) { throw new \Exception('Repository name must be in the format "owner/repo".'); } break; } return true; }; $field = new Form\Element\Text('reference'); $field->setRequired(true); $field->setValidator($referenceValidator); $field->setLabel('Repository Name / URL (Remote) or Path (Local)'); $field->setClass('span4'); $form->addField($field); $field = new Form\Element\Text('title'); $field->setRequired(true); $field->setLabel('Project Title'); $field->setClass('span4'); $form->addField($field); $field = new Form\Element\TextArea('key'); $field->setRequired(false); $field->setLabel('Private key to use to access repository (leave blank for local and/or anonymous remotes)'); $field->setClass('span7'); $field->setRows(6); $form->addField($field); $field = new Form\Element\Submit(); $field->setValue('Save Project'); $field->setClass('btn-success'); $form->addField($field); $form->setValues($values); return $form; } /** * Get an array of repositories from Github's API. */ protected function getGithubRepositories() { $http = new \b8\HttpClient(); $url = 'https://api.github.com/user/repos'; $res = $http->get($url, array('type' => 'all', 'access_token' => $_SESSION['github_token'])); $rtn = array(); $rtn['choose'] = 'Select a repository...'; if ($res['success']) { foreach ($res['body'] as $repo) { $rtn[$repo['full_name']] = $repo['full_name']; } } return $rtn; } }